Consultant Scientist, R&D, Algal Division,

Parry Agro Industries Ltd.,

Carborundam Universal, Thiruvottiyur

 Madras 600019




Academic training :

B.Sc Botany , Presidency College, Madras, 1958, II Class

M.Sc Botany, Presidency College, Madras, 1960, I class, University III Rank

Ph.D Algology, Madras University. 1965, under guidance from world renowned Algologist, Prof. T.V.Desikachary.

Positions held :

Consultant Scientist, R&D. Algal Division, Parry Agro Industries Ltd, Madras, since 1996.

*  1990 - 1995 - Senior Scientist / Technologist. MCRC, Madras.(http://www.cflindia.com/group.html)

*  1989 - CSIR Fellow, Extra Mural, C.A.S in Botany, University of Madras.

*  1987- 1989 - Reader and Head of the Department of Biology, Gandhigram Rural University

*  1980 - 1986- Scientist/Technologist at Shri A.M.M. Murugappa Chettiar Research Institute, MCRC, Madras.

*  1976- 1980 - Lecturer, C.A.S In Botany, University of Madras.

*  1970 - 1976 - Federal Government Employment, Institute of Algal Research and Technology, Dortmund, Germany.

*  1966 - 1968 - Pool officer, Central Food Technological research Institute, Mysore, Post - doctoral fellow, University of Madras.

*  Aug 1964 - April 1966 - Alexander von Humboldt - fellowship, University of Tuebingen, germany.

Grants , membership of Societies etc:

1.  Grant of Research microscope and accessories from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation

2.  Member of International Society for Cyanophyte Research.

3.  Member of Editorial Board of Indian Phycological Society.

4.  Member of  Executive Committee of Seaweed Research Utilization Association of India.

5.  Consultant for Centre of Science for Villages,Wardha, Maharashtra, Botany Department, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Participation in Symposia, Publications etc :

1.  International Symposia - more than 20

2.  National Symposia - 20

3.  Regional - 5

4.  Research papers - 42

5.  Books - 2

6.  Monographs - 3


web master : vsiva@vsnl.com