A typical "warning-sign" for people thinking about joining
any club, church or cult - is "hidden agendas". When the leaders have
secret books and secret rules - not available to the rank and file. Jehovah's Witnesses
has lots of such rules and regulations. All "elders" in the
congregations have an "Elder-manual"; the internal law-book on how to
keep the members in line, how to set up internal courts, what
"offences" does REALLY result in actions from the cult, etc.
This book is called: Pay
Attention To Yourself and To All Of The Flock. This book is ONLY available
to the "elders", and absolutely nobody else is allowed to take a
glimpse at that book. In fact, most JW's doesn't even know that it exists!!
Another example is BRANCH OFFICE PROCEDURE. This is TOP SECRET, and is supposed
to be available to the top official in each country, the
"Coordinator". These rules are changing all the time, according to
what happens in the Watchtower Society, and what happens to tax-laws etc. in
different countries.
We have shosen to go public with some parts of this manual, much to the
disproof of the Watchtower Society. This manual isn't even copyrighted, since
not even the members at the "
Chapters that we have not publisized is such as FILES AND FILING, explaining
how the JW's keep their secret files. When we know what the JW's has told the
authorities, we guess that they must hate the fact that we have those files
- since those has clear proofs that tthey do not tell the correct story to
the government and authorities. But then again, they are "allowed" to
"hide the truth from Gods enemies", which naturally includes any
government on earth. A clever way to avoid the word LYING, and we recomend all
interested to check up the definition of that word in the Jehovah's
Witnesses Bible Encyclopaedia, Aid To Bible Understanding.
Anyway. Here are the chapters we have chosen to publisize:
Chapter 1: Governing
Body and Branch Committees
Chapter 9: Legal
Chapter 15: Monthly
Reports and Correspondence to the Governing Body
Chapter 18: Printing
Chapter 19: Printing
Costs and Accounting
Chapter 23: Schools
for Theocratic Training
Chapter 24: Writing
Articles for "The Watchtower" and "Awake!"
Chapter 25: Translating
Chapter 27: Zone
Overseer Service
Chapter 28: Responsibility
of Branch Committee Members
Governing Body and Branch Committees
1. GOVERNING BODY: The Governing Body is made up of
brothers who are anointed servants of Jehovah God. They act as representatives
of the faithful and discreet slave" class which has the responsibility for
giving direction and impetus to the Kingdom work. (Matt. 24:45) While the
Governing Body delegates certain details or responsibilities to committees made
up of its own members, or committees made up of other dedicated servants of
God, or to instruments such as corporations and legal agencies, it always takes
the lead for the smooth functioning of the organization and the unity of all of
God's people. As the Governing Body, it has the prerogative to use its
discretion and look into any matters it deems necessary to examine with regard
to the Kingdom work. To oversee various aspects of the work, committees have
been established as follows.
2. SERVICE COMMITTEE: This committee supervises all
areas of the evangelizing work, including service matters affecting
congregation organization, shepherding activity of elders and travelling
representatives who are caring for the spiritual welfare of God's people around
the earth, also all pioneer activity. .Annual reports from the branches dealing
with the field activity worldwide are examined and acknowledged by this
Committee. The monthly field service reports (S-81) and the missionary home
reports (A-24) are also considered by this Committee. Assignments of
territories to the branches are the responsibility of the Service Committee.
(Gal. 2:9) However, each branch makes its own individual territory assignments.
Difficult service-related questions and problems that come in should be
referred to and will be handled by this Committee. The Service Committee
supervises preparation of copy for Our Kingdom Ministry and cooperates
with the Writing Committee in getting final copy approved.
3. The Service Committee is responsible for calling in
4. Zone visits by members of the Governing Body, or by
others who are qualified, are arranged by the Service Committee.Acts 8:14.
5. WRITING COMMITTEE: This Committee supervises
putting the spiritual food into written and recorded form for publication and
distribution to our brothers and the public in general.
6. The publications that this Committee supervises
include the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, all bound books, booklets,
pamphlets, tracts, final copy for Our Kingdom Ministry, handbills,
Bibles, or any revisions of these. It approves the scripts for dramas, radio
recordings, slide and film programs, talk outlines and manuscripts.
7. The Writing Committee supervises the translation
work done throughout the earth.
8. PUBLISHING COMMITTEE: This Committee supervises the
printing, publishing and shipping of literature throughout the world. The
Committee takes responsibility for the oversight of the factories and
properties owned and operated by various corporations used by Jehovah's
Witnesses throughout the world, as well as the financial operations of the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and other legal agencies
used by Jehovah's Witnesses at the present time. It oversees legal, tax and
business matters in connection with publishing the good news of the Kingdom in
all parts of the earth.
9. Jehovah's Witnesses in many lands entrust their
contributions for advancing the Kingdom work to various corporations and
societies organized by Jehovah's Witnesses. Branch offices compile financial
reports in accord with the laws of the land and the policies of the theocratic
organization. These are considered by the Publishing Committee for their
information and are helpful in planning the best use of the funds available to
Jehovah's Witnesses for the worldwide Kingdom work. The various legal agencies
holding the funds may use this money for payment of invoices, reimbursements,
as well as other necessary expenditures. Should conditions in a country change
and legal agencies are no longer available to be used. other appropriate
arrangements will be made according to the conditions at that time for handling
financial operations.
10. Major real estate transactions and significant
construction projects that are proposed should be presented to the Governing
Body before action is taken. When such projects have been approved then details
will be taken care of by the corporation or corporations involved. Arrangements
for the dedication of new branch facilities will be handled by the Governing
11. Requisitions for normal purchases of printing
equipment, vehicles, typewriters and other equipment for publishing factories
and branches worldwide are approved by the coordinator and one other member of
the Publishing Committee who has been named for that service by this Committee.
Proposals for major acquisitions of machinery and other expensive equipment are
to be submitted to the Governing Body with this committee's recommendations for
approving the purchases.
12. Direction for the operations of all publishing
factories and maintenance of properties is given by the Publishing Committee
with routine matters being handled by the coordinator who should keep the
Committee informed .
13. The Publishing Committee also determines
literature prices throughout the world, taking into consideration production
and shipping costs, as well as inflationary trends.
14. Questions from branch offices relative to
publishing, shipping, financial, legal, tax and property matters are given to
the Publishing Committee for handling.
15. Copies of the branch inventory are reviewed by
this Committee. This Committee also supervises the approval of branch orders
for literature.
16. Questions and recommendations concerning
reimbursements and financial matters should be referred to this Committee.
17. The Publishing Committee supervises the properties
and the obtaining of the material needs of the
18. TEACHING COMMITTEE: This Committee's
responsibility is to supervise schools, assemblies and
19. The Committee is responsible to see that there is
a proper arrangement and time allotment for each of the congregational
meetings. This committee works in close cooperation with the Service and
Writing Committees.
20. Fields of instruction handled by this Committee
include the following: 1. Watchtower Bible School of Gilead; 2. Kingdom
Ministry School; 3. Theocratic Ministry School; 4. Bethel Entrants' School; 5.
Program at Bethel table; 6. Bethel Family meetings; 7. International
Conventions; 8. District Conventions; 9. Circuit Assemblies; 10. Special
Assembly Days; 11 Radio and TV programs; 12.
21. The Teaching Committee endeavors always to provide
the necessary instruction and arrangements for building up spiritually the
elders, publishers,
22. Branch Committees should make
their own local organisational arrangements for their circuit assemblies,
special assembly days and district conventions.
23. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE: This Committee takes oversight
of the arrangements made for the personal and spiritual assistance of members
of the
24. The Personnel Committee oversees the selection and
invitation of new members of the
25. When new members arrive at
26. All
27. It should be practical to handle most personal
problems locally in the branch, but major questions and problems can be taken
up with the Personnel Committee.
28. Copies of
29. If a member of the family desires to
leave, he should submit at least a thirty-day notice in writing to the
Branch Committee if at all possible. In this way arrangements can be made for
someone to replace him in the work assignment.
30. When any worker is transferred from one
position to another, it would be a good thing to let him know why.
Thus he will not wonder if the change is because of a failure on his part, or
if there is something on which he should try to improve.
31. CHAlRMAN'S COMMITTEE: This Committee is composed
of the current chairman of the Governing Body, the previous chairman and the
one next in line to be chairman. The current chairman will serve as the
32. The Chairman's Committee of the Governing Body
should be alert to see that the Governing Body operates smoothly and
efficiently and that there is no unnecessary overlapping of work of the various
33. Reports on major emergencies, disasters or
persecutions and any other urgent matters affecting Jehovah's Witnesses will
come immediately to this Committee and will be taken up with the Governing
34. LEGAL CORPORATIONS: The Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society of Pennsylvania is the oldest corporate agency of Jehovah's
Witnesses. It works with other legal agencies such as the Watchtower Bible and
Tract Society of New York, Inc., the International Bible Students Association,
and many others scattered throughout the earth in order to print and ship the
good news. All these agencies are subject to and work under the direction of
the "faithful and discreet slave" class and its Governing Body.
35. BRANCH COMMITTEES: Jehovah's Witnesses through
their Governing Body operate branch offices located in most of the principal
countries of the world. The Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses
approves of the recommendations for elders who will serve on
the Branch Committees for such offices. The Branch Committee has the
responsibility for the oversight of the preaching of the good news of Jehovah's
Kingdom in the territory assigned to the branch. Within this territory it also
gives the necessary supervision to the Christian congregations, missionaries,
special pioneers, pioneers, and interested ones, organizing the congregations
into circuits and districts and making recommendations to the Governing Body
for the appointment of circuit and district overseers,
36. The Governing Body gives direction to the
Branch Committees throughout the world by means of such publications
as the Watchtower and Awake! magazines, Our Kingdom Ministry, publications
outlining organizational arrangements, as well as various letters to all
branches and to individual branches answering local problems. In addition. the
booklet Dwelling Together In Unity has been provided, giving certain
basic guidelines in connection with
37. In large branches. necessary recommendations
38. The appointment as a member of the Branch
Committee or to a position of oversight in the branch organization is not for
any specified period of time. On the recommendation of the Branch Committee.
the Governing Body will be pleased to consider the recommendation. for
adjustments, or removal, or reassignment of individuals having
in mind the advancement of the Kingdom work.
39. It may be sufficient to have three members form
the Branch Committee in some branches, but in large branches where other
factors are involved, such as printing operations, extensive territories or a
variety of languages, it would seem advisable that the membership of such
a Committee be five or more, providing an opportunity for additional
elders to be familiar with the details of the work in that particular branch
area. For-example, the Branch Committee might include a factory overseer in a
large branch, someone from the Service Department, someone having to do with
Committee has a coordinator appointed by the Governing Body. He is responsible
for coordinating the daily routine of work and for handling such matters as the
Branch Committee may delegate him to care for. He is responsible to send reports
and information to the Governing Body and also to keep the local Branch
Committee informed of all communications received from the Governing Body, as
well as of any details pertaining to local corporations, property, equipment,
production, legal questions and the overall state of the Kingdom work. He
should keep a brief record of each Branch Committee meeting showing the date of
the meeting, the persons present and major points considered.
41. CHAIRMAN: Each Branch Committee has a chairman who
will serve as such in the rotation arrangement for a period of one year with
the rotation taking place January 1 each year. When the coordinator rotates
into the chairmanship, he can call upon another member of the Committee to
assist him in certain Committee matters as he finds it necessary. The chairman
is, to keep order and see that Committee decisions are carried out. He should
notify all members as to time of meetings.
42. If some individuals become unable to accept all
assignments in connection with the Branch Committee and its rotation, they may
still be retained as members of the Committee, and in this case the Committee
may wish to recommend an additional person to help out with some of the
supervisory work done by the Branch Committee. Nevertheless, the older and
experienced members will be available to give information and provide counsel,
which can be very valuable. In line with the above it is not necessary for
every individual to take the chairmanship in rotation if one does not feel that
he is in a position to serve effectively.
has the general oversight of the work in the field as well as
the work in the branch. It should make decisions on what much be done and
assign responsibility for carrying out decisions to one of its members who
should follow through, expedite the work and report to the Committee upon
completing the assignment. The Branch Committee has the liberty to call in for
consultation other elders and individuals who are able to supply the vital
statistics or facts that will help the Committee in reaching conclusions.
44. The Branch Committees are to serve as
representatives of the Governing Body in the territory to which they are
assigned following the Scriptural direction and lead given by the Governing
Body. Branch Committees are authorized to appoint congregational
overseers and ministerial servants, to establish congregations of Jehovah's
Witnesses and to appoint and assign regular and special pioneers.
45. It is not required that the entire Branch
Committee must in every case approve appointments of congregational elders and
ministerial servants. We recommend that the Branch Committee be practical in
handling such matters, especially if. certain ones are located some distance from
the branch office. The Branch Committee can decide just how to handle such
matters and who or how many of the Committee should approve of the
recommendations. It seems reasonable to have only two or three members
responsible for making appointments in many places; however if there
are any questions or special problems, they can be saved for
consideration by the whole Branch Committee. But for ordinary and routine
appointments, we do not feel that the whole Committee necessarily has to sit
and approve each one. In large branches they may wish to use certain elders in
the office to assist them in making appointments. The Committee should come to
an agreement as to how they want to handle this. This also applies to deletions
unless death or disfellowshipment are involved.
46. The Branch Committee is responsible to keep the
Governing Body informed on the process of the Kingdom work in the territory
assigned to the branch. All the members of the Committee should share in taking
the oversight of the work. Each should have his regular assignment of service
at the branch or in the field according to his circumstances.
47. Brothers given any position of oversight should
appreciate that their appointment comes from Jehovah by holy spirit through his
visible organization and that they were put in the position of oversight to
shepherd the congregation of God. The congregation does not belong to them; it
is God's congregation and they are responsible to Jehovah, the "chief
48. Those who are appointed to oversight should show
humility and pray that they may manifest the fruitage of the spirit. (Gal.
5:22, 23) They should have a disposition that will help them get along with all
people, serving their brothers humbly (John 13:14, 15) These qualities should
be developed further with the help of God's holy spirit, as overseers show
loving kindness towards all those they shepherd in the congregation of God, as
well as those outside the congregation, the "strangers."Isa. 61:5.
49. All branch volunteers should work closely with a
congregation, attending meetings regularly and sharing in the service for their
own spirituality as their health and circumstances permit. The fact that one is
on the Branch Committee does not mean that he must be given special deference
in the congregation, but he should take his part in the congregational
arrangement as anyone else would do.
50. Overseers should set an example when it comes to
the work, not taking time for personal matters or giving all of the
responsibility to others. They should be willing to work with their brothers at
any task. They should be interested in preaching and teaching
and in the organization. On the other hand, they should not think that they
must do all of the work, but they should let other people help and be trained
to take on responsibility. If an overseer in a branch organization is going to
give instructions and directions to others, he certainly should be a person who
can take instruction. He should be anxious to know what the Scriptures require
of him and what the Governing Body has directed. By being able to organize his
own daily routine of work, he shows that he can be of assistance in organizing
the activity of God's people throughout the territory. We appreciate that
members of the Branch Committee especially are given great responsibilities.
Therefore, these privileges of service must be taken seriously because the
lives of many people are involved as we endeavor to see that Jehovah's will is
carried out.Luke 12:48.
51. The Branch Committee has the responsibility
to keep the organization clean and in harmony with Jehovah's Word.
They themselves must live up to the Scriptural requirements for elders and see
that others who have oversight also measure up to such requirements. They
must be courageous in seeing to it that all unrepentant immoral
persons and evildoers are removed from the congregation of God as well as
seeing to it that only persons who qualify, that show their fitness, are
permitted to continue on as members of the Bethel family. Any who are
disfellowshipped should have their names announced to the family and be
dismissed. If some show that they are lazy, stubborn, or unchristian in their
actions they may be dismissed as
52. The branch committee coordinator as well as the
other members of the Branch Committee should be careful never to deal harshly
or unkindly with other servants in God's congregation but always to hear both
sides of the question and use the spirit of a sound mind and be mild tempered.
(Matt. 20:25-27) They should always be careful to keep confidential those
matters told them in confidence, and not to talk to their wives or others about
individuals' problems or confidential matters in the organization.
54. The Branch Committee members should always
manifest mildness and respect for one another and for the opinions of others on
the Committee as well as in the
56. The handling of the branch office and its correspondence
may vary in different branches due to the size of the organization and number
of congregations, pioneers, special pioneers, missionaries and other
representatives of the Society serving in the field.
57. Some branches have a large staff with many
assistants in the branch and discretion should be shown as to what work the
branch committee coordinator will do in harmony with the direction of the
Branch Committee. On the other hand, where the branch is small, the branch
committee coordinator should be able to handle any office work assigned to him
by the Branch Committee without difficulty and without asking others to assist.
In fact he may only have to work a few days a week in the branch office. The
rest of the time he can then spend in the house-to-house witnessing in an
assigned territory trying to build up the local congregation.
58. In small branches it ma- be the branch committee
coordinator can also be assigned to serve as district overseer at times if this
does not require him to be away from the branch very long. Or it may be that he
can share in the circuit work for a week or two out of the month to keep him in
association and in close touch with the congregations. If this is the case
another brother should be appointed as the district overseer for circuit
59. The Branch Committee arranges for circuit
overseers to visit the congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses at regular
intervals and may make adjustments in the appointment to oversight of
elders and ministerial servants. If it is found that any such no
longer qualify Scripturally, the Committee may appoint other persons to act in
such place as the holy spirit may direct.
60. The Branch Committee has authorization to
appoint special pioneers to the number approved for that territory by
the Service Committee, in consultation with the Publishing Committee. They can
appoint as regular pioneers as many persons as meet the qualifications
for such service and who are so recommended by the congregational
service committee. The Branch Committee will assign territory to congregations,
pioneers, special pioneers, missionaries and isolated publishers and should
receive regular reports from all preachers of the good news in their respective
61. The Branch Committee has the responsibility
of looking after the Society's properties, receipts and expenditures, paying
authorized bills, handling legal matters, and appearing in court when
necessary. The Branch Committee should arrange to keep such books and records
as the Governing Body and the government of the land require. All books of
record should be kept in good order and up to date for review by the zone
overseer on his periodic visits.
62. All members of the Branch Committee should set a
good example spiritually and morally for the brothers, preaching the good news
of the Kingdom publicly as opportunity affords and circumstances permit. As
with all elders, the members of the Branch Committee have the opportunity of
setting a fine example in giving public talks.
63. The Branch Committee has the special
responsibility of caring for the welfare of all of God's people in the
territory assigned and of keeping the Governing Body informed as
to the progress of the work, as to any problems or difficulties encountered,
and of making suggestions as to how to overcome them and advance the work in
harmony with God's Word. The branch office will keep in regular communication
with all of the congregations and pioneers, special pioneers, missionaries,
circuit and district overseers and other assigned representatives in the field.
At all times their concern must be for Christ's brothers and his other sheep
and for the vindication of Jehovah's sovereignty.1 Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9;
Phil. 2: 1-4, 19-21.
recommendations are sent to the Governing Body for elders to serve on the
Branch Committee or in the circuit or district work or as
65. Please inform us when any elder appointed by the
Governing Body terminates his eldership for any reason or is transferred from
one branch of service to another, or from Bethel to circuit or district work,
so we can keep an accurate and up-to-date list.
Committee decides when to hold its regular meetings, according to the needs of
the work. The Committee should not postpone giving attention to its
responsibilities or delay in providing the brothers with such information as
may be needed in order to expedite their work. It is suggested that in
large branches there can be a weekly meeting of the Branch Committee,
but special meetings may be held when problems arise. In small branches
meetings can be held less frequently, according to what may be
practical, and also depending on the location of the members of the Branch
Committee. For obvious reasons it is good if all members of the Branch
Committee can live close enough to the branch to be generally available for
such meetings. Minutes should be kept of all Branch Committee meetings .
67. The Committee should always be available for the
needs of the work. If some member is indisposed or absent, the Committee can
still function if there is a majority of the members present.
68. Committee decisions should be unanimous. If
there is a difference of opinion and no unanimous agreement,
then the matter can be referred to the Governing Body for decision.
Furthermore, if the Committee judge that a matter is of great importance, they
should not decide it themselves, but send it to the Governing Body with any observations
or recommendations they may have. It is left to the Branch Committees to give
any details they believe pertinent to the subject when they report such cases
to the Governing Body for consideration. If you wish to show the number voting
for and the number voting against a certain issue you may do so. Certainly it
would be necessary to have both sides of the question presented to the
Governing Body. We would like to know why some individuals are for and why some
individuals are against. If the chairman of the Branch Committee wishes to ask
individuals of both sides to write their opinions he can do that. Then the
chairman can send them all to
69. In view of the times in which we live and the
possibility that great difficulties may arise in some countries, if not all,
provisions should be made to try to keep the Kingdom work going, and especially
to look after the flock of God no matter what circumstances or difficulties may
arise. If a country should become isolated by war or other adverse conditions
and it is impossible, at least for a time, to have any communications with the
Governing Body, the Branch Committee will carry on in looking after the
congregations and those who are dedicated servants of Jehovah God. Especially
in a time of trouble it is important for the sheep in a flock to have spiritual
food and guidance. Encouragement should be given to them to have regular
meetings and continue worshipping Jehovah God. If conditions allow,
publications will be provided. If new publications are not available, counsel
can be given to review past publications and to study the Bible itself, not
forsaking the assembling of ourselves together even though it may be in small
groups.Heb. 10:24, 25.
70. If conditions develop to the point where any
members of the Branch Committee are taken away, those who remain should
consider the qualifications of other proven elders who have years of experience
in the work, and if there is a possibility of communication, make the
recommendation of these to take the places of those who are not able to serve.
If communications with the Governing Body are not possible, then the
replacement elders can be asked to serve temporarily, and they can be made
familiar with the functions of the branch organization and share in the
shepherding of the flock. Every effort should be made to have Committee
meetings from time to time, depending on the conditions. If any individual
member of the Branch Committee should find himself under surveillance and it is
not advisable for him to try to meet with other members of the Committee he may
be able to send word to them concerning his position. In that event, another
elder may be asked to step in temporarily to share in the activities of the
Committee. If conditions develop to the point where it is impossible to hold
meetings because of a scattering of the Committee, then each individual should
continue to do what he can to shepherd the flock, having in mind what Jesus
said at John 10:11-15, and always remembering to seek the guidance of Jehovah
God through prayer.
71. Every effort should be made to communicate with
the Governing Body if conditions will allow, and if it will not jeopardize the
interests of the work. I he Branch Committee in each land will know what the
circumstances are and will seek the guidance of Jehovah and make a decision as
to what is the best course of action at the moment. The Governing Body does
desire to receive the reports and news concerning the Christians scattered
throughout the world, but since future difficult conditions may develop, these
provisions are set forth in connection with the functioning of the Branch
72. It will be practical if communications sent to the
Governing Body can always be in English. Circumstances in some lands may
prevent this. If one who knows English is taken away, the Governing Body will
be pleased to receive communications in any language. However,
communications in English may be answered more quickly than those received in
other languages.
73. In order to expedite the handling of mail and to
give good service to the organization throughout the world, the branch offices
should write separate letters on subjects for attention by the
respective Committees. For example, if the letter is for the attention
of the Publishing Committee, please indicate this in the heading of the letter.
In this way, when the branch mail is opened it can be distributed quickly,
decisions made and answers given. If the letter is of a general nature,
however, or contains several small points to be considered by different
Committees, then it may simply be marked for attention by the Governing Body.
74. Envelopes from the branches may be addressed to
the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania, Attention: Governing
Body, 25
75. EMERGENCIES: From time to time emergency
situations arise throughout the world. Sometimes there are
violent, damaging storms, floods or strong earthquakes. At other times brothers
may be forced to flee from their homes because of war conditions or mob violence.
When these problems occur it is proper for the branch offices to communicate
with the headquarters in
76. It is hoped Branch Organization will be
most helpful to all Branch Committees. The portions which apply to other
volunteers should be made available to them so they will know how to properly
discharge their assignments of service. It would be good for each member of the
Branch Committee to read this publication through from time to
time so that he is acquainted with branch procedure and policy. All within
Jehovah's organization have to look to him and ask for the guidance of his
spirit on their overseership to have his favour and blessing on their
activities. They should recognize the instructions as they come through the
Governing Body to all divisions o, the organization. The Branch Committee
should be foremost in recognizing theocratic instructions, studying them and
applying them. If all on the Branch Committee, as well as others given
assignments of service in the
77. For the most part the things set out herein can be
followed in all parts of the world. However, in lands where there are
difficulties due to persecution or ban, then the Branch Committee may find it
necessary to modify certain procedures or practices after consulting with the
Governing Body.
1. In view of Jesus prophetic words, You will be
objects of hatred by all the nations on account of my name," we can expect
to encounter legal problems in connection with the preaching of the good news.
(Matt. 24:9) However, we also have a responsibility to direct our efforts
"in the defending and legally establishing of the good news."Phil.
2. Consequently, when legal problems arise in your
country you should keep the Governing Body fully informed. It
is best to write a separate letter about such matters. 'ending a duplicate copy
Be sure to state the facts clearly. Let us know what the complaint or charges
against the brothers may be and give us a copy of the law that they are charged
to be in violation of, translated into English.
3. It may be advisable to consult a local
lawyer, and if so, you can let us know what his opinion is and what he
has recommended. If you think you should hire a lawyer to defend the case or to
protect the Society's interests, then inquire from him what the costs involved
will be, at least giving us an estimate of such expenses together with your
recommendation. If he says it is very doubtful that the case will be won, then
we may prefer to let the matter take its course without paying legal fees that
would be to no avail in certain countries.
4. Often it is noted that a threat against the work is
preceded by newspaper propaganda against Jehovah's Witnesses or official
statements or pronouncement by government officials of a derogatory nature. If
you think a ban is impending, it may be appropriate to take steps to inform
responsible officials of our true position or seek an interview with
key officials who would be involved in deciding such a matter, so that they
know both sides o. me issue and not just the side of our opposers.
5. In informing the Governing Body of problems that
arise, be sure to give the details in an accurate and factual way. Do not give
hearsay or rumours. Explain what led up to the problem, what the brothers were
doing, what the charges were, and any pertinent facts. It may be helpful if you
state the normal court procedure and what relief may be possible if the matter
is taken to court. Say who your lawyer is and what he says his defence will be.
Be definite in your recommendation as to what you think should be done How do
you look at it from there and what would you suggest under the circumstances?
6. In some cases it may be possible to bring a civil
action against certain officials such as an injunction case to stop them from
interfering with the work if their actions have no basis in law. Do not assume
that we know the situation in your country just because you have written in the
past about similar matters. It is difficult to keep up with the legal changes
that are taking place throughout the world. You should always ask for any court
action to be delayed and try to get an adjournment to allow ample time for a
complete report to be received at
7. If an adverse decision is rendered, make an
immediate report to the Society in duplicate and specify the time limit on
taking an appeal. State the opinion of your lawyer on the advisability
of making an appeal to a higher court and his reasons for the appeal
as well as usual costs.
8. If you do not need legal advice from
9. If you think that actions taken
against the work should be publicized, you can always make
that recommendation and give us a write-up of what you would like to see
printed, making sure that all of the facts therein are fully substantiated.
10. LAWSUITS; INJUNCTIONS: We do not usually file a
lawsuit for an injunction, damages, or libel. If you recommend exceptions to
this you must have prior approval from the Governing Body. Our policy is not to
institute libel cases in court. Generally speaking, it is a waste of time and
money and it only tends to advertise the false charges made against the work.
Usually the one benefiting most in a libel suit is the lawyer because he gets
his fee, win or lose.
organization or individual puts out printed matter speaking evilly against
Jehovah's Witnesses, even if it has libellous charges in it, as a general
policy we do not retaliate or publish details about it in magazines, booklets
or handbills to answer such charges. Our basic policy is to ignore these
attacks and let them die rather than give them greater publicity. We prefer to
concentrate on the positive activity of announcing the good news of Jehovah's
of Jehovah's Witnesses throughout the whole world to keep bearing witness about
God's Kingdom. In some countries every effort will be made by opposers to stop
the work, but we have a responsibility to continue preaching the good news from
God's Word. When advisable we do it in a quiet manner. If our literature is
outlawed, then we can talk about the truth using the Bible alone. If the Bible
is outlawed, then we will have to speak from our own knowledge of the
Scriptures. It is very important, therefore, that dedicated servants of Jehovah
be thoroughly acquainted with the Word of God so that they can continue to
preach no matter what the circumstances might be right up to the end of the
system of things, if that be Jehovah's will.
13. PERSONAL DECISIONS: Often individuals in the congregations
may ask the Society's opinion on matters that actually require
personal decisions. They may ask what to do under certain circumstances
involving neutrality, marriage, divorce, employment, etc. If the person does
not know what to do from his own knowledge of the Bible, then it is wiser not
to take the responsibility from him by telling him what to do. A person's
conscience must be trained and we are not in a position to dictate to another
person's conscience. Let the Bible do the talking and let each one prove to
himself what he wants to do and what his faith is.Gal. 6:4, 5.
14. POWER OF ATTORNEY: The Society does not furnish
every branch committee coordinator with a power of attorney. This is only done
where it is actually necessary. A power of attorney is a legal document
authorizing an individual to act as a legal agent or representative of the
Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society or associate corporation in a foreign
country in legal matters, in business dealings, and in congregational or
ecclesiastical matters. Powers of attorney are issued only in cases where they
are required to conduct the Society's business or where it is necessary to
register the Society or to obtain a legal recognition in a foreign country.
15. The law in some countries requires that anyone
holding a power of attorney must register with the government immediately. If
that is the case it should be done. We do not want to incur fines for not
complying with the registration laws when a power of attorney is issued. So it
is a good thing for branch committee coordinators to check on legal
requirements as to handling a power of attorney including any limitations on
length of validity.
16. Additionally there may be other laws in your
country that must be complied with when d person does business for a
corporation whether organized locally or in another country. If you are not
sure that you are operating legally, you can consult a lawyer and find out what
the requirements are. In many countries it is not necessary to register or to
have a power of attorney unless the Society purchases property in the name of
17. In times of emergency or war Branch Committee
members should familiarize themselves with all decrees affecting every feature
of the work and the operation of the Society. It is the responsibility of each
Branch Committee to watch carefully so that the work will be protected and the
brothers are given whatever direction is necessary. Be alert as to what is
going on in your country and keep the Governing Body informed. You should know
the laws of the territory that you have jurisdiction over, especially as they
pertain to the evangelizing work of Jehovah's Witnesses and the business of the
Society in your country.
18. REGISTRATION: In many countries registration is
not required due to the religious and educational nature of our work. In other
places there is an advantage to register the work with the government
as it facilitates bringing in missionaries, arranging for assemblies, importing
literature, obtaining tax benefits on property as a religious organization,
etc. This is something that can be checked into locally to see what is required
and also what the benefits or possible disadvantages might be. If you feel the
work should be registered in your country and it has not been, then you may
write the pertinent details and your recommendation to the Publishing
1. Every month each branch committee coordinator
will send certain reports to the Governing Body. They should be mailed no later
than the 20th of each month and preferably sooner if the mail service in your
country permits you to receive field reports in time to finalize them at an
earlier date.
2. Each branch office should have a pending
file for things to be mailed to
3. If airmail service out of your country is limited
and governed by certain flights, then you may do well to keep a schedule in
your office of airmail closing times so your letter will be on the plane
leaving the country for
4. Branches should make a practice of sending a
numbered covering letter with the reports for each month and for the year. This
letter should itemize enclosures and be numbered so we can tell if we get all
of the correspondence from your office.
5. The letters from the
6. letters dealing with shipping, translated copy,
subscriptions and other matters that do not necessarily pertain to the
Governing Body even though sent to the
7. No branch correspondence should be sent to the
Governing Body or another branch unless it has been seen by the branch
committee coordinator or his substitute (when he is absent) so that he will
know the details on outgoing correspondence. Of course private correspondence
from any individual does not go through the coordinator.
8. Cablegrams need not be numbered,
but it is good to send a follow-up numbered letter to make sure the information
is received in due time. It is preferred that branches plan ahead and handle
matters by correspondence, but we appreciate that this is not always possible.
9. Interbranch memos should not be
numbered except for memos accompanying subscriptions. They may be used for
small notes or items that are of lesser importance. If the branch wants to be
sure that certain material is received they can ask that the duplicate copy be
returned to the branch, just as we do with interbranch memos for subscriptions.
Branches sometimes follow this system in making sure remittances sent to other
branches are received. These can either be conveyed by numbered letter or by
interbranch memo in duplicate, because the branch sending the funds wants to be
sure to have some check that the funds are actually received. And of course,
the branches receiving funds should watch this very closely also as sometimes
remittances are delayed for quite some time.
10. We do appreciate it when the Branch Committees
keep us informed of any matters of general interest pertaining to their field
so that the Governing Body is kept up to date on trends, whether it reflects
outstanding field activity or a weakness in the field. Just a few lines or a
paragraph from time to time in a covering letter with the monthly branch reports
helps us keep in touch with the field and any new developments in your
11. Letters need not be long, but all
of the facts should be stated. When you write about problems or present
questions dealing with individuals, be sure to be specific and let us know whom
you are writing about. The important thing in correspondence is to be specific,
to the point, stating the facts clearly, and yet briefly.
12. We are not interested in lengthy letters with
unnecessary details or many experiences. However, if you do have outstanding
experiences from time to time, they can be written on a separate sheet and sent
to the Writing Committee.
13. There is no need to go to great lengths analyzing
your field reports or expenditures in letters. Sometimes a few lines on
something outstanding helps us get the picture here.
14. Branches should always feel free to ask
any questions pertaining to the work in their country when they write
to the Governing Body. It is noted that oftentimes small details are presented to
the zone overseer when he visits that might easily have been handled by
correspondence. We want to be as helpful as possible to the branches, so feel
free to submit your inquiries in correspondence. We want to assist the branches
in serving their territory and in handling matters properly.
15. Rather than referring to previous letters in your
correspondence, which means going back and checking our files here, it is very
helpful if the points you have in mind can be summarized in a few lines unless,
of course, the matter is quite detailed and would require extensive retyping.
There is no need to ask a committee in
16. For items to be purchased locally, please
submit a requisition to the Publishing Committee if the cost will be S500 or
over. Also explain just what you want, why you feel it is needed and the price.
If it is something for
17. Correspondence between branches may
be signed by the branch committee coordinator. Correspondence to the Governing
Body should also be signed by the branch committee coordinator on behalf of the
Branch Committee, who should always have access to such mail. Weighty
correspondence and recommendations for circuit and district overseers and Branch
Committee members should be signed by all on the committee unless some are
away. A copy of all correspondence between branches should be sent to
18. Every effort should be made by
the brothers at the branch, including the branch committee coordinator, to
maintain a fine standard of neatness, grammar, spelling, and punctuation in all
19. If the language of the country is not the native
language of the branch committee coordinator, he may ask that someone else who
is qualified put the correspondence in final form, so that it is properly
written. If letters are not neat and well typed, it is good to type them over.
No letters should be sent out with words crossed out or that have a messy
appearance. Sending out neat, well-written letters encourages the congregations
to follow the same example in their correspondence to the office. This promotes
good respect for the office in the eyes of
our brothers. All letters should be proofread before mailing. Replace worn
typewriter ribbons and carbon paper.
20. Letterheads as well as envelopes may be ordered
for local use if a high import duty is not charged. If the importation of
stationery is too expensive you may find that you can get envelopes and use a
rubber stamp for the return address in the smaller branches. We do not want to
spend a lot of money to print letterheads locally, but we are usually in a
position to supply what the branches need in this regard if an order is
submitted. There does not seem to be any need to order interbranch memos, as
plain paper can serve this purpose.
should be carefully checked for accuracy before being mailed in. The figures
for the monthly field service report as well as for Our Kingdom Ministry are
taken from the compilation of the congregation report cards (S-1), special
pioneer reports (S-212), missionary home reports (A-24), and circuit and
district overseers' reports (S-301). The isolated publisher report (S-AB-6) has
been discontinued as all publishers are encouraged to report through a
congregation if feasible. Isolated publishers and isolated pioneers can send in
reports on the publisher's Field Service Report (S-4), marking it to show it as
from an "isolated publisher" or "isolated pioneer."
22. The figure for the "Public by Mail"
column on the Monthly Field Service Report (S-81) you will get from your
correspondence clerk. When small literature orders from strangers are made out,
the clerk should keep a record month by month of books, booklets, new
subscriptions, and magazines sent out in this manner, when it appears that the
correspondence comes from strangers. Of course if it is clear that the order is
from a brother or sister, no such notation would be made because the publisher
will report through the congregation. All advertisement coupons that are sent
in would usually be listed as public by mail. Once a month the correspondence
clerk will turn over to the one compiling the Monthly Field Service Report
these totals of literature orders sent out to the public.
23. Special pioneers or missionaries who report less
than 100 hours a month may be counted as regular pioneers, or as publishers if
their time in service is less than 50 hours. This includes missionaries on
leave. It is found that in the
24. In reporting the number baptized you should
report only those baptized within the country, not those baptized in some other
country. Thus if any persons from one country go to another
country to a convention and are baptized there, that country reports the
baptism total. The country from which they came will not make a separate report
as we do not want a duplication of figures. So each country will report its
total baptisms within the country regardless of where the candidates came from.
The figures shown for missionaries, special pioneers, congregations, etc.,
should be the total currently enrolled, not the number reporting.
25. Under "Remarks" we appreciate your
comments about new peaks in publishers or other highlights of the work or
trends in the field. Any remarks that would help us get a better picture of the
field or that would be of interest are appreciated. Many branches show
convention attendances and the number baptized. Memorial attendance figures and
the number of partakers are to be shown for the current and previous years. You
should never ask questions under "Remarks" as these should be written
separately in a letter. Your Monthly Field Service Report (S-81) is a record of
what took place in the field in your country during the month.
26. A separate field report should be submitted for
each country under the direction of your branch. There is no need to hold up
the reports waiting for the last few reports as these can be included in the
report for the following month.
27. The Monthly Field Service Report will probably be
the last report that you are able to prepare for mailing. It is helpful if all
of the reports for the month are sent in together, not later than the 20th of
the following month.
28. In some countries where the mail service is very bad,
there may be many late reports from congregations for a month.
These are added into the next month's report, so that we get a
true picture of the work done in the country for the year. Be sure any peak
shown does not include reports in excess of the total number of congregations
for that month.
29. POSTING: The special pioneer, missionary, and
circuit and district overseer reports are posted on the individual's permanent
record card (S-216), unless your reports are tabulated and recorded by
30. The congregation cards (S-1 ) are not posted. They
are kept for a month or two and then thrown out, but first the branch will want
to be sure that they have received a report from each congregation. Reports
S-212 and S-301, the same as missionary home reports, are kept for seven years
after posting since they show money requests.
DISBURSEMENTS (A-13): On this form you report all money actually received or
spent during the month.
32. It is very important that financial
report figures be accurate so these should be checked and proofread
for accuracy. If you copy the figures off of a work sheet, then you should
double-check your typewritten report to be sure it is correct and that
everything adds up properly before you mail the form.
33. Always be sure that the same figures as shown
under No. 71 on the previous month's report are listed for No. 1 on the next
month s report, both in local currency and the dollar equivalent.
34. If there is considerable variance between the
official exchange rate and the free rate, show the equivalent of a U.S. dollar
in local currency at the legal rate. After it in parentheses show the free
rate. If you feel that the free rate is more accurate than the official rate in
representing the true value of the dollar, then you may consult the Publishing
Committee about computing your figures on that basis. Otherwise, always use the
official rate.
35. If the rate of exchange fluctuates
frequently do not change the rate of exchange on your form unless it
has moved up or down 5% from your previous figure. If the change is that much,
then you should show a new official rate and make adjustments on your report.
In filling out the form you do not have to worry about minor fluctuations during
the month, but just use the rate that you have at the end of the month for
figuring the entire report. However, if you decide it is appropriate to show a
change in the value of the dollar, then it will affect the figures in your
dollar column on form A-13. You should figure the difference at the old and new
rates for the local currency figure for No. 1 and if it is a dollar gain you
may show a receipt in the dollar column alongside No. 9A and add that into the
dollar figure for No. 10. If the exchange value results in a dollar loss, you
should show an adjusting expense in the dollar column for No. 69A and add that
figure into the dollar equivalent you have for No. 70. However, the figures for
No. 1 remain the same as for No. 71 of the previous month.
36. Fractions that are arrived at in figuring
the exchange rate should be adjusted within the report by altering the
dollar figure .01 either way so that the totals balance out correctly. To prove
your report, Nos. 1 and 16 should add up to the total of No. 17 and the totals
of Nos. 70 and 71 should be equal to the total of No. 17 in both local currency
and the dollar column. For accuracy be sure that the conversion for No. 71 is
as close as possible. A half-cent or more may be figured to the next cent. For
No. 72 you should show the figure of actual cash on hand and in the bank,
excluding such things as missionary home receipts, petty cash funds, circuit
overseer banks, and funds not available because of being in fixed savings
account, bonds and so forth. 37. Each month you should check to make sure that
your cash on hand and in the bank as shown under No. 71 agrees with the figures
given in your report. Whatever appears on your branch Monthly Report of
Receipts and Disbursements (A-13), you should be able to prove by your
branch cash journal, your checkbook stubs and your cash box. The
figures that you put on your branch .Monthly Report of Receipts and
Disbursements must be obtained from your branch cash journal and this journal
should always balance. You should check your books every month to be sure the
figures agree with your cash on hand and in the bank. Your own books are kept
in your own currency so they should be simple to audit. (Note Daily Receipts
and Accounts, 6:10.) When a zone overseer visits your office you should be able
to prove everything in the way of entries for receipts and disbursements and
balance your accounts with cash on hand and that in the bank and have proof of
all expenditures in the form of vouchers or receipts for payment. It would be
appropriate for someone appointed by the Branch Committee to regularly audit
the branch accounts every six months, submitting 2 copy of the report to the
Branch Committee. The same procedure should be followed for auditing receipts
and expenses for any large construction project. The auditor should be someone
other than the one regularly keeping the accounts.
38. It is helpful to us at headquarters if you figure
the dollar equivalent at the rate shown at the top of the A-13 form, dividing
this into the local currency figure to arrive at the dollar equivalent rather
than using some chart that may be a few cents more accurate because the
division has been carried out several more places. This really is not
necessary, and it is simpler if you use the figure shown on the form.
39. The entry for "Uncashed checks" has
reference to remittances received from other branches which have not yet been
entered into your account, and not to local remittances for literature, etc.
40. The last section on the A-13 form has
to do with the standing of accounts at the end of a four-month period. Please
fill it in on the months requested. This information you can get from your
accounts with congregations, pioneers, circuits and other financial records.
Under the heading "A. Society Accounts Receivable" show the value of
magazine and literature accounts only. Kingdom Hall and other loan accounts
should not be included but are shown as assets on the annual balance sheet.
Entries for "B," "C," and "D" are explained on
the form.
41. HOME REPORT: One copy of a Home Report (A-24) is
sent to the branch office each month for each missionary home. They should be
checked very carefully for accuracy and then be retained in the branch files.
If the branch committee coordinator wishes to make any comments to the home
servant regarding the need for further explanation of large expenses or other
questions he may have, then he should write to the home servant about such
42. The home servant or the branch committee
coordinator should mark at the bottom of the Home Report any vacation
and leave-of-absence dates pertaining to the missionaries, showing the
date of departure and also the date of return for regular vacation time with
separate dates for leave-of-absence time. In this way the branch can keep its
records straight and we also know what the missionaries are doing and when they
are in their assignments.
43. The Branch Committee should be interested in the
well-being of the missionaries and how they are doing in reaching their
missionary goals as well as any health problems that may confront them. They
should want to help them make a success of the work. If a missionary does not
meet his goal of hours it would be appropriate for him to make a notation at
the bottom of the Home Report as to the reason.
necessary to get reports on the field activity of Gilead graduates who may be
in the regular or auxiliary pioneer service for an annual Home Report. However,
you may have some persons in the country with missionary status who are not in
missionary homes. They may be in the circuit or district work, special pioneer
service, or Bethel service. You will need to receive monthly reports of field
activity of such brothers for the year to send in the annual Home Report.
Annual reports will not be required for those with missionary status from
Australia, the British Isles, Canada, branches in Europe and the United States
except for those in missionary homes.
45. You may have some living in a home on a
missionary basis who have not gone through Gilead School. Their report of field
activity should also be shown so we know who is in each home and what they are
46. The home servant should be sure to fill in the
portion of the report that asks for the number of extra persons who can be
conveniently accommodated in the home, also other details requested on the
47. LITERATURE INVENTORY FORM: Each branch should send
in a monthly Literature Inventory (AB-2) except for August when the
Distribution Report is sent. List either one or two languages if you use a
large quantity of a second language in your country. A complete inventory of
all stock o hand should be sent in February by all branches on forms AB-1, AB-2
and AB-2b. A monthly Literature Inventory may be filled out by the branches to
record the movement of literature in August and any adjustments necessary due
to the actual count of literature. (See 12:11) But it need not be sent to
48. PRODUCTION REPORT: This is not a printed form. You
can use a plain sheet of paper to type up the information for this form. Not
all branches reproduce material, but those that do should send in a monthly
report of the number of bound books, booklets, magazines and other items they
print each month, including miscellaneous forms, tracts, handbills, etc. Please
list each publication as well as each different magazine and the quantity
completed and delivered to the shipping or mailing departments. We need the
quantity and the date of the issue with production figures for The
Watchtower and Awake! listed separately. Show total figures for books,
booklets, The Watchtower, Awake!, miscellaneous forms, and the grand
total. The per-item production cost for literature need be shown only on the
annual production report.
49. Any printing or mimeographing of office forms,
handbills, etc. should be listed monthly, but you do not need to itemize them.
Just show the quantity produced in bulk.
50. Any Bibles and concordances, etc. purchased
locally should also be listed on this report. Show a separate entry for
casettes produced locally, but do not include these in your printing
51. It is helpful to us if printing branches will
list Our Kingdom Ministry by language, showing the quantity sent to
each country using the language that is being printed, as well as the total
quantity for the language, as this helps us keep tabs on the size of the
language groups in various countries for which you print Our Kingdom Ministry.
52. Only one copy of the monthly Production Report
need be sent with other monthly reports.
Note: Volunteers at branches not involved with printing are not required to
read this chapter.
1. Everything printed by branches must either originate
at Brooklyn or be approved by the Publishing Committee. (Approval
to translate literature and magazine; is given by the Writing Committee.) The
many forms and letters printed at the United States Branch are used because it
saves time instead of typing the same information over and over again. Many of
these forms and letters will never be needed in quantity at small branches.
When a congregation writes in, you can answer their question. and it may be
that that question will be asked only once a year. You have sample copies of
forms and you may use the information as it applies to your country when you
reply. So there is no need for small branches to have as many printed forms and
letters as larger ones.
2. Please keep in mind the cost involved in printing
forms and mailing them. First, they must be translated, typeset, and composed,
and this takes time. Then they are printed, which also takes time. It takes
paper. which is expensive. So, if we print a lot of forms and you simply stock
them on your shelves in the branches and rarely use them, this is not a wise
use of Society funds. The principles regarding the ordering of forms are
similar to those followed when a branch office orders literature or
miscellaneous merchandise. If you have no great use for certain forms, there is
no need to stock them.
3. If your branch print forms. you should be
conservative as to quantity. Generally it is good not to print more
than a year's supply, as forms may be altered from time to time.
4 FACTORY OPERATION: Things need to keep moving
through the printing division of the factory. Items should not bog down and be
held until the last minute, but should be promptly handled so that the flow of
work moves smoothly. As we go about the work an eye should be kept on quality
first, then the quantity.
5. Throughout the entire factory operation
appropriate ones responsible should be appointed to ensure (1) planning and
scheduling; (2) requisitioning necessary materials and supplies; (3) making out
and distributing job orders; (4) following jobs through to completion; (5)
keeping necessary records, files, and samples and (6) working closely with the
volunteers to know their abilities and to understand their problems.
6. Schedules need to be planned to keep the work in
the factory in its proper order. Appropriate ones should be appointed to handle
this scheduling work. In scheduling the work, prepare a copy of a written
schedule for all the departments concerned, showing when the various operations
on a particular book, magazine, Our Kingdom Ministry, and so forth,
are due to begin in that department. With non-simultaneous magazines, the
schedules for each issue are prepared by working backward, from the
day the magazines should go to the post office to allow sufficient time for
them to reach the subscribers and congregations. Allow sufficient time for all
I operations in the factory, such as wrapping, trimming, stitching, folding,
printing, typesetting. proofreading, and set the date copy must be in the hands
of the proofreaders. The amount of time to allow for these operations can be
established from the previous six months' average of the time required for each
operation. As needed, brothers should be assigned the responsibility to see
that these schedules are adhered to by all so that the work can be
done in good order and the publications reach the people at the right time.
Those publishing magazines and Our Kingdom Ministry simultaneously
should make workable schedules that take into consideration mailing times from
Brooklyn and local shipping needs.
7. In order to have an efficient flow of work the
necessary materials and supplies must be on hand. A good way
to check on all items of stock such as paper, ink, and so forth, field service
forms and literature, is to have a monthly inventory taken and
posted as a progressive inventory. This inventory would show stock on hand plus
that received and minus supplies used; then at the end of the month you will
have a new balance on hand. This will assist in ordering because it will show
the rate of movement and will prevent running out of stock of forms,
literature, and necessary supplies or materials. Inventories should be very
carefully checked in ordering stock so as not to get overstocked. Requisitions
for supplies required to print books, booklets. magazines, and forms, such as
paper, ink, glue, paste, cloth, and so forth, should be made out by those
designated in sufficient time to keep all machines busy and the items in stock.
When reprinting forms always consult your "forms file" for latest
changes in the form, if any.
8. The printing operation is detailed and therefore
written instructions are essential for accuracy. Printing requisitions (except
magazines and forms) are approved by the Publishing Committee. A job number is
assigned from a consecutive list of numbers, and a major file envelope (F-108)
is made out. The filed press order (F-104) from the previous printing should
always be used as a guide to write up a reprinted item. Any problems
experienced in the previous printing should have been marked on the press
order. Essential information such as paper size and weight, ink colors, and
trim size will be shown. On first printings the information must be worked out
I by the one assigned who should consult former similar jobs. Waste of time and
material can be avoided if care is taken to get the most forms out of a given
sheet with the least number of impressions on the press. The department job
orders (F-104) should be proofread after typing, and routed to each department
handling the item. Text copy or artwork is first sent to proofreading before
being processed for production. All questions should be answered before work is
started on any printing item.
9. The brother designated must follow a job
through to completion. He must be thorough and check regularly on the
work under his supervision, and so should the branch committee coordinator.
Regular tours, at least twice daily, should be made by a responsible brother
through the factory or publishing section of the branch. Brothers
should be designated as responsible for coordinating all activities between
translators, proofreaders, factory, and shipping. All jobs should be
followed through, making certain that things are done on time and correctly.
Checks must be made with Invoicing and Shipping to see that forms and
literature are kept in stock, that orders are not unnecessarily held
up, and that all items and materials are on hand to fill orders quickly. This
gives our brothers in the field good service. Responsible brothers must always
be alert to look for things that may be wrong or that need attention or
correction. Try to improve methods of handling the work so that it can be done
well in the most convenient, efficient, and least expensive manner. Everyone in
the factory operation should be educated to be concerned with quality control
and waste reduction.
10. Records are kept by a central factory office to
supply vital information to other departments. A file of job press
printings should be kept up to date with one copy of the latest printing of
each item. Pertinent information should be written on the forms ,such as job
number, quantity. date of printing, and the storage location of the printing
flats This information is vital for expediting reprints. A sample of each book
and booklet printing should be filed with a library card (F-110) inside the
cover, showing all the printing data.
11. An important responsibility in factory operation
is to work closely with the volunteers. All overseers should
always be very considerate of, and interested in, their brothers. They should
regularly converse with them in an endeavor to learn their problems and then
give them the required assistance. An overseer should not be a boss, lording it
over the volunteers, but must exercise proper love as a servant. Then he will
get good cooperation, which is essential for efficient functioning of the
factory. He must be observant of the abilities of each brother or sister so
that he will be better able to make recommendations to the factory overseer or
Branch Committee concerning the assignment of volunteers.
12. In large branches the brothers with overall
factory oversight will work mainly through the department overseers in
assigning out the work and transmitting information and instructions.
Problems relating to volunteers, their work habits, getting along with others,
cooperation, job recommendations, etc., will usually be handled by the elder
group responsible for such volunteers.
13. A big job in factory operation is planning, coordinating
the various departments, and keeping things moving on schedule. Overseers
should know the abilities of the different workers so that the brothers can be
assigned from one job to another to get things done when they need to be done.
Whenever possible there should be a back-up man for each job. Brothers with the
responsibility of overall factory oversight should be servants to all
departments, having an interest in production and quality printing.
14. HANDBILLS: Samples of handbills for
congregations are sent to all branches from the United States Branch
Office. On the back of the handbill an advertisement is printed. You do
not need to print the same advertisement as appears on the sample.
What the United States Branch does is print an advertisement on the back of our
regular-size handbill. We print the back first and stock them. Then when we
want to print handbills for some congregation showing the various meetings, we
just take whatever backs we have and print on the reverse side and send them out;
What is printed on the back is not ;he important thing. The important thing is
the front side of the handbill showing the schedule of congregation meetings.
So if you print handbills. do not be concerned about matching certain backs
with a certain front. If you do not have time to print the backs or it is too
expensive, then just print the front of the handbills. The purpose of the
handbill is to get people to the various meetings. The reason we have printed
an advertisement on the back is to use it as a tract to give a message and
invite the people to order some literature if they are so inclined.
15. We do not always cover our costs for printing
handbills. We charge this loss off to advertising. The price on handbills will
vary in different countries according to local costs.
16. In printing handbills try to make things as
uniform as possible. By using the "Redefine" keys and
"Submit" function on the MEPS system the entry and proofreading of
handbills can be expedited and much time saved.
17. Placards or window signs will no
longer be printed by printing branches except by special permission. If there
seems to be some real need or value in supplying them they may be ordered from
a printing branch on the handbill order form (S-16). ,Manuscript copy for all
the information desired on the placard or window sign should be typewritten and
supplied along with the order form. The words "Placard" or
"Window Sign Order" should be typed across the top of the Handbill
Order form. Instead of showing the name of the congregation, the name of the
circuit should be shown in the space provided. Placard and window sign orders
should not be included on the same handbill order blank as handbills, but on a
separate handbill order blank (S-16).
18. MNEMONIC SYMBOLS: When a branch publishes
literature in a language that is not assigned a mnemonic symbol, send a request
to the Brooklyn office to assign a symbol for the publication. This is done so
that there will be no repetition in symbols anywhere in the world. While we do
not use symbols in sending orders between branches, yet we do use symbols when
writing our local invoices, and the same symbols should be used worldwide. The
Brooklyn office controls symbols.
19. Symbols for new languages and publications
printed in Brooklyn will be shown on the Publications to Be Printed sheet.
Branches can watch for these and keep their records up to date. A listing is
also found in the back of the Cost List.
20. When making domestic invoices or orders where one
principal language is spoken in a country, (like Germany), there is no need to
put "X" behind every item to indicate a German publication, or in
Spanish countries to put "S" to indicate Spanish
publications, but the branch can use the mnemonic symbols without the language
symbol. If, however, such a country has an order for an English publication,
the branch can use the symbol "E" to show the publication to be sent
is English and not in the national language. .Always show the language fully
spelled out on branch orders.
21. When you have any forms printed or mimeographed
you should always show the form number in the lower left-hand corner except for
such items as letterheads, envelopes, postcards, and membership or similar
certificates. There should never be two different forms bearing the same
number. The mnemonic symbol for the language is shown following the form number
when it is translated into another language. (Example: S-4-S 6/86) The same
date as shown on the English form should be shown on the translation. Dates are
changed when forms are revised in English, not when they are translated.
branches that do printing of magazines should send one sample copy to
Watchtower Farms Magazine Department if the branch does not send a bulk supply.
If a bulk supply is sent the sample will be taken from the bulk supply. All
branches printing books, booklets, or Our Kingdom Ministry should send
one sample copy of each to the Brooklyn office. This is done on the initial
printing and also on all reprints of books and booklets. It is not necessary to
send samples of printed forms. A copy of all printed or mimeographed material
should be kept in the branch files in date order as printed for review by the
zone overseer.
23. The United States Branch Office sends to all
branches one copy of everything printed that we feel branches should have. When
you receive these copies, read them through carefully, then put them in your
form file. The Brooklyn office does not send all of its forms to you because
some are used only within the Brooklyn factory or the Bethel home itself, or
maybe for local conventions. We are selective in sending some forms only to
larger branches that may have a need for them.
24. THE PRINTING OF FORMS: Small branches will find
it expensive to have forms printed, and we suggest that such branches reproduce
their needs, possibly by mimeograph or Multilith. Generally it will be
impractical for the branch to have forms printed at the United States Branch in
quantities less than 500. Lesser amounts if needed (note paragraphs 2 and 3)
may be reproduced locally.
25. Branches may order English forms from Brooklyn as
well as forms in other languages if we print them. Always write out the name of
the form and the form number on the order blank. Never order less than
500 copies of a form if it is necessary for the form to be printed for
you alone. If it is a stock item there is no minimum quantity. We will not
print forms in other languages unless we feel that they are needed by the
branch ordering. Branches may use forms even though they have the Brooklyn
office address on them instead of the branch address. Under such circumstances
you may add your local address under the Brooklyn address by neatly printing it
with a rubber stamp or by typewriter. In many places it is most economical for
the branches to have letterheads and forms printed locally due to the high
import duties on forms. Where the branches know that forms are duty free, they
can order from a printing branch, but check into these matters before ordering.
When ordering letterheads, envelopes, or other forms from a printing branch, a
copy or a sample of the previous form showing exactly the way the form is to
appear finally should be attached to the Branch Order. This does not apply to
stocked service forms or handbills but to forms to be printed that are peculiar
to your country only.
26. Even though some changes have been made in forms
and you have old ones, continue to use the old forms until they are gone unless
advised otherwise. Generally changes are not major enough to throw away old
forms. Before you run out of the old ones order the new supplies to be used,
allowing ample time to receive them.
27. When the Brooklyn office revises and prints an
English form, no reprints of the old form will be made in any language, but the
branch will use up its old supply. When a branch needs a new supply, it should
revise the form to conform with the latest English form.
28. No branches are authorized to institute
new forms of their own unless the Publishing Committee has been given
reasons for it and you have received approval. When a new branch is opened, it
is unwise to introduce many new forms to the publishers to use at once. Forms
are not really important. The important thing is the preaching of the good news
of the Kingdom, organizing the publishers into congregations and helping them
to be spiritually strong and active. Do not burden them down with a lot of book
work. It is only when there are many congregations that a number of forms are
really needed. A good rule to follow is that the fewer forms you have to use,
the better it is. The brothers should get accustomed to using the essential
forms that have to do with reporting to the congregation and the congregation's
reporting to the office. There are very few other forms that are needed in the
small branches.
prints books or booklets should always have their requisitions approved
by the Publishing Committee before going ahead with printing. The
branch should be sure too that the quantity ordered is the right amount and
based on the movement of that kind of literature. Think and check carefully
before writing out a requisition.
30. When a branch gets approval to print a book or
booklet, the approval for the printing of that quantity of literature gives the
branch approval to purchase paper, cloth, cardboard, or anything else that goes
into the making of that publication. It is not necessary to send requisitions
through to the Publishing Committee for approval for these other supplies if
the overall approval has been given.
31. Branches should keep accurate cost
records of all publications produced. In addition to production cost
you will need to add in the cost of freight, insurance, and duty. Insurance
generally runs about 16 cents per one hundred dollars of value.See Printing
Costs and Accounting, chapter 19.
any publication at Brooklyn or any other printing branch, it is good to have it
listed on the Publications to Be Printed sheet some time before you plan to
print it. If you have approval to print a publication locally, send a
memorandum to the Brooklyn office requesting that it be listed on a coming
Publications to Be Printed sheet. Be sure to allow sufficient time before an
item is to be printed for it to appear on the sheet and for the branches to
send in their orders. Then when the orders from various branches reach the
printing branch, it can be determined just how many to print for other
33. ART PROOFS, FILM, ETC.: When art proofs or film
are sent to a printing branch, if required for custom purposes be sure that
certified invoices are sent to the printing branch at the time they are mailed.
One or two copies of the certified invoice should be placed inside the parcel
for custom purposes as required. Additionally, two more copies of the certified
invoice should be mailed immediately to the printing branch.
34. When furnishing such material for reproduction
and printing be sure it is properly identified. Remember that persons working
in printing branches do not necessarily understand your language. Therefore,
you should be careful to make everything as foolproof as possible for the
printing branch.
35. When sending art proofs or film for magazines, be
sure to send a complete dummy. A dummy is a preliminary layout
showing the position of the text and illustrations as they are to appear in the
final reproduction. This dummy for books should include the title page,
publishers page, advertisements, and the dummy layout for the cover, showing
how the title should appear. In some instances a locally printed magazine could
serve as the dummy and be sent with the proofs or film.
36. In putting advertisements in a book or booklet
you should never advertise publications that are not already in stock
in your language. It would be better to leave pages blank than to
advertise publications that do not appear in the language in which the new
publication appears.
37. Due to postal regulations in the United States we
do not advertise The Watchtower and Awake! in books or booklets.
38. When receiving art proofs or film, occasionally
we experience difficulty because not enough room has been allowed to insert a
picture. This requires adjusting the picture or cropping it. This does not
always work for the best appearance, so care is necessary in following
the outline of the English picture to allow sufficient spacing. It may
be necessary to reword the text to ensure adequate space for the picture.
39. At present the Society has been including many
four-color pictures in the Yearbook, other books, brochures, and this
will come to include a goodly number of language editions of our magazines. It
will greatly complicate matters and result in greatly increased expense if each
individual language edition Of these publications has its own layout with its
own location of four-colour pictures. It is desirable that each printing branch
keep on hand standard master flats of all three-color artwork and match these
with the black art and text in any given language. This will require that with
all language editions of our magazines or other publications to be printed in
four colors, the color pictures fall in exactly the same location on the same
pages as in the English edition. This is becoming more important now that so
many editions of our magazines, and also books, are published simultaneously.
40. In the case of magazines and other publications
which are printed in other branches, and also printed in Brooklyn, it is
necessary that the text flats sent to Brooklyn follow exactly the same page
layout and location of four-color artwork as in the English edition. If there
is to be some variation, such as a French, German or Italian edition of a
magazine not using the same ad, then the ad should be in black only. Otherwise
we do not have the time to do all the work necessary to produce a different
four-color ad and get the magazine out on time.
41. PAGE AND TEXT-AREA SIZES: It is important to
follow the English text-area sizes when preparing art proofs or film because
they are based on machinery limitation-, and publication standardization. The
standard page size in a regular-size book, Bible, or booklet is 4-1/2" x 6-1/2"
(114mm x 165mm). Text-area size is 86mm x 144mm. For pocket-size books, page
size is 4" x 6-1/4" (102mm x 159mm). Text-area size is 84mm x 145mm.
Magazine-size book page size is 7" x 9" (178mm x 228mm). Text-area
size is the same as the English publication. Bi12 page
size is 4-1/2" x 6-1/2" (114mm x 165mm). Text-area size is 92mm x
147mm. If a set number of pages is established for a particular publication,
you should adjust text composition and/or wording to fit your
language translation into the I allotted space.
42. In supplying art proofs or film to a printing
branch that uses offset rotary presses endeavor to keep your publications in
32-page units. Ten signatures make a book of 320 pages; twelve signatures, 384;
and so forth.
43. Should it ever be necessary to produce art
proofs oversize they must be in proportion to
the final page. The proper proportions may be secured by running a
line diagonally through the print on a standard-size page from the lower
left-hand corner through the upper right-hand corner and extended to the
extremity desired. Next, extend the left-hand and bottom margins. By then
drawing in the right-hand and upper margin to close the rectangle a
proportionate-size page can be reached. This can be reduced to the proper size
by photographic reduction. It is important that all pages for
a given publication as supplied in art-proof or artwork form be of identical
length and width measurements. No line of characters should be allowed to
exceed the maximum width measurement by any amount, no matter how small.
Similarly, all pages should be of the same length if at all possible, but the
longest page should not exceed the maximum allowed for the established size of
the publication. All pages must be photographed at one camera setting based on
the largest page dimensions, and even one over-width or over-length page
requires that the whole publication be reduced by the amount determined from
the over-standard page.
44. When a page is prepared in proportionately larger
size and contains an illustration, the space allotted in the page for the
illustration must also be increased in the same proportion as the whole page.
Only if the space for the illustration is also proportionately enlarged will it
be possible to insert the actual illustration after the page is reduced to
actual size. If you need more details on this matter write the United States
45. Good quality should be maintained on any art
proofs or film sent in. There must be no wrinkles, creases, or tears in the
proofs, nor stains or smudges that might show up when the proofs are processed
photographically. On all text material it is very important that the density of
blackness be consistent over the entire page and from page to page. This needs
to be checked closely.
46. New artwork prepared for magazine article titles should be
sent to the printing branch in ready-to-photograph
form, using opaque white paper but not tracing paper. If the printing branch is
expected to prepare the artwork, sufficient time should be allowed for at least
one proofreading by the translating branch. Copy supplied for artwork, titles,
and illustrations should be typewritten, clearly showing the desired
capitalization and word arrangement. The original English word should be shown
under the corresponding translated word or words in a title, to guide proper
artwork design. If in preparing the artwork, layout lines are used to line up
the lettering, a light blue pencil should be used for the layout lines and NOT
a black lead pencil. The light blue will not photograph. The text and
illustrations to print should be dense black, with clean sharp outlines.
47. We feel sure that the overseers who are
acquainted with printing to any extent at all will see the importance of having
things right in the beginning, because if there is an error in proofs or film
and that error is printed, then thousands of errors will be printed. If you
have an edition of 100,000 of a publication, there are going to be 100,000
mistakes made. That is why it is so important that the text be correct. The
branch committee coordinator should see to it that good copy or clean proofs
are always provided. Then when the literature is printed it will be something
that the publishers of the whole country will be proud of and happy to have.
48. THE PRINTING OF MAGAZINES: Accuracy in determining
the printing ( quantity is important to ensure having enough copies to
fill orders while not having many left over, which would waste time and
money. Therefore, printing quantities should be carefully determined
based on the following figures: subscriptions (current, new subscriptions
expected, and renewals expected), distributors' orders from congregations
(regular orders, special orders on hand, and special orders anticipated for
special issues), waste during mailing operations, and a small amount for stock
quantity (no more than 25-100 copies for most small languages).
49. At times there may be a shortage of a
particular issue. In the case of shortages "second" quality
magazines may be used. Also, to avoid the need for small reprints, some of the
regular distributors' orders may be reduced in quantity if the shortage is
noted during mailing. In such case the congregation account would be credited.
Subscriptions should always be mailed before distributors' orders. All
of the paid subscribers copies should be mailed even if there is a
shortage. If an issue goes out of stock after the mailing of the current
subscriptions and regular distributors' orders are completed, it is not
necessary to reprint the issue. Reprints may be made for a specially advertised
issue or issues on which there are large quantities of late orders. On an
offset rotary press, 2-3,000 is generally the minimum quantity that would
warrant a reprint.
50. In order to handle leftover magazines due
to small overruns, after the main mailing of subscriptions and
distributors orders is completed, take an inventory. Deduct the amount needed
for expected new subscriptions and renewals and the few copies for stock. The
remainder should be mailed out as soon as possible as "EXTRAS." Mail
them to the congregations in your country or in a country which uses large
quantities of that language. To accomplish the sending out of extras, follow
through a consecutive list of congregations, sending about 5% of the amount of
the regular distributors' order to each congregation until the leftover
quantity is exhausted. Indicate on the list where you leave off so that you can
begin with the next congregation the next time you need to send out extras.
When the end of the list is reached, start over from the beginning. On the
label for these extras include the word "EXTRA" at the top so that
the congregation will know why they are receiving these magazines.
Congregations are not charged for these magazines. The congregation can
distribute them in the same way as the regular distributors' copies and the
monies received can be applied to their magazine account. If this arrangement
is new in your country you may inform the congregations about it by means of Our
Kingdom Ministry. The intent should be to hold such overruns to a minimum.
51. As to the type of paper used for printing
The Watchtower and Awake!, this is determined by the
Publishing Committee. New language editions of the magazines may be started on
newsprint or a paper using a large percentage of ground wood. If the income for
magazines is not sufficient to cover a better quality of paper, continue to use
such less expensive paper on The Watchtower. If it is thought
practical to print The Watchtower on a better quality paper than Awake!, your
reasons and recommendations should be submitted to the Publishing
Committee for consideration.
52. It is not necessary for branches to use a second
color in addition to the black unless you know that the Society can bear the
cost and that it will add something to the magazine in the way of distribution.
It is fully appreciated that many branches would like to have their magazines
in two or more colors, but this is a matter to be decided by the Publishing
Committee. Can the Society afford to print your edition in color? There is no
objection to your making recommendations and showing the Publishing Committee
how it can be done and what costs will be involved. At all times we are anxious
to improve the standard of the magazine and increase its circulation. If a
Branch Committee believes color would help and the costs would be covered by
the distribution of subscriptions and distributors copies, the Committee should
make its recommendation.
53. The Watchtower and Awake! in all
languages should be able to bear their own costs. The production and
distribution costs of the various language magazines should be
covered by receipts from subscriptions and from distributors' copies.
Printing branches should receive enough money to cover the cost of translation,
paper, typesetting, and mailing, with a little excess if that is possible for
advancing Kingdom interests in your own country. It is not desirable that
magazines be offered to the people at less than the cost of printing and
distributing them. Magazines should support themselves. The Society may need to
subsidize the publication of new editions of magazines. but in time each should
bear its own burden.
(MEPS): This is the Society's own computer-driven typesetting system With it
virtually any language can be typeset and composed and output produced by the
MEPSetter for photographing and eventual printing by the offset method. Most
printing branches are or will be equipped with this system. A
maximum of four graphics terminals can be operated on one MEPS computer unit.
Personal computers can be attached on a network link to MEPS. These can be used
to enter text in many languages. These PC's can also be used for word processing,
subscription and magazine handling, literature order entry and inventory
control, as well as invoice preparation and other related office functions.
55. Publication copy may be dual entered and compared
by the computer to save proofreading time when working from manuscript.
Translators may enter text directly as they work or typists can enter text from
dictation equipment. Normal proofreading and editing can be done until the text
is clean and ready to release for composing and output on the MEPSetter. All types
of work can be done on the MEPS: forms, handbills,
magazines, tracts, booklets, brochures, books, Bibles, etc.
56. TRAINING AND MAINTENANCE: Operators should be
properly trained, I and, whenever possible, back-up volunteers should be
trained to serve in the absence of the regular operators. Since this is a
complex electronic system, it is imperative to have skilled technicians trained
to maintain the MEPS system. This may require sending someone to Brooklyn or
one of the maintenance centers, such as Germany, Japan, or South Africa, for
adequate training. This may take four or five months. Since the system is the
Society s, manuals will be provided for both hardware and software. As
improvements and updates are made in the system, maintenance volunteers should
familiarize themselves well with such adjustments. It is the desire to keep all
of the MEPS systems at the same level so work can be moved around easily and so
that programs will run in any branch having a similarly configured MEPS. This will
require that as soon as a new release update is received at the branch it
should be implemented into your MEPS. To operate properly, the MEPS requires a
clean, air-conditioned environment free of dust and static electricity.
Hardware and software problems encountered when using the MEPS system should be
reported properly on the ' MEPS Problem Report" form. It is important to
do this so fixes can be made and the software especially be kept problem free.
This information is also beneficial in making improvements in the system.
57. SECURITY: The Branch Committee, factory overseer
and all other responsible volunteers must be concerned to maintain the
integrity of the data kept in the MEPS system. Proper logon procedures and
other security measures should be observed. A system of copying the data to
diskette or tape should be regularly employed as a safety measure to preserve
data in case of emergencies, power failures, etc.
58. FONT SELECTION: The MEPS system uses type fonts
that the Society has digitized, that is, converted to electronic form. Should
additional letters or accents be required in any language, a branch order
should be submitted for the Graphics Department's Font Digitizing section to
produce them. Generally font selection will follow the English for style of
face used in a given publication. In languages that use other alphabets or
scripts, there is a more limited selection. However, adequate fonts are
available to produce an attractive publication. If additional typefaces are
desired in such languages, then a branch order would need to be submitted for
such and a covering letter explaining the need. If approved, artwork for all
characters in the language would be required, or proofs of existing hot metal
fonts for use in creating images that would be digitized. This process requires
several months' time.
59. SPECIAL ACCENTS: The Society s Roman-based fonts
have a large set of international accents that cover most of the languages in
which the Society is presently printing. Should additional letters or accents
be required in any language, a branch order should be submitted for the Font
Digitizing Department to produce them. Artwork or a sketch showing what is
required should accompany the branch order and also some written explanation
explaining its need, use and placement in the font.
needed to set a new language as well as its rules of typography and grammar are
often available from local universities. Officially accepted standards are ~t
hat should be used. If the e is no official standard for a certain aspect of
typesetting, then what is current typographical practice in quality
publications can serve as a guide. Consulting all concerned beforehand will
help since there may be practical considerations involved, and informing all
concerned afterward in writing will be appreciated by everyone. In order to get
all the needed information a "Language Information" questionnaire
should be filled out. Please request blank questionnaires from Brooklyn.
61. OPERATOR TRAINING: Instruction should be steady
but not rushed. It generally takes two weeks for a student to learn the basics
of the machine and to reach an acceptable level of accuracy on the keyboard so
as to be able to operate fairly independently and do production work. To become
proficient at composition requires more time, several months to become
productive. MEPS manuals are provided for such training.
62. There is a variety of keyboard fingering systems
in use in the industry. With each language comes a suggested keyboard layout.
However, with the "Redefine" function an operator can tailor the
keyboard to his liking on the MEPS.
advantageous to give proofreaders a brief course on the MEPS operation so that
they are acquainted with its capabilities. This helps measurably in
communication between the two departments.
64. JOB AND FLATBED PRINTING: The reason for printing
is to enable people to read and gain knowledge. Therefore, it is essential to
give careful attention to printing in order ~o provide good quality,
representative of the truth. After typesetting and camera preparation of the
negatives the first operation is the preparing of the stripped up flats. Then
offset plates are made. Care must be exercised in each procedure to produce a
quality printed page.
65. The next step is the feeding and delivering on
the press. Good operation here depends on a well-cleaned air system,
well-maintained suction cups, and good mechanical adjustment. Caution should
always be taken to make certain that the margins are proper before printing
begins 66. The quality of printing depends basically upon (1) proper
packing of both plate and blanket cylinders to get the right impression, (2)
properly set ink and water rollers, and (3) ink and water
adjustment. It is very essential to keep rollers in good
condition. It is not economical to try to run rollers beyond the point
of their expected life. The rollers should always be true round and have a
good, tacky surface. The ink rollers should be washed down every night to avoid
caking of ink. Sometimes the plate may ( need to be gummed up if the press has
to sit idle awhile, and later washed before starting to print again. The
quality of printing is highly dependent, too, on correct ink distribution,
which should be constantly watched and kept in adjustment.
67. Setoff, which is wet ink
transferred from one sheet to another, is a constant hazard to printing where
dryers are not used. It can easily be caused by too much ink and water being
used or by the wrong type of ink for the particular paper being used. Setoff
can also be caused by allowing the pile of printed sheets to stack too
high. A third cause is the lifting up of the pile unevenly when you are inspecting
during the time of printing and before the ink is dry. A fourth cause is the
cutting of the material before it is sufficiently dried. All these steps should
be watched carefully, because a well-arranged print job and a well-printed job
can be ruined in the last stages with setoff.
68. Static electricity is another
problem quite often found present around presses. One simple operation that is
often very effective is to get a cord of copper tinsel and stretch it across
the press so that the surface of the sheet will come in contact with the tinsel
as it passes underneath it just before piling. The tinsel should be tied to
metal parts of the press to act as a ground. On larger presses a "static
eliminator" device may be required.
69. Good production of a press can
be obtained by careful organization on the part of the pressman and a
well-maintained machine that is operated at a proper speed. By organization we
also mean to have the work so well planned in the order of printing of the
different jobs as to minimize the amount of time a press is not running.
Generally, the next job for the press should be readied in the stripping and
platemaking areas while the previous job is running on the press. The
cleanliness of the machine with proper lubrication is also essential to
maintain a good quality of production.
70. OFFSET PRINTING: On job work in Brooklyn and most
branches we are printing everything by means of lithographic or offset
printing. All that we need to make a plate to print with this process is copy
that is clear, with good contrast. We can take an existing form from stock for
this. We then take a photograph with a process camera that exposes a negative.
The negative then is placed over an inexpensive lithographic plate and exposed
to a bright light. We use a plate exposure light that shines through the
negative onto the light-sensitive plate. The plate then becomes harder where
the light shines through. With a chemical developer (supplied by the plate
maker), we develop the plate. The developer makes the area where the letters
have been exposed greasier, adding a coat of material where the image or type
was on the negative.
71. Then the plate is put on the press. The press
puts water on the plate first. The water does not stick on the greasy image
area, but it does flow across the rest of the plate, wetting it. Then ink
rollers come across the plate. The ink sticks only on the greasy areas, and not
where the water is. Then the plate comes n contact with a rubber blanket that
is pliable yet firm, especially prepared to accept the ink from the plate. The
paper is pressed between the rubber blanket that now has the image in ink on
it, and a steel impression cylinder. The ink comes off the blanket onto the
paper, and the form is printed.
72. INK: In acquiring -.k it is not always the
lowest-priced ink that turns out to be the cheapest. ink. The way to determine
the value of the ink is by figuring the number of impressions obtained per
pound. Whenever you purchase ink you should always consult with the inkmaker,
submitting samples of paper so as to obtain ink suitable for the particular
press and type of paper you will use. Many branches get their ink from Brooklyn
where it is made in ou ink Room. There is no objection to branches buying ink
locally if a good supplier can be found. Before ordering ink from Brooklyn the
cost of local ink should be taken into consideration. With government
restrictions it is becoming increasingly difficult to ship ink and chemicals.
73. If at any time you desire to obtain ink from
Brooklyn, you should always send along a sample of the paper (8-1j2" x
11") that the ink is to be used on; also tell us the type and speed of
press on which you print.
74. OBTAINING MACHINERY: It is usually not worthwhile
to acquire old or heavily-worn machines, even free. It costs too much to make
them work properly. Brand new machines are not always necessary, however. Used
machines of recent mc~ufacture are often as good, and much less expensive.
75. CARE OF MACHINERY: The best maintenance is
preventive maintenance. It is more economical and practical to keep a machine
well maintained than to let it be neglected and break down. This will be more
expensive and cause greater delay. Therefore, regularly scheduled machine inspection
should be followed.
76. Lubrication is the life of the
machine. It is good from time to time to have a person with a good
understanding of the machinery, possibly a plant mechanic, check over all the
machines to make certain that all points are being lubricated. A most vital and
essential part of the machine operation is proper lubrication, seeing that all
the oil holes are kept clean so that oil gets to the
proper place. It is better to oil a machine more frequently with a
small amount of oil than with a large amount less frequently, as then a greater
portion runs off the machine unused. This is wasteful and is not good
for the machine. as it runs with less lubrication. 77. Cleanliness
of the machine is very important. It gives increased life to the
machine and results in a better quality of production. Eighty-five percent of
all machine problems are caused by dirt. Therefore, the machines as well as the
whole work area should be kept clean. To help ensure this, there are daily,
weekly, monthly, and semi-annual chores to be performed that should not be
neglected under any circumstances. Negligence, particularly in the daily
chores, can quickly ruin major parts of the machine. However,
one rule that should always be followed is: A machine should never be
cleaned while it is in motion. This is too dangerous, in that the
cloth may get caught in the machine and result in injury to the operator of the
78. It is too often thought that production comes by
speed, but this is not the case. A machine should not run above a practical
speed. It is not speed that makes production; it is steadiness. Therefore,
if a machine is run at a practical speed. it will result in better quality as
well as satisfactory production and a longer life for the machine and less
strain on the operator.
79. SAFETY: We do not want to have anyone get hurt
working around machinery; to prevent this requires effective safety measures.
Any part of the machine that appears to be dangerous should have proper guards
installed so that volunteers are protected. You should always watch
that all guards are used and in position. Whenever a new person is
assigned a machine, explain to him each section of the entire machine and
caution him about any dangerous things to avoid. All machine operators
should be constantly cautioned as to the importance of safety. In
recent y ears governments have been requiring volunteers working in noisy areas
or on loud presses and machinery to wear hearing protection such as ear plugs,
ear muffs, etc. Also, steps to deaden or lessen the sound to acceptable levels
must be taken. Branch Committees, factory overseers, and department overseers
should become acquainted with what is required and see that some reasonable
measures are taken to comply with such regulations for the good of all.
80. The Brooklyn factory has a press manual for the
converted MAN offset rotary presses. You may order one if you have such a
rotary press.
81. UNUSED MACHINERY: If you have machinery that has
not been used for some time but can be made to produce, do not dispose of it
without getting permission from the Publishing Committee. It may be that it can
be sent to another branch. Inform the Publishing Committee in a separate memo
containing necessary data sent with your annual report if you have any machines
not in use.
SIGNS: This process is explained on pages 121 to 123 of the 1965 edition of
Branch Office Procedure.
83. DUPLICATING METHODS: There are a number
of methods that can be used to duplicate publications if printed
material is not available for one reason or another. These include offset
duplicators, copiers, mimeographs, and spirit duplicators. Some branches use
offset duplicators or mimeograph machines for producing limited editions of such
items as the Watchtower magazine, Our Kingdom Ministry, Examining the
Scriptures Daily and other publications in various languages.
1. Any manufacturing plant needs to have a
record of expenses if it is to operate efficiently and provide
information concerning the cost of items being produced. Therefore a cost
accounting system needs to be set up in all printing branches :o provide
manufacturing and shipping costs on the books, booklets and magazines as well as
other items of production. Such information not only provides a check on
efficiency but is helpful in deciding the price at which an item can be placed
with the public and in determining the feasicality of having certain items
printed by an outside firm where duty fees and shipping costs make it seem
impractical to uce our own facilities. How e!aborate the accounting system
needs to be is in most cases determined by the reports required by the branch
organization as well as the extent of manufacturing being done. It should be a
very simple matter to keep a record of costs where merely a small amounl of job
printing is involved. Certainly one should avoid spending a lot of time working
up information that is not needed. Also it is good lo avoid duplication of
effort whenecer possible. For instance, it may be that much of the information
compiled in the treasurer s oftice at the branch can be utilized by the cost
accountant in developing some of the costs needed. While bookkeeping as carried
on in the treasurer's office needs lo take into consideration all costs in
order to balance out the books, cost accounting is concerned only with expenses
that affect the manufacturing or other costs being developec
has operational expenses that are necessary in looking after the Kingdom
interects, but only certain items contribute to manufacturing costs. Expenses
that a branch would ordinarly have if printing was being done by an outside
firm are not included in the cost of producing books, magazines or other
literature. Following is a list of expenses that should not be included in the
manufacturing costs or at least, not charged directly:
3. Bethel home expenses consisting
of reimbursements, meals, housing, furniture and illness, as well as repairs,
rent, mortgages, dividends, taxes, light, heat and power for the portion of the
branch building comprising the Bethel home, are charged to labor costs.
Eventually a portion of these costs will get into the manufacturing cost
through the labor rate (see labor costs) but none of these Bethel home expenses
are to be charged directly to production .
4. Branch overhead expenses involving
the various offices, service department, translation and proofreading of copy,
correspondence, bookkeeping, invoicing and the handling of pioneers as well as
the handling and expenses, including reimbursements, of circuit and district
overseers, missionaries and special pioneers, are not charged to production.
5. Cars and trucks are not
chargeable if the branch has conveyances for business purposes other than those
used for manufacturing or shipping. Those used for various purposes may be
prorated for cost accounting purposes .
6. Conventions and their expenses
are not charged to production.
7. Educational expenses involved in
maintaining schools at a branch such as the Kingdom Ministry or
Pioneer Service Schools, special training given to missionaries learning a
language, or instruction to circuit and district overseers, as
well as motion picture films and slides would not be included in production
8. Legal expenses involving estates
or property other than that being used for manufacturing.
9. Maintenance of outside property or
the sale thereof would not affect the cost of production.
10. Shipping costs involving the
storage, packaging and shipping of literature and magazines.
11. Other expenses too may not be
included in the cost of manufacturing a book or magazine, the reason being that
if we had our literature printed outside by a local printer we would still have
all of the above expenses. What we want to ascertain in our cost system is the
exact cost of manufacturing the book, booklet or magazine as though the
manufacturing or printing division were an outside concern.
branches that will have to set up a cost accounting system are those that
manufacture books, booklets or magazines, or do considerable printing on a
small scale, and then they would need to know what these things cost in order
to make a comparison with outside printing. Therefore the items that are to go
into production costs are as follows:
13. Building: Just that portion of
the building that is used for manufacturing and storage of supplies for
manufacturing would be charged to production. This would include depreciation,
rent, taxes and maintenance costs to the factory building.
14. Heat: If one central heating system is used for
the heating of the Bethel home, the office and the factory, then a percentage
of the heat cost would be worked out for charging to the factory. The rest
would go against the Bethel home and office.
15. Ink would include all inks, oils and dryers used
in printing as well as any costs of manufacturing ink or distributing it to the
16. Labor costs will include
everything contributing directly or indirectly to the following:
reimbursements, personal expense account payments, home, meals and sickness.
The totals of the above items contributing to the labor rate
for the current month are added to the totals for the previous eleven
months and the resultant total for the year is then divided by twelve to
provide an average cost of labor for the month involved. The total cost of
labor should then be divided by the number of persons working in the factory,
the office and such schools as may be in operation at the branch. It will not
include those who work in the kitchen or dining room in connection with meals,
nor will it include housekeepers or others engaged in home maintenance. The
above procedure will provide a labor rate per person for cost-accounting
purposes and will be the same for each individual whether serving in the
factory, the office or a school being operated by branch volunteers. However,
only the labor cost of those who work in the factory and have to do either
directly or indirectly with the manufacture of literature will be charged
against production. The labor cost of all others falls against the nonprinting
operations of the branch.
17. Light and Power: If the lights
are on a separate meter from the rest of the power then the cost can be
distributed in the same manner as shown in paragraph 14 with respect to heat.
If there is not a separate meter then a survey will have to be made to determine
the portion of the expense that applies to lights and the balance will then be
charged to the various departments and/or machinery that utilize power.
18. Machinery and Equipment: Separate
ledger accounts must be maintained for these in order to keep a record of the
19. Maintenance: A record should be
kept of all maintenance costs for machinery and equipment in the various
departments. This would include maintenance supplies.
20. Stock: This has to do with
materials such as paper supplies, cardboard, bogus, crash, stitching wire, or
any other material that goes into the making of a book, booklet or magazine. It
is part of the cost of production.
21. The details of the actual cost accounting
procedure will be supplied to printing branches on request to the Brooklyn
office. Branches that do not do printing need not be concerned with this
1. KINGDOM MINISTRY SCHOOL: The revised Kingdom
Ministry School program will offer 15 hours of study for elders in five units
of instruction of three hours each. In most cases there will be two instructors
for each school. From time to time supplementary refresher courses may be
arranged by the Teaching Committee to offer progressive training for this
school program.
2. Scheduling of the school sessions can be flexible.
The school could be conducted over a weekend. Or, portions could be covered for
three hours each evening with the course running for five evenings. In. some
cases midweek daytime classes may be preferable, with the course running for
two days. It will be up to the branch office to schedule school sessions in
harmony with what is best locally.
3. This school is primarily open to the appointed
elders in the congregations. It is recommended for the entire local body of
elders of a congregation to attend the school at the same time. For this reason
the Governing Body has authorized a special program whereby all the elders in a
given branch area may be offered the same course in a comparatively short time,
perhaps three to five weeks. This will be organized through the circuit
overseers. Each circuit will have a Kingdom Ministry School of two instructors
appointed by the Society. Classes of 25 or so students in a circuit will be conducted
in local Kingdom Halls until all the elders who desire to attend have attended
this refresher course. Some circuits will have six or more classes to complete
the number of elders attending. An enrollment form filled out by the circuit
overseer and finally approved by the branch office will guide and govern the
enrollment in these schools.
4. In some countries congregations may have only a
few elders or none at all, with ministerial servants serving in place of
overseers, or in rare cases, some may not even have ministerial servants, yet
those available are used to help local groups keep functioning and handle
correspondence. These may be helped by the circuit overseer when he visits the
S. The most recent textbook is entitled "Pay
Attention to Yourselves and to All the Flock." (ks 81 ) A further
refresher course may be offered periodically using additional textbook
supplements or other suitable material provided by the Teaching Committee. If
there is a supplement the student will be permitted to take his copy home with
him for further use. In this way every congregation will have several of these
textbooks available for the elders to use to guide the congregations in unity
and harmony. In countries that are under ban or where there are serious
restrictions, branches may supply the congregations with at least one copy of a
current revised textbook to be kept in a safe place for the local elders to use
and to study on their own. When the circuit overseer visits, he can help the
elders by teaching them from the material they already have on hand.
6. PIONEER SERVICE SCHOOLS: Pioneer Service Schools
are established with the objective of training full-time publishers who qualify
to open up new territories and organize new congregations. In quite a number of
branch territories there are large towns and cities that need to receive a
Kingdom witness. There are good prospects of starting new congregations in such
places if qualified publishers are available. So pioneers, after training in
the Pioneer Service Schools, will be used in this activity in their own
countries if they are willing. Even in lands where a good witness has been
given, much interest that is encountered could be developed by starting more
home Bible studies. Pioneer Service Schools will provide training with this in
view also.
7. Good central locations, probably where a Kingdom
Hall is available, can be determined upon and classes of 20 to 25 students will
be enrolled. The students will undergo a study course in lessons contained in the
textbook Shining as Illuminators in the world. The class
sessions will be conducted by qualified brothers who are capable instructors.
The study units can be spread over two weeks or covered in a shorter period,
depending on the circumstances and the needs. In addition to class study and
discussions, provision will also be made, where possible, for application of
the things learned right in the field, since certain hours will be set aside
for participation in the field by both students and instructor.
8. Regular and special pioneers who
have been on the list for at least a year and who are
qualified otherwise may be invited to attend the school. It will be appropriate
for missionaries and wives of circuit and district overseers to be included in
this program of training if they have been a year or more in their assignment.
9. Since some special pioneers and others attending
the Pioneer Service School may have to travel some distance, there may be need
for the school instructor to organize room accommodations as required. It may
be that the local congregation publishers will be happy to provide such
temporary accommodations. As far as may be possible students will not be asked
to come from too great a distance.
10. The Society will care for the travel and food
expense of special pioneers and missionaries attending the schools.
Congregations in the larger centers may wish to contribute in some measure. It
is not the wish of the Society that anyone become unduly burdened in caring for
such expense. In each case the instructor will inform the branch office of the
needs at each school location .
11. We are sure that this provision of the Pioneer
Service School will be of assistance and encouragement to our full-time
brothers and sisters, and eventually do much ;o extend the witness and result
in the organizing of many new congregations of Jehovah's worshipers.
larger branches have arranged a program for new members of the
Bethel family consisting of a series of twelve lecture periods and
twelve classroom discussion sessions for one hour each following the
Bethel family Watchtower study Monday evenings. The Dwelling
Together In Unity booklet is the basis for most of the outlines. Larger
branches may request copies of this material.
13. Bible reading is also a part of
this program. Before completing their first year at Bethel new members of the
family are expected to read the complete Christian Creek Scriptures during the
first five months and then the Hebrew Scriptures during the remaining
seven months.
14. ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS: New members of the family
are also given a preliminary series of four lectures relating to
Bethel life, work schedule, health, study and other appropriate items. A brief
outline of such topics is available on request from the Teaching Committee and
can be adjusted by the Branch Committee to tit local needs as desired.
15. GILEAD SCHOOL This school has been arranged for
persons desirous of entering the missionary service and who have spent more
than two years in full-time service. For additional details on qualifications,
see chapter eight, paragraphs two and .three. The Gilead course covers 20 weeks
and provides intensive training in Bible study and organization.
16. THEOCRATIC MINISTRY SCHOOL: Instructions as to
how the School is to be conducted each year appear on page one of each
Theocratic Ministry School Schedule. The publications to be used during the
school year are also shown therein. Branches may request exceptions as to material
covered, if necessary.
1. WRITING DESKS: The Governing Body of Jehovah's
Witnesses has approved of setting up writing desks on a permanent basis in a
number of the Society's branch offices. The objective of the arrangement is:
(1) to produce articles that are better adapted to the needs of the world
field, and to avoid the ,"American" flavor that results when most
articles are produced in the (United States; (2) to include in our journals
articles that are most helpful to Christians living under circumstances in
various parts of the world, not just those conditions found in the United
States; (3) to achieve a redistribution of the writing load; (4) to find
additional individuals who are qualified to write and thus give
greater diversity to the style of writing in our magazines, while also
achieving a broader interest in our publications.
2. The overseer of the writing desk in
the larger branches that have been asked to set up such desks will be
responsible to supply finished copy to the writing Department according to the
schedule made by the Assignment Desk at Brooklyn. where the assignment is on a
part-time basis, he will give it priority over other things when that is
necessary. At times these branch representatives of the Writing Department may
get in touch with other branches, requesting certain information or special
facts not available elsewhere. If this occurs, carbon copies of all such
correspondence between branches should be sent to the Writing Department in
Brooklyn. Branches that have not been asked to set up a writing desk are
encouraged to contribute written copy for The Watchtower and Awake! as they
have opportunity. In branches where there is such a desk the brother caring for
this work, as the branch representative of the Writing Department in Brooklyn,
is considered a reporter for Awake! In branches where no writing desk
has been set up, the branch committee coordinator generally is an
Awake! reporter. If you have someone who is particularly qualified to write, we
would encourage you to try to send in at least one article a year, or more if
you are able. If there is no one in your branch territory who has writing ability,
you should at least keep alert to what is happening in your part of the world.
When an event occurs that would be of interest to your brothers and others in
other countries, for example, if an earthquake or other calamity should strike,
then you should be quick to tell us about it. If nothing more, you can promptly
send us news clippings and your report on such matters.
3. At times an Awake! reporter may choose to
submit through the writing desk a complete article instead of sending
a preview outline to Brooklyn. Probably it would be preferable to handle
matters in this way when some newsworthy event takes place (such as an
earthquake or disaster), since we want to publish this material in the earliest
possible issue of Awake! Of course, the copy submitted under these
circumstances should be well written and ready for publication. First-person
news reports based on personal experiences and interviews not
only are factual but also have human interest that can never be
captured in an article that is based on I other news sources. Be careful about
covering political events, since we are neutral as to politics and avoid taking
sides. Nevertheless, at times we can report on governmental news that may be of
interest to our readers.
4. Those used as writers must be dedicated,
baptized brothers or sisters in good standing with their local congregations
and who have writing ability. They should be exemplary, modest, not inclined to
talk loosely to others about their writing activity. Sisters may be found to be
especially talented in writing articles of interest to women. However, they
should not be used to prepare articles that are basically an exposition of
Scripture. Whenever anyone is given an assignment to write an article for The
Watchtower or Awake!, that person should be given a copy of the memorandum
"Writing fo Our Journals." It is not necessary that the person read
the booklet Working Together in Unity. However, the one in the branch
responsible for sending in the article should be well acquainted with this
publication and follow its rules when editing material submitted. This will do
much to assure that articles will be usable for publication.
5. PREPARING MATERIAL: The subjects on which articles
may be written are quite varied. Some articles will deal with spiritual
matters, and these should be written by brothers. Awake! articles may be on
such subjects as commerce, economics, government, national customs, science,
religion, geography, various occupations, history, social science, and natural
history. Since the articles will be read by people in many lands, the subjects
and titles should have broad appeal. They do not have to be about the country
where the writer is located, although they may often beneficially contain
material that reflects the relationship of that country to the subject. This
can be accomplished by doing research in books and periodicals published in
that land and by mentioning places and customs peculiar to that country, if it
is appropriate to do so. There may be other more resourceful ways to achieve
this goal.
6. Time in which to do the work of
writing will vary with the individual. Those who are not in full-time service
can work matters out according to the free time they have available. Bethel
family members who are given the privilege of writing can be asked whether they
are in a position to do this on their own time or will need working hours. Some
may be happy to use evening hours, or weekends for this type of work. None,
however, should be discouraged from asking permission to use working time for
such an assignment. Generally the morning hours rather than late
evening hours are the best time for writing. A missionary, special pioneer or
regular pioneer can be granted a time allowance by the Branch Committee if this
is needed to care for a writing assignment. In many cases allowing the
equivalent of a work week may suffice for an article. Some assignments may not
require that much time, whereas for others more time will be needed. For those
in missionary or special pioneer service, it would be best to care for a
writing assignment within a single calendar month.
7. Article previews should be
submitted in most cases before an article is written. In a branch
having a permanent writing desk, the responsible brother will be expected to
work closely with the Writing Department in Brooklyn. In most cases he will
submit his suggestions for articles to Brooklyn for approval before proceeding
with the actual writing of the articles. This will act 2S a check preventing
two branches from preparing articles on the same subject. If ideas for articles
are submitted by other individuals in the country, the representative of the
Writing Department can attach his own notes to such an article preview when
sending it to Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Writing Department may have other
suggestions to offer as to what should be incorporated in the article. These
article previews should bear the name of the prospective writer as
well as the suggested title. They should be dated and should bear the signature
of the writing desk representative and of the branch committee coordinator.
Generally it is preferred that these previews be in outline form, complete with
introduction, body and conclusion. Of course, it is understood that if the
article is approved, the writer may make some adjustments in the outline as he
works on the subject. Branches that do not have a permanent writing
desk are also invited to submit preview outlines for prospective
articles, addressing the covering letter to the Assignment Desk, Writing
Department, Brooklyn. All article previews may be sent in unnumbered letters,
but completed articles should be sent with a numbered covering letter in
duplicate.See 1:73, ,1.
8. Field experiences and life stories have
been used in The Watchtower and Awake! Often the
circumstances, attitudes and customs of the people living in the country where
these articles originate are reflected in what is written. We should be sure
that there is an obvious and worthwhile point made by the experience or the
life story. Regarding the qualifications of those featured in life stories,
please see the memorandum "Writing for Our Journals."
9. In addition to suggestions for articles that you
would like to write, there may be other articles that you feel would be
of value to readers of The Watchtower and Awake! For
instance, from time to time subject material for a semi-special issue of one of
our journals might be developed. If your writing desk or branch does not feel
that it can handle such a subject, feel free to submit outlines for such a
semi-special issue and perhaps it can be worked out with cooperation from
writing desks in other branches. Also, there may be topics or questions that
could be handled in Scriptural articles, though you may not have anyone in your
branch territory who is in position to prepare such material. The Writing
Department in Brooklyn would be pleased to receive your suggestions. 10. If you
receive worthwhile news clippings, we would appreciate having
you send them to the Writing Department in Brooklyn. You can determine the type
of items that are likely to be of use by observing the material appearing in
"Insight on the News" and "Watching the World." Items from
newspapers and magazines as well as quotations from books should be accompanied
by the complete name of the author, publication, its publisher and place of
origin, its date and page number(s). Kindly indicate the specific
articleputting a mark in the margin next to any statements of particular
interestand send it to the Writing Department in Brooklyn in its entirety.
Please submit a good English translation for any foreign-language
clippings or copies of material that you send to Brooklyn. Kindly
direct these letters to the Writing Department, Clippings Desk.
Before signing and submitting an article to the Writing Department in Brooklyn,
the writing desk overseer or an assigned branch committee member (in the case
of branches lacking a writing desk) should read the article very
carefully. It should have a good title, an interesting introduction, a
well-outlined and developed body and a fitting conclusion. The article should
be appraised in the light of ~ hat is said in the memorandum Writing for Our
Journals. It should be good enough to publish for millions of readers. Also,
have in mind the possible effect of the article on the people living in
your territory. Sometimes it is best not to say certain things, even
though they are true Be careful not to submit material for publication that
might cause difficulty for our brothers or for the work in your country. There
are many things about which * e can write that will not hurt our work and may
actually engender good- ill. Of course, no matter what is written, the truth
should be presented. Nevertheless, we can be tactful about how we say things.
12. DOCUMENTING ARTICLES: When articles are submitted
for possible publication in The 'Watchtower or Awake! or as a
brochure, booklet, etc., it is important that they be properly documented. Do
not simply put a bibliography at the end of the article. Throughout the
article, please put reference numbers in brackets at the end of quotations and
next to facts, which should be documented. Then attach to the article a separate
sheet listing the sources alongside the corresponding numbers. This information
is useful to us in many ways and may even determine whether an article
can be published or not. With the first reference to each source document,
please show the following with regard to books: Full title, author's name, date
published, place of publication, volume and/or page numbers. Regarding
magazines and newspapers: Full name of publication, a clear statement as to
whether it is a magazine or a newspaper (some translators have to know this),
city and state and country where published, full date, page number. Subsequent
references to the same publication may be abbreviated.
13. If there are direct quotations from magazines,
newspapers, books, or other sources (apart from the Bible) in your article,
please submit a photocopy, whether the material is in English or any other
language. In the latter event, include a translation into English. Keep the
original on hand for future use in your branch, as for example in translation.
If you are aware that a particular quotation that you use has appeared
previously in the Society s publications. please state where it is to be found.
Branch Committees can check that the above details are being supplied when
sending in articles.
14. When an article is sent to the Writing Department
in Brooklyn it must be accurate in every detail. Basically,
that responsibility rests with the writer. We should use as writers only
individuals whom we know will do dependable research and present the facts
carefully. However, when the branch committee coordinator or (he branch
representative of the Writing Department reads ar, article and sees anything at
all in it lhat raises a question, this point chould be checked with the
original writer, or il should be looked up to make sure that what is said is
absolutely right. If lhe point is in error, an approl) ale correction should be
made. Similarly. if statements are ambiguous they should be clarified. Matters
should be expressed, not only with a view to explaining them, but so that they
will not be misunderstood by translators or by readers. Avoid use of
expressions having unnecessary political or propagandistic overtones
15. Where possible photographs or pictures (preferably
in color) should be sent along with the article. Photographic
negatives and clear slides .are preferred. This material will help the artists
to prepare good illustrations and give the article real local color.
Photographs should be accompanied by signed releases, as explained in Ihe memorandum
"Writing for Our Journals."
16. Any article that is sent to the Writing
Department in Brooklyn should bear the name of the writer. It
should also be dated and the name of the branch should be given. In the upper
right-hand corner should appear the branch committee coordinator's
signature as well as that of the branch representative of the writing
Department if you have a writing desk. Such signature(s) would
indicate that everything is in order and that the article is approved for
17. Articles of local interest that
have been prepared by your branch for use in certain-language editions of
Awake! should be approved first by the Branch Committee. Then, before they are
ever scheduled for your magazine, they should be sent, together with a
translation into English, to the Writing Committee for approval. Branches
translating Awake! may fill an average of up to ten percent of the
total pages of their Awake! magazine with local articles, but these
must first be approved by the Writing Committee as stated above. There may be
exceptions, such as "Watching the World," reports on branch dedication
and expansion, publishing a report on your conventions in an early
edition (while the information is still "news") or making a report on
the brothers' loving actions during some local disaster. In such exceptional
cases, you have our permission to publish the article with approval of the
Branch Committee only. However, please be careful not to say anything that
could put Jehovah's people in a bad light, or cause legal or other problems, in
your own country or other countries where your magazine may circulate. Send
such articles, together with English translations, clippings (including
translation), references, etc., to the Writing Committee. Have in mind that we
may also be able to use the material.
18. All correspondence and articles from branch
writing desks will be channeled through the branch committee coordinator, the
same as other branch correspondence.
1. The printed message of the Kingdom
deserves the best expression and grammar. For the most part, articles
or publications are originally written in the English language and then sent to
branches to be translated. The translator should get the true spirit
and understanding of the material and then make an accurate
translation. You have noted the high quality of the language used in the
Watchtower and Awake! magazines. A translation should be of the sarr,e high
quality in grammar and in choice of words. Translations of the Society's
publications should be understandable, easy to read, and, above all. convey the
truth as it is expressed in the original English.
2. In each branch that handles translation work, the
booklet Working Together in Unity should be read by every Branch Committee
member and by every translator so that they understand the Society's policy and
the relationship between :he writer and the translator and between the
translator and the proofreader. The matter of good translation cannot be
overstated, and it is essential that when a manuscript is released for
composition the manuscript be perfect. Please make all changes in
manuscript before it leaves the hands of the translator and proofreaders. The
one who will later proofread proofs should also read all copy before release
for composition. A proofreader has no right to change the translation. He may
make suggestions to the translator, but the translator must decide whether to
adopt or .ciect these suggested changes before the translation is released. Two
translators usually do not have the same ideas about how to translate the sarre
thing. Therefore, the assigned translator or, if necessary, the brothe- in
charge of the department should mediate any major queries that need to be
settled between translator and proofreader.
3. EXTRA COPY OF MANUSCRIPT: The translating branch
should keep a copy of the manuscript sent to the composing branch. If
you have proofread and corrected your manuscript, then your copy should be
marked the same. When sending your manuscript, please put a note with it
advising whether you have an exact copy.
4. HANDLING TRANSLATIONS: Usually in the annual
letter from the Governing Body to the branches it is stated what books or other
publications may be translated, and into what languages. If this approval is
granted then a branch may go ahead with the translation, but if you do
not get started on this for a year or more, please write the
Writing Committee for approval. Similarly, before initiating the
translation of any other publication, or of a magazine in a new language, you
should first obtain approval. As you begin translation of any new publication,
please send a letter to the Writing Committee with a copy to the Factory
Committee and the composing branch, giving the name of the publication, the
language, and the date when you expect to mail them the manuscript or
photographic materials.
5. Generally, the translation of any book
should be done by one person so that terms and expressions will be
uniform; others should proofread it carefully. On a major project such
as the Bible or the Aid book, more than, one translator may be used if you
first get the approval of the Writing Committee. Before any
translated copy is sent to the composing branch, it should be signed by
the translator and a qualified member of the Branch Committee, or a capable
brother designated by the Branch Committee, as having final approval.
6. TRACTS: Folders or tracts may be translated into
any language after obtaining approval from the Writing Committee. However,. do
not translate material that will be of no value to your country. The Branch
Committee should be selective in recommending material that
will be best suited for the territory. In new languages, you may wish to start
out with a tract. Then you will see how your translator does. After that
translate a 32-page booklet or brochure. If this is favorably received by the
public then translate more booklets, brochures, and eventually magazines or
Translation of (he Holy Scriptures w ill not be translated into any
language other than those approved and arranged for by the Writing Committee.
If you do not have the New World Translation in your language your
translator should have been instructed that when translating magazines or books
he should translate the New World Translation scriptures quoted in the
publications and keep a file of these particular scriptures
in his language. In this way we will always be translating such
scriptures the same way in the future. This file should be always handy to the
translator. Eventually he will have made a translation of thousands of texts,
and it will prove to be a convenience to the translator to copy the scripture
from this file instead of always doing it anew. If duplicate files are kept for
use by other translators, all of these should be kept up to date.
8. This is not to say that every scripture from the New
World Translation appearing in the publications must be translated. If you
have a good modern translation in the local language that brings out the
general meaning just as well as the New World Translation, use it.
However, if there is an advantage somehow in using the New World
Translation, as when a particular point in question is brought out by the New
World Translation, then it should be used, and the whole text should be
translated as it appears in the publication. If just one word or phrase is
inserted in the text from the New World Translation, then it should be
placed in brackets [ ], and the New World Translation cited in italics
as the source inside the brackets. For example: "The Lord [Jehovah, NW] is
my shepherd."
AWAKE!: Many editions of The Watchtower and Awake! are
now published simultaneously with the-English. As soon as approved copy for the
English magazines is available, this is air-mailed to the translation branches
that handle simultaneous publication. It is then up to these branches
to translate, proofread, and send perfect copy or diskettes to the composing
branches on schedule. Branches that are unable to share in simultaneous
publication will have to stay far enough behind the English issues so that
printing schedules can be met. But if your circumstances permit simultaneous
publication and you have approval to do this, fine.
10. Please furnish the printing branch copy
for all ads and announcements with the translation. This will keep
your magazines up to date, as they should be, and it will avoid a last-minute
rush of trying to get announcements in.
11. On the second page of The Watchtower and
Awake! appears the average number of copies printed of that edition in
all languages. This figure is usually updated with the first issue of each
year, and you should match the latest figure in the English magazine. The
translator and proofreader should be alert to keep this page up to date in all
respects. including addresses and prices. Do not let it get out of date.
The Watchtower should always carry the study
articles regardless of language or number of pages. Some magazines are of only
sixteen pages and therefore you can print only the study articles plus some
filler material. Furthermore, some Watchtower editions of sixteen pages in
different languages are printed only once a month; so some study articles must
be skipped. The Writing Committee sends out letters, usually in November and
May each year, instructing which study articles are recommended for translating
and publishing in monthly editions. Where The Watchtower is published twice a
month, then, of course, the study articles will always be published. As to
other material to put in selection should be made by the Branch Committee, not
by the translators. Your preference should be for those Watchtower secondary
articles that will be most beneficial in your field. If an announcement or
other short item, in the English Watchtower or Awake! does not apply in your
area, or if you need fillers, please make use of Yearbook experiences or items
from the Aid book.
13. In the event that Awake! is published only
monthly, or not at all in a language, you may select material from the English
Awake! which you believe would be of benefit, substituting this in your
Watchtower for secondary articles that may be less applicable to the people of
your country. However, this should be done only in exceptional cases.-Generally
the articles thus selected should be articles that are spiritually upbuilding,
rather than those of a purely secular nature, so as to be in harmony with the
general makeup of The Watchtower.
14. As to the Awake! magazine, selection of
articles to be translated should be made by the Branch Committee, or
they at least should approve the selection before translation. Where we cannot
publish all the material that appears in the English Watchtower or Awake!, then
the best for the territory should be selected.
15. In foreign-language editions of Awake! the Branch
Committee may wish to use a few local items for "Watching the World."
However, due to the danger of publishing something that might cause problems in
countries where that language edition will circulate, you should submit an
English language translation of the item to the Writing Committee for approval,
before publishing it. In place of "Watching the World" you may want
to translate articles from Awake! that would otherwise be missed.
16. The two issues ofThe Watchtower that
deal with the text for the coming year and the detailed report for the past
service year should be published simultaneosly or as early as possible in
foreign-language editions of The Watchtower.
material is sent to a printing branch sufficient copy should be sent in
for the whole magazine, that is, enough copy to fill all the pages.
Original copy should include all copy assoc ated with illustrations, charts or
other items not part of the text, such as captions and illustrations. This
permits completing the magazine, including any artwork, without delaying some
items until second page proofs. It never hurts to have a surplus of copy,
especially in the form of fillers, short items three to twenty lines long,
because fillers can be used in a following issue i. here is a shortage of
18. Any translated material sent in for a
particular edition should be marked for that issue. The Branch
Committee should decide, too. what articles should go in ;. e magazines as
filler material, and see to it that they are translated and that copy is all
mailed at one time.
l9. TEXTUAL ADJUSTMENTS: Unless otherwise noted,
adjustments listed on notices from Broo~lvn are intended to be made only on
publications 5till in process at the traaslating branch for first printing. Any
requests for permission to adjust a major translation error in a later printing
should be addressed to the Writing Committee, describing the nature of tne
error. Publisher's and b anch address pages and advertisements should be
changed to reflect current information and availability in reprint quantities
of 50,000 and up. Translating branches ordering reprints should submit film (or
copy) for any advertisement adjustments and latest branch address listing with
responsibility rests upon a translator. He must see that what is published in
the English Watchtower is translated clearly and exactly for a foreign-language
edition. He is not the author. He should strive to convey precisely the ideas
of the author. He has no liberty to insert his own ideas. If, because of lack
of space or to keep type size readable, something must be taken out of an
article, then it is the responsibility of the Branch Committee to tell the
translator what should be deleted. Harm may not be done by not saying something,
but great harm can be done by someone's putting in his own ideas, especially if
these are not in accord with the truth.
21. A translator does not have the privilege
to summarize a paragraph and put it in his own words. The work of a
translator is to get the exact thought of the author and set it out in another
tongue. Therefore, a translator must be a trustworthy and faithful person in
presenting what the author has stated. If any major changes are
necessary, then it is best for the Branch Committee to get in touch
with the Writing Committee. For the translator to present his ideas or
summarize an article is just like his writing it. He is giving his
interpretation of the ideas, not the whole expression. A translator is always
to endeavor to give the exact thought content as expressed by the author.
22. The brother responsible for assigning articles
for translation should have in mind the background and capabilities of the
translators. Thus sisters may be the more capable in translating articles about
the home, women s occupations, the beauties of creation and the like. Articles
on the Christian congregation, duties of elders, teaching, counseling, field
service, etc., could be better translated by brothers who are well acquainted
with these fields, if capable brothers are available for such translation.
However, there may be some articles that deal with Scriptural matters of a
general nature that might be translated by either a brother or a sister.
23. In some branches, sisters do a great amount of the
translation work. However, it is preferable where circumstances permit for a
capable brother to read final translated copy, and the sisters should respect
his judgment in the event he requests any changes that he believes may be
necessary for accuracy of translation. In the event the translation of a
passage presents a problem with regard to doctrine, policy or mode of
expression, he may wish to consult with the Branch Committee to
have the problem resolved. While we value the devoted work of our sisters on
translation, the principle of headship requires that brothers must decide,
after weighing the pros and cons on problems that may arise, and we believe the
sisters will respect this divine arrangement.
24. TRANSLATION PROBLEMS: At times certain words and
expressions appear in the English text that are difficult for people to
understand in some other parts of the earth. For example, where "ice
cream" is unknown, the translator may wish to recommend using some local
delicacy that will delight the children. Similarly, there may be unfamiliar
animals, flowers, plants, etc., that it would be better to change to
something that will be understood locally. Hence, if the translator
comes upon words and expressions he believes would present a problem,
alterations in the text may be made as follows:
25. For dated publications, such as The
Watchtower, Awake! or Our Kingdom Ministry, the translator should submit
his suggestions for changes to the local Branch Committee. If
the Committee approves, he may then insert the changes, and the Committee
should report the changes to the Writing Committee.
26. For undated material such as
books, booklets and other publications of a permanent nature, the translator
should submit his recommendations to the Branch Committee and they, in
turn, can send these to the Writing Committee for approval before the changes
are made.
27. Changes in artwork should be handled in the same
manner. If the Branch Committee feels it is advisable to substitute, for
example, an African for a Westerner, and a brother or sister is available to do
first-class work, such changes can be made as outlined above for text changes.
Hence, if the artwork Is in dated publications the Branch
Committee may give the approval. A printed copy of the altered page, with the
original attached, should be sent to the Writing Committee. If, on the other
hand, the change in artwork is to be done in an undated publication, then
the suggested adjustment, with a preliminary art drawing, should first be
submitted to the Writing Committee for approval.
now being published in a number of languages where semimonthly or monthly
editions cannot be prepared. They are proving to be a fine stimulus in many
territories not previously served b~ Awake!, including places where there are
restrictions on our work. They are not listed on page two of Awake! as Editions
Available by Mail, on a subscription basis, but are available as distributors
orders only. The cost is the same as for the regular editions. If they are
exportable by the printing branches, they are listed in the Cost List and
in the mailing lists sent to the branches.
29. REGULARITY OF PUBLICATION: The languages into
which The Watchtower and Awake! are to be translated and printed must
be approved by the Writing Committee. If it is once decided that a magazine
will be published once a month or twice a month, then the translation
must come through regularly. Subscribers expect it and have paid for
it. It should come through on schedule and the printing should be done
according to schedule.
30. Branches that believe that parts of their
territory could be served well by a quarterly Awake! in an additional language
are encouraged to write their recommendations to the Writing Committee.
31. LISTING BIBLE TRANSLATIONS: On page two of your
magazines, or on the publishers page of books, booklets, etc., you should
indicate which Bible translation is used primarily. Where you have the New
World Translation in your language you may follow what is done in recent
English publications. Otherwise, you may use the translation that you consider
to be the best in your language, stating: "Unless otherwise indicated,
Scripture quotations in this book [or magazine, etc.] are from the translation.
Where NW is shown following a quotation, it indicates that the translation is
made from the English-language New World Translation of the Holy
Scriptures, New Edition of [date]." Of course, the latest edition of
the New World Translation will normally be used. Where you quote
primarily from the New World Translation and do not have this in your
own language you can state: "Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture
quotations in this book [or magazine, etc.]" are translated from the
English-language New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures, New
Edition of [date].~
1. When it is conveniently possible, a zone
overseer visit will be arranged for each branch approximately once a year. The
zone overseer is sent out as a representative of the Governing Body to aid the
branch volunteers in handling their assignments and to see that matters are
being conducted in accord with the Scriptures, and in harmony with directions
from the Governing Body. He may be a member of the Governing Body or another
qualified brother. During the visit the zone overseer is accessible to
all members of the Bethel family for discussion on work that is done
at the branch, or on personal matters on which help is required by the
2. During the visit a talk will be given to local
Kingdom publishers at a place and time arranged for by the Branch Committee.
The time should be one that is convenient to the majority of the publishers who
will be invited to attend.
3. During his stay at the branch the zone
overseer will meet with the Branch Committee who will be prepared to
discuss questions or problems affecting the Kingdom work in the territory
assigned to that branch. There will also be a meeting with one or more
of the traveling overseers in the country in order to consider the
conditions in the field and the congregations. Also, if there are missionaries
in the country, there will usually be a meeting of those having
missionary status with the zone overseer unless you are advised
otherwise. Where convenient, this may be followed by a special meal for them
with the Bethel family and the Branch Committee and their wives in the truth.
In some places due to the distance and expense involved in bringing all of the
missionaries to one location, you may arrange another place for them to meet
with the zone overseer, perhaps on his inbound or outward-bound trip. (See also
8:41.) The Branch Committee will arrange for these things.
4. The zone overseer will be able to observe whether
correct procedures are being followed in each branch that is visited and before
leaving the visited branch will make suggestions as necessary to assist in
providing for conformity to the Scriptures and the branch procedures. He will
be especially interested in the spiritual condition of the branch field and in
helping to build up the spirituality of the flock. It will be his
responsibility to leave with the branch a letter setting out his observations
and recommendations, together with a copy of the completed Questionnaire for
Zone Overseer's Visit. He should make it clear that the Branch Committee should
follow through on his report in making their own specific recommendations to
the Governing Body. The zone overseer should forward to the Governing Body a
copy of the above letter to the branch together with the original set
of Questionnaire sheets. At the same time, in a separate letter, he may advise
the Governing Body of any matters and observations of a more confidential
5. The wife of the zone overseer may
travel with him at the Societys expense if they so desire
whenever the trip will require fifteen Bethel working days or more. She will be
assigned work during the regular working hours in the field service with local
publishers or in a Bethel home or branch according to the circumstances. For
any trips on Society business requiring less than fifteen Bethel working days,
any working days that are used by a wife in traveling with her husband will be
counted as vacation days and her travel would not be at the Society's expense.
The same principle would apply in the case of wives in full-time service of
other representatives of the Society such as missionaries, circuit or district
overseers, members of a Branch Committee and Bethel family who may be sent out
on special assignments that require them to be away from their regular
assignments for fifteen Bethel working days or more.
6. By having a thorough discussion of the activities
of the branch and the work in the field, there should be a stimulation of
Kingdom activities and improvement in the service that is provided to the
brothers throughout the world through the branch organizations. The Branch
Committees can aid the zone overseer in covering all the important
matters by having their data and questions thoroughly prepared ahead of time
and available to the zone overseer immediately upon his arrival at the branch.
The Questionnaire for Zone Overseer's visit to Branches (A-26) should be filled
out in duplicate I prior to his arrival.
7. While he is with a branch, the zone overseer will
usually preside at the Bethel table and he ~-!ill preside at the Branch
Committee meeting(s) held during his visit.
1. The first
responsibility of each member of a Branch Committee is to Jehovah
God. He must appreciate his relationship to his Maker and he
must give him exclusive devotion. Doing this, he will want to be
faithful in Jehovah's organization and his service to his brothers. He
will recognize, too, that Jehovah places members in the body as it pleases him.
Having been placed in the position of a member of a Branch Committee, he will
certainly want to be faithful in his service. At no time should a branch
committee member get the attitude that he is very important and thus can never
be replaced, because if that attitude exists he will not be of genuine benefit
to his brothers and in due time may have to be replaced. It is especially
important that members of the Branch Committee cooperate together, thus setting
the proper example.Ps. 133:1; Phil. 2:2-4.
2. DEALING WITH PEOPLE: The attitude of the
branch committee member should be one of friendliness and
loving-kindness in dealing with his brothers as well as with
businessmen and officials. In some instances he may be a stranger in the
country where he serves. If so, he should recognize that the people of that
country have a measure of pride in their land, their culture and their manner
of doing things. They were raised to appreciate the things around them. They
rightly feel they are just as good as other people in the world. Whether a
foreigner to the country or not, a branch committee member should never take
the position that the people he serves are ignorant, or that they are below
standard, and thus speak to them as inferiors, but, rather, he must deal with
them in kindness and try to please them. He must maintain a good reputation on
behalf of his heavenly Masters and set a good example at all times in work,
morals and field service.
3. Officials in small countries generally feel as
proud of their country as do those in large countries. They do not like to have
anyone speak ill of them and make them feel inferior. You can get good results
by being kind, loving, peaceful, self-controlled, showing the Christian spirit
and being decent to people. Causing friction and using strong, harsh language
against anyone causes distrust. Branch committee members should learn to always
control their spirit and keep alert when doing business with officials,
businessmen or anybody else. Keep in mind that officials have the right to say
who goes into their countries and who may live there. It is not our business to
tell them how to run the country. We may be able to have missionaries there and
do many things only because of their kind consideration. Let us show
appreciation. If you do that you will always get better results. Always be
tactful and remember it is Kingdom interests we are interested in primarily.
Copyright © 1998 Watchtower Observer. All rights
Revised: august 05, 1999.
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