Chance-Vought XF-5U-1

Chance-Vought XF-5U-1

Chance-Vought wanted to develop a highspeed fighter-bomber that could operate out of small aircraft
carriers and stay in the air for several hours. In 1938, they began to design the V-173 experimental
aircraft and after its first flight in november 23, 1942, it showed the extremely low stall speed
of 65km/h and excellent maneuverability. It had an oval combined fuselage/wing, two 80PS engines
and a fixed landing gear. Based on the success of the V-173, the Navy ordered two XF5U-1 prototypes in 1944.
The airframes were completed in August, 1945. An interesting innovation was the use of metalite
for the skin, a sandwich of balsa between two layers of aluminum. Unfortunately, it wasn't until 1947
that the special articulated propellers were delivered. Plans to flight test the F5U's
were cancelled in 1948, the Navy had lost interest in piston-engined fighters.

My comment:
The development of the F-5U and its concept was much too slow for World War II, but several navies
with small aircraft carriers would have found a perfect plane for their naval purposes in the F-5U
in the 40īs and 50īs. Look at the VTOL projects of the U.S. Navy in the 1950īs: The Convair XFY-1 and the
Lockheed XFV-1 were able to start vertically, but only without the necessary amounts of ammonition and fuel.
They needed more than 5000PS! In the ASW-role (Anti submarine warfare) they were completely useless.
Later, helicopters provided air support in this role.
Now compare this with the potential of the F-5U; STOL from escort carriers and modified freighters,
several hours of patrol at low speed with one torpedo or some depth charges, rockets, ASV-radar and cannons!
It would have entered service in the late 1940īs and served well for at least 10 or fifteen years.

Chance-Vought XF-5U-1 U.S. STOL fighter-bomber
Wing span: 9,9m
Length: 8,7m
Height: 5,1m
Empty: 5.950kg
Take-Off: 8.520kg
Maximum Speed: estimated 740km/h
Service Ceiling: estimated 11.300m
Normal Range: estimated at least 1600km
two 1.350PS Pratt & Whitney R-2000-7 radials
six 20mm guns, two 1.000lbs bombs

three-side view of the XF-5U-1

rear side photo shot

three-side view of the V-173

"a link"

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