My Inspirations & Humor
Fibromyalgia Support & Awareness
Music and Vocal By Vonee Rose

Mary and Joseph
Mary and Joseph both tired and worn,
Had traveled long, a Child soon to be born.
They went to every inn in Bethlehem,
but there was no room to be found.

They were led to a stable, on that cold winter's night,
And there they stayed, While the stars shone so bright.
Mary gave birth to a Son where she lay,
Jesus' first bed was a Manger of hay.

The shepherds they came,to worship the King,
The wise men brought gifts,of wonderful things.
He was called to be Jesus,as the angel had said,
He was the Son of God, without a bed.

So this year, as you're looking for the gift that's just right,
Don't forget Our Savior, who was born on that night.
And as we celebrate on Christmas Day,
Bow your heads and remember it's Christ's Birthday.

Copyright ©2006-2007 Glenda Kaye Schlueter

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