Dr. Vijaya Ulhas Kerkar
Senior Lecturer, Department of Botany,
Goa University. Goa.
Email: vijayakerkar@yahoo.com


RESEARCH ACTVITIES : Extensively surveyed coastline of India including Oceanic Islands i.e. Lakshdweep & Andamans for marine algae. Submerged banks ( shallow water areas in the Oceanic Region )were also dredged for the collection of marine algae from the depth range of 25 – 75 meters. This is the first work carried out in India. Marine calcified algae are studied for their Taxonomy, Ecology, Surface morphology and Mineralogy. Presently engaged in studying fresh water algae from paddy fields, temple ponds etc. As a student of Botany a small effort is also made to document Pteridophytes of Western ghat (Goa Region)which resulted into the discovery of 16 additional species to Goa . These plants are also maintained in the glasss house of Botany Department. Goa University. .
  1. Cruise No. 169 of R.V. Gaveshani to off Bombay.
  2. Cruise No. S.K. 41 of O.R.V. Sagar Kanya to Andamans.
  3. Cruise No. 206 of R.V. Gaveshani to submerged Banks.

    1. Ambiye Vijaya (1987). Spyridea fusiformis, Boerge - A New record from Malwan coast of India. Mahasagar -Bull. Natn. Inst. Oceanogr. 20(4) : 267-268.
    2. Ambiye Vijaya and A.G. Untawale (1991) Biodiversity of an articulated algae Amphiroa fragilissima :- along Anjuna, Goa (Central west coast of India).In: Bioactive substances from marine organisms, Eds. M. Thompson et.al.pp. 55-62.
    3. Ambiye Vijaya and A.G. Untawale (1991). Galaxura rugosa from India.Seaweed Res. Utiln. 13(2) : 97-100.
    4. Ambiye Vijaya and A.G. Untawale (1992). Deep water marine algal flora of the submerged banks off west coast of India. In: Oceanography of Indian Ocean Eds. B.N.Desai. pp.247-251.
    5. Ambiye Vijaya and B.B. Chaugule and A.G. Untawale (1989) Neomeris van-bosae - A new record along the Indian coast.Curr. Sci. 58(24) : 53-57.
    6. Kamat S.Y. ; S. Wahidulla; L. D’souza;C.G. Naik; V. Ambiye;D.S. Bhakuni; A.K. Goel; H.S.Gargand R.C. Srimal (1992). Biodiversity of marine organisms Part VI : Antiviral evaluation of marine algal extracta from the Indian coast.Bot. Mar. 35 : 161-164.
    7. Kamat S.Y.; S. Wahidulla; L. D’souza; C.G. Naik; V. Ambiye; D.S. Bhakuni; A.K. Goel; H.S. Garg and R.C. Srimal (1991) Biodiversity of marine organisms Part III : Screening of marine algae of the Indian coast for biological activity. Mahasagar -Bull. Natn. Inst. Oceanogr. 24(1) : 53-57.
    8. Kerkar Vijaya (1994) Mineralogical studies on calcareous algae. Curr. Sci. 66(5) : 381-382.
    9. Kerkar Vijaya and S.D. Iyer (1994) Surface morphology of some articulated corallines from India.Curr. Sci. 66(11) : 868 - 870.
    10. Kerkar Vijaya and A. G. Untawale (1995) Studies on structure and organisation of calcium carbonate deposit in algae.Curr. Sci. 68(8) ; 843-845.
    11. Kerkar Vijaya (1994). Marine algal flora of central west coast of India In : Biodiversity of western Ghats.� 2:66
    12. .
    13. Untawale A.G., C.R.K. Reddy and Vijaya Ambiye (1989). Marine algal flora of submerged Angria Bank (Arabian Sea). Ind. J. Mar. Sci. 18: 207-209.
    14. Untawale A.G. and Vijaya Ambiye (1989) Flora of Beyt Shankhodar in Gulf of Kuchch:In: MarineArchaeology of Indian ocean Countries. Eds. S.R. Rao pp. 139-141.
    15. Kamat, S.Y. S Wahidulla; L.D’souza; C.G. Naik; V. Ambiye; D.S. Bhukari; Sudha jain; A.K. Goel & R.C. Srimal (1994). Biodiversity of marine organisms: Part VIII - Effects of seaweed extract on central Nervous system. Indian Journal of experimental Biology. 32 : 418-422
    16. Kerkar Vijaya and S.Madkaikar (2003) Fresh water Blue Green Algal Flora of Goa.Indian Hydrobiology (In Press ).
    17. 16. Kerkar Vijaya(2003) Deep Water calcareous algae from submerged Banks of India Seaweed Res. Utiln. (In Press)..
    18. Gaunker T. and V. Kerkar (2003) Studies on algal Diversity in Temple ponds from North Goa Indian Hydrobiology (In Press)
    19. Shetiya C. and V. Kerkar (2003) Algal Flora of Rice Field From Tiswadi Taluca.
      Indian Hydrobiology (In Press ).

    Membership in Professional Bodies:

    Research Project: Plant and Fungus biodiversity inventory, conservation and utilization efforts for Western Ghats, Goa region.

    Web master :vsiva@vsnl.com