Angelic Prophecies on the Apocalypse

Christ Returns

Many years ago I was inspired by these words of Albert Einstein: "The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe is as good as dead; his eyes are closed. The insight into the mystery of life, coupled though it be with fear, has also given rise to religion. To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty, which our dull faculties can comprehend only in their most primitive forms - this knowledge, this feeling is at the center of all religiousness."

My own spiritual journey into the mysterious began with an out-of-body experience. One night, while I lay sleeping, I felt my soul leave my physical body, which remained motionless in the bed beneath me. I sensed the presence of a spiritual being who emanated pure love. The spirit introduced himself as Jesus Christ and told me not to be frightened. I started moving towards him and melded with his spirit. Within seconds I had left the earth plane. I entered a new dimension where whatever I thought about happened instantaneously. I remember thinking that I wanted to move in a certain direction, for example, and found myself being propelled through space at the exact same time that I had the thought. I don't know how long I was out of my body because time, as we know it, did not exist in the realm that I entered. I only remember awakening in my own bed the next morning.

Several weeks later I was exposed to high frequency energies that were so intense I actually felt like my entire body was on fire. The energy had a strange affect on my conscious awareness in that it changed my perception of reality. I noticed, for example, that the walls in my living room were not really solid as they usually appeared, but were actually made of trillions of atoms that were all in motion. I came to comprehend that I was seeing the world through the eyes of the spirit, and realized that my normal eyesight provided me with a limited understanding of the world at best.

The mystical state of consciousness I was enjoying continued for several minutes undisturbed. Then, all of the sudden, I became cognizant of a powerful spiritual being who proceeded to envelope me in his light. I knew that I was standing in the presence of the Father who began to reveal his word to my mind. He told me that I had come into the world to fulfill a special purpose; but noted, that before this could be accomplished, I would need to be united with my Guardian Angel or Higher Self. Shortly, thereafter, I started to go through profound physiological transformations.  

The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation describes the changes that took place within my soul and physical body, during a period of about three years, as I was continually exposed to the light of the Holy Spirit. At the same time, God and his angels taught me the true meaning of The Book of Revelation. This book, which has been so misunderstood by humanity, actually describes, in symbolism, the stages of metamorphosis that occurs within the soul as it is being transformed by the energies of the Holy Spirit. Throughout The Book of Revelation, for example, reference is made to men being burned with fire. My own exposure to the fires of the spirit revealed that these high frequency energies only affect the lower aspects of the ego: they help purge the soul of negative emotions and Antichrist impulses such as the desire to overeat or shop compulsively.

John the Baptist also made reference to the fires of purification: "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire: Whose fan is in his hand, and he will thoroughly purge his floor, and gather his wheat into the garner; but he will burn up the chaff with unquenchable fire" (Matt. 3:11-12). The chaff that burns represents lower emotional energies such as fear, anger, jealousy, lust, hate, envy, etc. These negative manifestations represent the faces of the Antichrist, and are the tendencies that must be overcome before the soul can attain unification with the Higher Self.

The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation describes, in detail, the changes that I went through as I worked to attain self-mastery over the forces of evil. Now that I've traversed the higher spiritual planes, and overcome my own bestial influences, I often get asked to share the wisdom I've earned. I help as many as I can, and try to reach others through my writing. I am presently working on my second book entitled "Angelic Teachings On Myths, Legends, and Fairy Tales."  My writing is being inspired, once again, by God and his angels who are teaching me the esoteric significance of special myths and fairy tales that are intended to seed the consciousness of the Christ child. For example, when I was a small child, I was fond of the story of Cinderella who symbolizes the feminine spirit that is trapped in the underworld by the powers of darkness. In order for the female spirit to be freed from the Antichrist's influence, which the wicked Stepmother and Stepsisters embody, she must be united with a Son of God who, of course, is depicted as the Prince. Cinderella's fairy Godmother is the Higher Self who wishes to bestow the gift of love and light on the soul.

I have never regretted my decision to tread the spiritual path. I am happy to say that my efforts have led me to a state of complete peace as I am no longer chained in the dark, a victim of karmic circumstance. By choosing to put myself in the hands of the Divine Spirit I have been freed from the lower realms where the Antichrist is ever vigilant and active. I now look forward to each day, knowing that the Divine Spirit illuminates my way. You will find that your life, too, will become a reflection of truth, and will be filled with inspiration and love, as you are aligned with your Higher Self. May God and his angels shine their light upon you as you tread the path that leads to life eternal.

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