Even when we are lost he waits with open arms, to show us the way.

                 Lost in the world

God I have searched to find you, but you're not there,
sometimes I wonder "do you even care"
God I'm lost in this world with no where to go.
No dreams no hope nothing to show.

God I see the footprints but they are mine.
Oh lord I need you to love me, please give me a Sign.

Lord I am lost yet to be found, oh how many times
My knees knelt to the ground Praying Lord give me guidance just show me The way, then my heart listens and you have nothing to say.

Lord you said you would never leave me in my
Time of need, Lord I need you, this is my plea.

Lord my wish is to only be closer to you, I am broken
and you are my glue.
Lord am I broken beyond repair, this I need you to know my soul is in despair
Lord I am lost in this world but will continue to find my way. My heart is open and ready to hear what you have to say.

Lord be with me as I bow my head in prayer
If you have a minute or one to spare.
I need to know you love me and that you care.

                                   By: Eileen Knarr

When I said "I am with you always" I meant it literally. I am not absent to anyone in any situation.  Because I am always with you, YOU are the way, the truth  and the life.