Oh Jewel, OH! Rith thought, waking her rider from a deep sleep. "What is it Rith?" Jewel asked, getting up slowly. She threw on her soft green robe and walked to Rith's weyr. JEWEL! I think I'm going to rise..soon! OH! Or now! she thought, stretching her wings out widely, her muscles tense. "Oh no Rith, hurry..we have to get you outside! And please try to obey me this time!! Last time you gorged yourself!" Yes, but I DID have seven special eggs, didn't I? OH! Get out of my way! OUT! the green thought, pushing past her rider and into the warm, southern air.

Her hide shone the most fascinating gold green color as she fluttered her wings and waddled to the hunting grounds. The weyrfolk had already begun to gather around, watching the large green tackle her first wherry. "Rith, you should know by now you can only blood it! You'll have a huge clutch if you do, I promise love!" Jewel shouted to her green. Rith bugled loudly, but she obeyed. She was a well mannered dragon, but even well mannered dragons get disobedient when they're about to fly.

Some of the male dragons had also begun to gather, watching the large, beautiful female swoop to catch her second herdbeast. Two browns, two bronzes and an odd, strangely large white. The weyrleader and his brown Silitonith sat closest to the Weyrwoman, Clad ready to help her in anyway he could.

"Dearheart, blood the beasts!" Jewel reminded Rith as she captured her third wherry, the other two wherries and the 4 herdbeasts' corpses laying around her. She threw the body down, her wing muscles tensing. With a loud bugle, she launched herself into the air, the five males leaping forward after her. She flew in and out of circles, calling to her mates playfully. The two bronzes ran into each other as she looped high into the air causing their wings to tangle and fall before swooping to the ground.

Rith looked behind her, calling again to the remaining males. Now far above the southern ocean, she flew low and let her tail drag against the warm water. The smaller brown, D'min's brown Kujith, followed her, but failed to pull his wings up in tip. He dove deep into the warm waters, leaving only Clad's Silitonith and the strange white.

The white swung his tail at Silitonith, knocking him into the warm water. He flew faster to catch Rith, but Rith was NOT going to let this male catch her! She beat her wings faster, trying to escape the huge white. But she wasn't fast enough. He looped around, ending up in front of her and grabbed her neck with his. Rith screamed defiance to the male, and struggled with all her might to get away. On the ground below, Jewel out screamed for Clad, struggling and fighting with the white's rider.

From behind, brown Silitonith caught the male by his tail and pulled him off and away from his beloved Rith. The white male shrieked in surprise and tumbled to the waters below. Silitonith gentle wrapped his neck around Rith's, and she crooned lovingly to her mate. The glided effortlessly back to the hunting grounds, where Clad caught Jewel from falling, and led her back to her weyr.

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