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La Lilandejo : Esperanto


“Esperanto-land” | Esperantism | Esperantists

General Information for Anglophones
(Note to English-speakers: You're an Anglophone! ;-)

Among the purposes of La Lilandejo is, of course, to inform visitors about the International Language Esperanto. Eventually I hope to have a fair amount of information, or at least links to it, here, but in the meantime if you don't see what you need here your best bet is probably to start from the website of the Esperanto League for North America, the main US Esperanto organization, or from the English information page at Esperanto.Net's Multilingual Information Page (click on the UK & US flags).
The background music is La Espero
["The Hope"; cf. the Israeli Ha-Tikvah].
The tune was composed by Félicien Menu DE MÉNIL
(1860- ? ) for the poem by the same title
(incipit : En la mondon venis nova sento)
by Dr. Zamenhof, which is generally regarded as
the quasi-official anthem of the Esperanto movement

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La Lilandejo