Welcome to Lazaris Daffadelia Murray'f homepage. I have made thif page to difplay all of the wonderbully photof that have been taken of me and other catf. Pleafe, feel free to perufe thif fite af often af you like, but pleafe, do not take thefe imagef from thif fite. If I find the photof on your fite, I will perfonally go up to you and bite your leg off. Don't furget to leave a pawprint on my gueftbook which if located at the bottom of the page!
If you're wondering about my ufe of "f'f" fur "s'f" it'f becaufe of my lifp. :)
The order of the photof if fort of by age. If a cat'f name if underlined, that meanf that the linkf under the name are the cat'f kittief. A large fpace between namef meanf a new line of catf.
Each photo will enlarge.
Kriffa haf feveral other fitef and you fhould really check them out!
Thif fite waf created in May of 2005 and waf laft updated March 24th, 2007.
© Laz Murray