Facts about  USA(multiple choice quiz).
Opposites of the common verbs.(quiz)
Jumbled sentence.

These are some exercises for children and adults, who has just begun to learn English language.
Forest animals.
1.Jumbled words.
2.Jumbled words.
3.Jumbled words.
4.Jumbled words.
5.Fill-a-gap exercise.
Vocabulary Exercises.
My family.
Matching Exercise. Synonyms.
You have to pull and drag the word from the right column of the matching exercise and match it to the word in the left column. The words are synonyms. Enjoy!
Click on the number to read the definition. Print the word. If you are stuck, you can click on "Hint" to get a free letter.
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Read the question-definition? Print the answer in the bar.
My family. Quiz.
My familly. Jumbled sentence 1.
My Family. Jumbled sentence 2.
My Family. Jumbled Sentence 3.
My Family. Jumbled sentence 4.