Mi Good Frenz of 6K'99

This page is specially for de notorious frenz of mine frm 6K'99...Geri, Dexuan, Mark, Kenneth, Shuxian, Ben...

Geraldine Low/Geri/Jellybean

Geri, the gurl who can drive me insane in 2 minutes flat...*grinz*...and the one who can go absolutely frantic over nothing...her results are always so damm good *applause* and she's the person i always go to when i haf any problems eg. maths...Geri modelled and acted in commercials when she was real young...and achalee managed to haf a picture taken wif Chew Chor Meng! *gasp* sheesh...some pple haf all de luck...But unlyke Mark, she doesn't boast abt it...wat gets to me though, is the fact dat she eats like there's no tomorrow and still manages to stay as thin as a rake! *groanz* I will never forget the hours we spend yakking on de fone...gossiping and giggling about crappy jokes...Geri will always be mi best fren...(but Geri, dun expect de $50 of psychologist fees anytime soon...hyakz...)

Hong Dexuan/Dex/Dexter/Dexterity/Tycho Psycho/lugmental/BADX

Dexuan...the crappy one....the one whose voice broke drastically suddenly...and our ex-class chairman in class 6K'99...he is strict as a chairman, but Dexuan's a lot of fun...and a reallie good fren...he hears our problems and gives the most absurd advice...*grin*...dis guy is a maths whizz...and so he's naturally our maths teachers' pet....he's a typical guai-guai guy...heh heh...doh he seems to have been a leetle influenced by his classmates in RI...the once unsporty guy has now become a softball star !(or so his senior says...) *pukez* no way will i buhleeve dat doh...*smirkz* Dexuan is so unboastful dat sometimes it juz gets on my nerves...*groan groan sigh sigh* He's also reallie sarcastic and insulting, and is always unable to tok to anyone on de fone...but nevertheless, he'll always be our trustworthy chairman and reallie good (but siao) fren...

Mark Lim/Markers/Markai/Ping

Mark here, is one of a kind. He is the most thick-skinned one of us all, always asking us to look at his "hazel-brown" eyes...he was even voted "Cutest Guy" in our class...*pukez* when he starts singing and singing (which is often), you'll find de rest of us standing in a corner, puking and puking....*grinz* Mark's a natural athlete...a swimmer, a runner, a rugger etc etc. But of course, dose sports never seem to help him grow more, and so we endlessly tease him about his height...Mark is known for his creativity, doh often put to bad use...he has a corny sense of humour and usually manages to crack us up (esp.Geri)...he definitely makes things interesting around here...The vain pot in our group, he is practically a vulgarities dispensing machine, and always seems to hate wat de rest of us likes, and driving us crazy over dat feud wif Kenneth...but Mark is of coz de fiend, erm...i mean friend, we can all count on to do something...and we wun forget his weird antics..never..

Kenneth Lim/Ken/Kenny

The siao guy of the group, Kenneth is well-liked by teachers and most frenz (erm-hrm, mark) coz of his happy-go-lucky attitude i guess...he cracks jokes all de time...doh most of them are rather lame...hyakz...he's a soccer maniac - he watches real soccer and plays coin soccer...and he sometimes does stuff which we all find a bit...er...well, nauseating...he and Mark gives de rest of us headaches over dat silly feud...sheesh...he's also de one wif all de weird ideas, and isn't shy to do anything, like wear a skirt..but in class, he's a good student, serious and dependable, as wat de teachers commented in his report book (I tink...or was it mine? hehz) He can be quite irritating too, but that's Kenneth, and that's de way he is...

Benjamen Lim/Ben

Ben, the one whose amazing talent in art leaves us gasping and gaping in awe, while his corny jokes and spastic wisecracks leave us gagging in disgust and snorts...Ben's the reallie comical one...and is an expert in making many different types of faces - innocent, dumb, crazee...u name it, he does it...he is helpful and is achalee a nice guy (*gaspz* REALLIE????? juz kidding..) Once, he helped me do my art, and i managed to get an A after all dose millions of Cs!!! yeah man...another creative genius, he can fit words into songs, turning the songs into totally mad-sounding ones...Ben's a blunt guy, spouting his opinions out whenever he felt like it, thus making Ms Tan go fuming mad sometimes...he loves de Simpsons...Bart Simpson...perhaps dat's where he got his sense of humour from...Ben will always be Ben to us...a wacky and good fren....

Wui Shuxian/Shush

Shuxian...the soft soft gurl wif de sweet sweet smile...Shuxian has this...attractiveness...that has boys falling for her...She's also a bit de boycrazy...and is an expert in rolling her eyes...*grinz* She likes both cute things and cool things...and is a soprano singer in de choir...her voice doesn't make us wanna puke when she sings, unlike Mark and de rest...she can draw veri well too...and loves to shop and juz hang out at Orchard Road...she is sentimental and thoughtful, and another teachers' pet...hyakz...everything about her is hearts hearts hearts....even de letter 'i' is dotted wif a heart! She's just a typical girly girl, and our memories wif her will never fade...

Frenz 4eva
As long as we haf memories, yesterday remains.
As long as we haf hope, tomorrow awaits.
As long as we haf frenship, today is beautiful.