The information of the pages are only applied for POISE personnel usage

ASQ> List Brief from Filename // List out description of the file

ASQ> List Double // list brief but show mask and code prefix

ASQ> Show Source // show current

ASQ> Set Source enrdata, stdhist via studentID //main: enrdata , suppl: stdhist

ASQ> Display grade , firstname , lastname // No NEED to via studentID

ASQ> Set Source enrdata, stdhist //main: enrdata , suppl: stdhist 2 datafile

ASQ> Display grade , firstname via studentid, lastname via studentid //need via studenttID

ASQ> Set Source Customer, DKB100:[slim]Customer //CAN'T set two same file wif diff location

ASQ> Set Source Customer, DKB100:[slim]Customer Alias Oldfile

ASQ> Define Oldfile DKB100:[slim]Customer // Define logical name

ASQ> Find Current where lastname ="smith" ordered by .firstname .lastname //2 level sorting

ASQ> Find Student Where studentid is between A and B //generate pointer file

ASQ> Find Common_File where lastname eq " smith" // 521 recs

ASQ> Find Common_File FOLLOWING Current where state eq "AR" // 501 rec

ASQ> Find Common_File Where lastname eq "smith" AND state eq " AR" // 501 rec

ASQ> Display #31 Total #22 Average from Current

ASQ> Display studentid fullname credithours sum(1) grouped by studentid

ASQ >Save ken // save pointer file as ken.ptr , but ken is not current

ASQ> Recall ken // recall ken.ptr as current pointer file

ASQ>Spawn dir *.log // list out all file without exiting ASQ session

pls : Save file.asq contain ASQ commands and execute it by @file.asq



ASQ>Diplay .first .last . gender HEADING " Sex" .amount MASK "$@,@@@,@@@@-"
>From sourcefile1, sourcefile2-
>where condition -
>grouped by -
>ordered by ->into file.ext-
>queue to LTA99



.object [IS] ONE OF ( "100" ,"200", "300")

.object [IS] BETWEEN " 0000" AND " 1000"

.object IS LIKE " 4%10" // % =any one character

.object IS LIKE "42*" // * =any number of character

.object IS IN ("A, " CD", DEG" )

.object IS IN ('1', '3', '45' ,'564')

.object BEGINS WITH "42" // any string starts with 42

.object CONTAINS " cash" // any string containing cash



> Greater than

< Less Than

>= Greater or Equal Than

<= Less or Equal Than

<> No Equal



ASQ> display .fisyear , .dept ,- .tranamt , .glclass, .trandate ,.vendorid,-

_More> .object , .sortname via .chknumber - // chknumber is comm field from checkregs

_More> from detailhst, checkregs -

_More> where (.object="6064" or .object="6164")and .fisyear="0405" -

_More> and .tranamt>0 -

_More> into file1.lis/nodelete/forms=hp_letter queue to lta99 //save file1.lis after sending to que



Import field from sup-fiile, and order it

ASQ> Set source gldetail, paymast // set main&supplement datafile , NO POINTER file
ASQ> show source
Current main source file:
Number of pointers in current collection: 4461

Supplementary source files:

ASQ> display .fullname using .payrollid, #1 #8 #10 total #11 -
_More> from gldetail, paymast grouped by #1 -
_More> ordered by .fullname via payrollid -


@copyright of Soon Lim. All right reserved