Myers-Briggs Introduction

by Cory Caplinger


The Myers-Briggs system measures people in four areas...subdivided by two functions

Relating to Others Information Taking Decision Making Life Order
Extraversion (E) Sensing (S) Thinking (T) Judging (J)
Introversion (I) iNtuition (N) Feeling (F) Perceiving (P)

Extraversion? Perceiving? What do these words mean? Read the following lists and compare each function to each other.

Extraverts Introverts
Expressive Quiet
Outgoing Shy
Energized by action, people, things Energized by ideas, feelings, impressions
Speak before they think Think before they speak
Share personal information easily Reluctant to share personal information
Prefer to be in the company of others Prefer to be left alone
Distracted easily Can concentrate well
Have a lot of friends Small, close group of friends
Uninhibited Inhibited
Like working in teams Would rather work alone
Approachable, open with strangers Stand off-ish, keeps to themselves
Like meeting new people Prefer a small group of people they already know
Develop ideas through discussion Ideas come from thinking alone
Manager, salesperson, customer service rep. Librarian, mechanic, legal secretary
Party animal, social butterfly Wallflower

Are you an Extravert or an Introvert? Examine your day, your past week, your life. Does it feel more like "you" when you are interacting, communicating, experiencing (Extravert)? Or are you more of yourself when alone thinking, reflecting, doing a hobby, etc (Introvert)?

Sensors iNtuitives
Focused on the physical world Focused on the mental or spiritual world
Live by their five senses Use a "sixth sense", "hunch", and "gut feeling"
Concrete Abstract
Interested in "what is" Interested in "what can be"
Realistic Idealistic
Practical Imaginative
Understands details, particulars Understands meaning, generalities
Only see the obvious Look beyond the surface
Down to earth Head in clouds, deep
Use words literally Use metaphors, analogies, hidden meanings
Live in the present Live in the future
Needs evidence and facts Speculative and theoretical
Traditional and simple Original and complex
Banker, police, athlete, surgeon, pilot, cashier Artist, scientist, poet, mystic, social reformer, philosopher
Sees the trees instead of forest Sees the forest instead of trees

Are you a Sensor or an iNtuitive? Is your day mostly spent attending to reality, and understanding the facts (Sensor)? Or do you usually dream, theorize, compose, see symbolism, and walk the inner mind landscape (iNtuitive)?

Thinkers Feelers
Value truth Value harmony
Use logic in making decisions Use personal feelings in making decisions
Notice wrong reasoning Notice when people need support
Driven by their rational mind Live by their passionate heart
Honest in speaking their mind Will hide the truth so the other person won't be hurt
Firm with people Gentle with people
Uses justice in dealing with others Uses mercy with others
Can be labeled "cold, hard, heartless" Labeled "bleeding heart, softy, weak"
Impersonal with others Take things personally
Objective Subjective
Critical Empathetic
Prefers a logical, impersonal atmosphere Prefers a warm, friendly atmosphere
Thick-skinned Thin-skinned
Engineer, scientist, manager, computer programmer Therapist, nurse, teacher, artist, clergy
Uses feelings to serve their logic Uses logic to serve their feelings

Are you a Thinker or a Feeler? Are you objective, impersonal, interested in goals and ideas (Thinker)? Or are you more friendly, personal, interested in others, and are comfortable with deep emotions (Feeler)?

Judger Perceiver
Decisive, and makes decisions quickly Adapts to situations, and gathers more information before deciding
Makes life firm and controlled Makes life flexible and relaxed
Easier to finish projects Prefers to start projects
Organized Disorganized
More serious More carefree
Routinized and predictable Spontaneous and unpredictable
Uses schedules and timetables as a guide Does whatever comes up
Dislikes suprises and needs advanced warnings Enjoys surprises and spontaneous happenings
Needs issues settled Doesn't like anything unalteratable
Hard-working Leisurely
Can be too close-minded Can be too open-minded and fickle
Gets things done as soon as possible Procrastinates
Can be overly responsible Can be irresponsible
"Goes down with the ship" "Changes horses in midstream"

Are you a Judger or a Perceiver? Are you an organized, work-comes-first, decisive person (Judger)? Or are you an adaptable, spontaneous person who prefers to explore the possibilities (Perceiver)? Please note that Judger does not mean "judgemental", as some people have thought.

Now you can begin to find out your type! If you are an Extravert, put down E. If you are an Introvert, put down I. Next to that letter, put down S for Sensor, and N for iNtuitive. After that, put a T for Thinking or F for Feeling. Finally, a J for Judging and a P for Perceiving. You should have 4 letters that look like ESTJ, INFP, ENTP, ISFJ, etc. Remember this 4 letter code. You can now go to the type descriptions and read the description for your type. If it doesn't sound much like you, go back here and see which letter might be wrong. Some people are in between, like both Extravert and Introvert. That is perfectly fine, but choose which letter is mostly like you, even if it's very slight.

If you know your enneagram type, you can help verify your Myers-Briggs type by viewing the type correlations and see if yours is a likely candidate for your enneagram type.

If you are still unsure, or want to be on the safe side, take some tests provided by other great sites!

(C) 2000 Lifexplore. This information may be used only with proper credit to the author, for non-profit personal uses only.


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