Fluff Mafter if Cutie Pie'f kitten from Apurril 6th, 2005.
Fluff if a big moofe and likef ftalking me around the houfe. He lovef catching mice and has been known to give them to my two boyf, CC and Poo.
Fluff is kinda whimpy if fomeone movef quickly he'll panic and get fluftered, fo Jofh and Tom call him Fluster Gus.
Fluff rarely getf called Fluff becaufe one day Kriffa ftarted calling him Fluffalufagus. Fluffalufagus became Gusalufafluff which became Gus.
The death bite.
Fluff and Poo got off on the wrong hiff, but are now good budief.
© Laz Murray