(OK...I just have to say...how could you not love him? Look at him...*drools* Uh *coughs* um..excuse the mess...anyways. Looks at that face! And fangs...ok...who can not love a man with fangs? Ok anyway..back to the profile...)
Anime Show: Fushigi Yuugi
Name: Tasuki (pronounced: Tas-key)
Real Name: Shun’u Kou
Nickname: Genrou (Phantom Wolf), or my personal favorite: Fangboy
Profession: Bandit, Suzaku Seishi
Star Pattern: Crater
Birthdate: April 18
Birthplace: Kou-shuu, Taito-shi, at the base of Mount Leikaku
Age: 17
Height: 178 cm (5’10")
Family: Parents, five older sisters (Jiang, Li’an, Pa’liu, Mai, Aidou)
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Brown
Seishi Power: Speed, creating fire with the Tessen
Character: "yoku" - Wing
Location of Character: Right forearm
Family: Five older sisters (That poor poor man...)
Interests : Drinking, Cursing, and burning Tamahome (Whoohoo!)
Dislikes : Women (is this surprising?), Milk, Water
Weapons: enchanted cards transforming into everything what was written on them with "Genjitsu Shinzaro", and tessen (iron fan creating flames with "Rekka Shinen" spell)
Favorite Quotes: “Sorry ‘Home, paybacks hell.” “Hey! Want to sample the booze of this world when we’re done?” "Hip-Hooray, I'm the hero of the day", “We Suzaku No Seishi aren't smart enough to give up!" , “C’mon Chichiri! Take off that tunic of yours, spread it on the ground and just pop us over there! Then we’ll get a drink at an inn with some pretty girls! ‘Oh, sir! You’re so handsome! I’m in love with you!’ ‘I’m only a wandering traveler, no da! If you get involved with me I’ll only break your heart, no da.’ “Oh you’re so mean!’ ”
(*thump* *thud* Ow...uh...you didn't hear that...*starts mopping up the drool*)
Tasuki never hesitates to tell things like they are, though his smart mouth occasionally gets him into trouble. Tasuki is extremely open, and definitely stands up for what he believes in. He Never hesitants to spring to the defense of someone he cares about. Though rough on the surface, Tasuki has a soft heart. Tasuki is always ready with a quick comment or sly joke to cheer others up.
Tasuki enjoys drinking and fighting and has a bit of an attitude that gets him into trouble. He has a fairly foul mouth and is definetly the wise guy of the group. He tends to make a fool out of himself because of these traits. Tasuki also has an intense fear of water and never learned how to swim, which always gets him teased great by Tamahome. Death seems to hit Tasuki the hardest of the seishi, showing his true emotional side.

(I mop...and more appears...somethings wrong here...*looks back at screen...thud* Ow...I have to quit doing that...)
Tasuki claims to dislike women of all kinds, since women always get him into trouble. Tasuki's language is constantly full of some type of curse word. Tasuki is used to getting his own way, but takes his responsibilities seriously and never steps down from a duty. Though Tasuki often covers up his feelings with his smooth, sly attitude, he is also unafraid to show his true feelings to those he knows are friends.
Tasuki is a pretty snappy dresser too. Sporting earrings and beaded necklaces and medallion at all times. He tends to wear a black and blue trimmed coat for much of the series.
Tasuki's weapon is the very cool Tessen. He got it from the former leader of hte bandits and it became a symbol of leadership, passed down to Tasuki by Hakurou, who chose him to be the new leader. The incantation for the fan is Rekka Shinen (or Lekka Shinen) which means Blazing Divine Fire. The tessen spews fire and can toast its victims. (Tamahome gets toasted quite a bit in the series...on "accident" according to Tasuki (*cheers Tasuki as Tamahome gets torched again* Er um...anyways...))
Now you know Tasuki so lets go meet some of the other bishounen!
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