Terry Fox - fundamentalist crusader
Terry Fox - fundamentalist crusader
Terry Fox
This one's not Canada - The evangelical crackup"most people in Kansas don't think we came from monkeys."
"If you can cause enough doubt on evolution, liberalism will die."
"We were taken advantage of, no question."
Terry Fox
Bible bashing dying out in Kansas
New! - Terry Fox testifies
Etheredge arrested - Lessons from Wild West closure
Summit Chuch seeks to recover in bankruptcy court - Investment gone awry
Latest on bankruptcy
Summit Church - Terry Fox resigns - Notes on the departure
Financial issues involved - radio show issue - At Baptist News
Pastor (since 1996) of Immnanuel Baptist, Wichita megachurch.
Biographical info at Immanuel Baptist - a little sparse
Staff at Immanuel Baptist (Wichita)
The evolution debate is political
In the Baptist News (evolution) - On public education
In the Washington Post - At Agape Press
Fox takes a stand - Clergy ready to tackle evolution
Worldview weekend - how to find the truth.
On gay marriage - A view from Sweden