The Story Behind LeRoy's Kanreki Web Photo Album

The invitation from LeRoy's family arrived with this on the outside:


60th Birthday Party
for LeRoy!

Ooo, ooo, ooo.  We love a  good surprise!  

This was my next thought: 

"60?  Nahhhhhh. Fo' real kine?  Wooooow.  Not!  No joke, LeRoy. You no look dat ol'. 59, maybe, but not 60. Hehehe. Nah, nah, no huhu,  on'y joke.  

Eh, ackchully, you skinny buggah nowdays. You look like one `ono ulua.  Mo' like 49 an' holding, yeah?" 

[Translation from pidgin into standard English for the kotonks (mainland born):  "60?  No!  Really? Wow. It can't be.  No kidding, LeRoy. You just don't appear to be your age. 59, perhaps, but certainly not 60. Hehehe. Don't get mad at me, I'm just kidding. 

Actually,  you're a slim and trim fellow these days.  You're looking quite the studly game fish [Hawaiians liken a sweetheart to a game fish].  Perhaps 49 and holding? "]

Ulua = Hawaiian game fish = Figuratively, a sweetheart = LeRoy!


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