What is LSI?How to Join LSI?Latest LSI minutesAdviseOffice bearersAnnouncementsWhat is Limnology?Office BearersRoles of LSILSI Members
What is LSI? How to Join LSI? Latest LSI minutes Advice & information Office Bearers Announcements What is limnology? LSI Office Limnology Links Roles of LSI LSI Members
LSI was founded during National Symposium on LIMNOLOGY IN INDIA conducted at R.K.M.Vivekananda College, Chennai, India from 17th to 19th August, 2002.

Office - Bearers

Prof.N.Anand, President

Dr.N.Jeeji bai, Vice-President

Dr.V.Sankaran Vice-President

Dr.V.Sivasubramanian, Secretary

Dr.S.Rajan, Joint-Secretary

Dr.M. Baluswami,Treasurer




Dr.Vijaya U Kerkar


Prof.N.Anand, President LSI,

C.A.S. in Botany,

University of Madras,

Chennai 600025, India

1. LSI conducted a National Workshop on Methods in Limnology during 16th and 22nd November, 2003.Click here for details

2. LSI conducted a national seminar on Aquatic Biology in collaboration with Dept of Zoology, University of Madras during Feb 17 - 18, 2006.

