US Navy K-9 Handlers
Da Nang & 
Cam Rahn Bay,



Handlers in RED were KIA
Handlers in GREEN are those currently located
Handlers in Grey have passed away
Handlers followed with a "++" trained and brought their dogs from Lackland
Handlers preceded by a "* * " are members of the VDHA
Men marked with grey background were Officers, Petty Officers, and others attached to the Unit, but did not handle a dog.

Name Dog's Name Tattoo Start End
Adkins, LtJG
Akins, Barry Brandy 99x1
Attwood, T. R. Jet 90x5
Barger, Charles A. ++ Wolf 72x1
Benhke, J. A. Teddy 98x3
Birch, Paul Erich 81x2
Bouchey, David Sam 92x7
Brady, M. B. Storm 96x1
Brandley, R. P. Timber 8a92
Bunting, Wiley K. Ringo 94x0
Butterbaugh, John A. ++ Ajax / Teddy m971 / 98x3
Byrd, J. M. Hurk 016m
Cagis, LtJG
* * Calvert
Campbell, Steve T. ++ Teddy 97x7
Cantwell, Billy D. Storm 98x5
Carmen, Herbert S. ++ Shannon / Ringo 93x7 / 94x0
Carter, Merle Kieth ++
KIA Oct 27, '67
Duke 39x8
Castleberry, Mike A. Kahn 8a28
Chapman, Bub
* * Collums, Cecil  Fritz 79x3
Conley Jr., John W. ++ Prince 70x1
Cornelius, Wayne T. Duke 39x8
Crissup, D. D. Jet 90x5
* * Crook, Zen  Chief 95x8
Cummins, Larry
* * Curtiss, Gary J. ++ Erich 81x2


Name Dog's Name Tattoo Start End
Devitch, Rudy ++ Patches m808
Dodds, Dewey A. Happy m717 12/67 12/68
Doodigian, Dale D. Wolf / So-Frank 72x1 / 044m
Draper, Roger Rex 73x5
Duff, Howard Russian 92m4
* * Duran, Michael Teddy 79x7
Durrant, Richard
* * Dvorak, Wayne  Storm 96x1
Eisenman, J. L. Jerry 94x9
Ericksen, J. L. Dirk M528
Evans, Gary W. ++ Teddy 79x7
Farnsworth, Leo F. ++ Hurk 015m
* * Fish, Roy (USMC Russian 92m4
Flowers, Donald Wolf 72x1
Fritz, Gary W.  ++ Timber 98x1
Gibbons, Lester E. ++ Duke 89x7
Griggs, William A.  ++
           Passed Away
Rommel 95x2
Gumm, Robert M. ++ Rebel 78x4
Gusman, G. R. Kahn 8a28
Hagan, GMG2
Hallford, Jack Patches m808
* * Hamm, G. J. ++ Jerry 94x9
* * Hanwell, Stevan Ricky 97x5
Harris So-Frank 044m
Hart, George L.  ++ Teddy 98x3
Hastings, GMG2
* * Heitsman, Gerry Prince 70x1
* * Hennessey, J. T. Teddy 97x7
Horne, C. C. Timber 8a92
Huckins, Clint, GMG2 Teddy 98x3
Hutchinson, Robert Jet 90x5


Name Dog's Name Tattoo Start End
Jackson, Ken Major 95x5
Jarnovan, Del GMG1
Kalbus, Gilbert C. ++ Bruno 81x3
Killingsworth, T. L. Dirk m528
* * King, Richard W.
VDHA Navy Unit Director
Erich / Rebel 81x2 / 78x4 2/68 9/69
Kittle, R. L. Dirk m528
Kovacevich, J. F. Kahn 8a28
MacDonald, J. W. Jet 90x5
Mahoney, William D. Otto 94x3 3/68 10/69
Martinez, M. P. Teddy 97x7
Mason, LtJG
* * Massey, David E. ++ Chief / Storm 95x8 / 98x4
McClure, Doug  ++ Baron 1k67
McNulty, GMG2
McRae, Leo  ++ Bear 754m
Mitchell Ricky 97x5
Mittman, James W. ++ Storm 98x4
Molleasu, Garry B. ++ Brandy 99x1
Morgan, Harold E.  ++ Rex 73x5
Morrison, Glenn Milton   ++ Otto 94x3
* * Murphy, John  ++ Jet 90x5
* * Murray, E. Dern Bruno 81x3
Name Dog's Name Tattoo Start End
Obertence, M. F. Teddy 79x7
* * Ort, Vernon E.  ++ So-Frank 044m 12/67 12/68
Oscarson, R. B. Jet 90x5
Pearson, Terry A. ++ Storm 96x1
Peters, Myron B. Jerry / Ringo 94x9 / 94x0
* * Peterson, Harry B. Brandy 99x1
Peterson, M. A. Happy m717
* * Pottinger, C. M. Happy / Timber m717 / 8a92
* * Prest, Richard C. ++ King 76x7
Rambo, E. L. Happy / Ringo m717 / 94x0
Robbins, John B.  ++ Panzer 81x5
Roberts, J. W. Teddy 98x3
Robinson, C. J. Storm 98x4
Rodgers, Wendell B. Happy m717
Sayadoff Jr., Daniel J. Storm 96x1
Scheefer, William G.  ++ Falk 95x7
Schockly, Carl
Seale, Joseph L.  ++ Sam 92x7
Sheldon, William C.
KIA May 5, 1968
Rex 73x5
Shepherd, Bill Chief 95x8
Snider, Louie, O. King 76x7
Spellman, Daniel L.  ++ Major 95x5
Stanke, Thomas J.  ++ Fritz 79x3
Stearns, Bruce Russian 92m4
Stumpff, C. L. Dirk m528
Swann, James Duke 89x7


Name Dog's Name Tattoo Start End
Tarvested, T. L. Hurk 016m
Taylor, Robert E.  ++ Rolf 72x6
Teedford, C Happy m717
Thompson, Stephen D.  ++ Ringo 94x0
Tolliver, Kelly K., CPO  ++ Russian 92m4
* * Toomey, Doug Panzer 81x5
Tucker, David Rex 73x5
Villanti, Joseph
Wasuta, S. Z. Dirk / Jerry m528 / 94x9
Williams, CPO
* * Wendler, Robert Otto 94x3
Young, James Rebel 78x4
Zuniga, Andrew C. Patches / Teddy m808 / 97x7


.     The Site Map
.     The Kennel


Background J. Tim Hennesssey