
Created by: Quatre-Chan

Draped in darkness
We follow the unknown
Mysterious roads lye ahead

For so long there were endless possibilities
But now there is only one
Hiding in the shadows
We are the necessary evil…

Reaching out through the dark
There is a light waiting
Grasping it with all my faith

Watching my fallen tears
Ripple in the sea of sorrow
As I witness all my fears

Let that light be my tomorrow

Episode 06: Holding You

Sora and Tracey walked down the crowded hallway of the high school. This kind of scenario was common in this school, especially when the students had just gotten back from their Christmas break the day before.

The blue-haired singer smiled as he walked to his class with his best friend at his side. His thoughts went in almost every direction, of course the question was; what was he thinking about?

"I'm sure you did fine on your short story." Tracey commented.

"You have got to stop using your powers on school grounds."

"It's not like I'm hurting you."

"I know, but it's against the rules and the last thing I would want to see is you getting suspended again or expelled."

"You've got a point…" the two stepped in the classroom and took their seats which happed to be in front/behind each other. "So, do you have an appointment this week?"

"No. He wants to talk to my mother and then have a whole discussion with the two of us and my aunt."

"Everything will turn out just fine, Sora."

The bell sounded and the rest of the students took their seats as the teacher stood at the head of the class. Next to him was a table that had a nice stack of papers. "Okay everyone. I have read and graded your stories and I must say that I am both pleased and disappointed." He paced back and forth; his bright green eyes locked onto his students. "This was almost the same outcome as the comics I had you do in pairs." He sat on a stool that was behind him in front of the chalkboard. "The only difference between these and the comics is that the comics had a balance. Some did at least. That project was meant for you to see your partner's point of view. And out of all the comics that got handed in only a select few were not sloppily done because the pairs knew the other well enough to create that understanding."

The entire class turned and for the most part glared at the telepath and his wind caster friend. The teacher clapped his hands, which ended up scaring everyone into turning back to what he was saying.

"Don't blame them. Yes, they were included in the example but that's no reason to blame them for something you should have had more thought in doing. They split the workload and had equal say in what was going on in each of the panels as well as the plot line itself. Now the short stories on the other hand I felt like I was reading a text book on a lot of them. Do you think you kids can just slap something together and get a passing grade?"

One of the girls in the class raised her hand. Receiving a go ahead signal she spoke, "With all do respect, Mr. Graysin, I worked very hard on my story."

The class seemed to agree with her statement since the man at the head of the class got a disapproving 'yeah'.

"I know you did. And I also know most of you tried as well, but there was that select group that either didn't meet the requirement of 5-10 pages or just printed something off the internet and claimed it as their own. Those are the ones I am upset with, but the rest of you can also learn from their mistakes." He reached over and grabbed the first paper that was on the top of the stack, then set it in his lap. "This story I hold in my lap is by far the best one I have read and I thought I would read it to you all. It's called 'Emotion'." With that he began to read.

"Sora, isn't that your story?" Tracey asked through his telepathy. He and Sora were known for having telepathic conversations in their times of boredom.

"Yeah. I guess I didn't do too bad then, did I?"

"Not at all. I just wonder how every body else will react to this."

* * *

"Dante turned from his partner, his eyes were glued to the soil under his feet. 'Dante, what's the matter?' The man's gaze would not rise for he felt a pang in his heart. The last thing he wanted was to harm the one person whom had been at his side since he was in the hospital. 'I-I don't know if I can tell you, Mylin.' With a slow, delicate movement she lifted her love's stare to meet her brilliant hazel eyes. 'Whatever it is, I know we can get through it. After all we have been through so many battles. What's one more hurtle?' she moved in with that same grace to close the gap between their lips. When they were only mere inches from one another Dante took a step back. 'I'm sorry, but I can't do this.' 'Dante?' 'There is another in my life and they have always been at my side.' 'How can you say that? This person wasn't at the hospital with you.' 'No, but they were the one that had brought me there when I first got Hypothermia. I don't know why it has taken me so long to realize it, but I'm in love with them.' 'So what do you plan to do? Are you just going to leave me?' 'I'm truly sorry, Mylin. But I've learned not to let the one thing you believe in slip by you. So I'm going to go out there, find them, pull them into my arms and never let go until the end of time…' with one final look at his former partner he turned his back to her and walked off into the distance of the setting sun."

"What happened?!" the girls in unison shouted.

"I don't know because that's the end, as well as near the end of class. I would like to see the author of this after the bell."

"Well, I'd be honored to tell you my thoughts on my story." One of the females chimed as she jumped from her seat.

"Sit down, Jacklyn. You know as well as I do that you are not the author." Mr. Graysin got off the stool and went to sit at his desk. "Tracey, I want to see you after school as well."

"What did you do?" the sapphire-eyed boy asked.

"I have no idea. I turned in my paper, honest."

The bell rang and most of the class filed right out, however a group of girls stood near the doorway so they could see who had written the story. Sora got out of his seat and stood next to the desk. The girls' eyes lit up. "Let's go to his locker." The one closest to the door whispered. Then they were off.

"You wanted to talk to me about the story?"

"Yes, I did. Sora, this was a fantastic piece and before I go on, Tracey what were you thinking?"

"I don't know what mean." He stated from his desk. "I turned in my paper."

"Yes, you did. But could you tell me why it's written in German?"

"Ger… man? Whoops."

His best friend arched a questioning eyebrow, "Trace?"

"I got board one day over vacation. My story itself was done, but I decided to translate it into German. Yesterday morning I was still on the tired side, I must have hit the wrong file and printed off the German one. Sorry."

Mr. Graysin nodded understandingly, "If you have the English version I would like to read it. Of course I will be taking off one or two points for it being a tad late. Is that understood?"


"Good, now back to you Sora. I was overwhelmed when I saw how much effort you put in to doing this. I even let my wife and daughter read it and they loved it more so than I did."

He blushed, "Thanks…"

"But there is one thing that we all noticed. There seems to be a gap. The story starts with Dante awakening in the hospital with Mylin at his side. Then the two create an organization and dispose of the threats inside the town. Then at the end he says he's in love with someone else and leaves. What happened?"

"Um, 'Emotion' is in the middle of a story line that I have worked on for about a year now. The organization they created was similar to the one he worked for before, but he didn't realize it until during that last fight. The person who brought him to the hospital is his true partner. And they left so they could catch the person responsible for throwing Dante in the water."

"Who's his partner?"

"They go under the name Surreal."

"I'm impressed, but why start in the middle?"

"Because no one would really comprehend the beginning of the story. I felt giving them some kind of romance and drama would be better."

"Well I for one would love to read the piece in its entirety. If and when you get the whole thing completed I hope I am one of the first to see it. Sora, I showed this to one of my friends that works for a magazine. You have a really good shot at winning the short story contest that they're holding. Please consider entering."

"Sure thing, Mr. Graysin."

"Have good afternoon you two."

"You too." Sora said, picking up his bag. Then he and Tracey walked out the door and towards the blue haired one's locker. "I can't believe you handed in your story in German."

"I did that the day your family went to go see your grandfather. How did that go by the way?"

"Not well." He sighed, "My grandmother was there too."

"Aren't your grandparents divorced?"

"Yeah, but she felt she could intrude because my mother and her daughter in-law were there. I ended up spending most of the time in the spare bedroom." The wind caster stopped in his tracks when he caught the glimpse of the girls from his creative writing class waiting in front of his locker.

"Sora!" one of them shouted which in turn prompted the whole group to come over. "We were waiting for you."

"I could see that, but why?"

"We wanted to know one of a few things. First being if we could have a copy of the story you did. Of course we'll pay for it if we have to."

"For the story or something else?" Tracey muttered.

The sapphire-eyed teen blushed, slightly, "You don't have to pay. I'll put it on a disk and you guys can do whatever you'd like."

"Great! The other thing we wanted to know is what happened?"

"Who's to say."

"You for one. You wrote it."

"I know, but I stopped it there so people could draw their own conclusions."

"That's cool. You said that Dante went to find his true love. Is it male or female?"

"What do you think?" he brushed passed the group with the telepath right behind him. "If you'll excuse me I have to be going. I'll bring the disk later on in the week."

"Thank you." The girls said then giggled their way down the hall.

"Seriously Sora, I have never seen that many fan girls."

"And make the world go whoosh…" he opened his locker.

"Hey, you ready?"

The two turned to see Jason approaching them. Sora gave a small nod. "I just have to get my math book out."

"What are you two going to do?" Asked the violet-eyed boy.

"Sora's going to help me redo Travis' bedroom. He's spending the entire day with his great grandfather, so I figured I'd surprise him."

"Nice and I have to go to drama now."

"How's the play coming along?" his childhood friend questioned.

"I am about ready to kill the lead actress…"

Jason chuckled, "I'm sure she feels the same way about you."

Tracey rolled his eyes at that comment. "Watch what you say Jay, or you'll regret it. I'll call you later, Sora." Seeing him nod he removed him self from the group and wondered down the hall.

The singer put on his coat, shut the locker with a slam then looked over to the red head. "Let's go."

* * *

At around 3:30 the lightning caster and his friend finished repainting the child's wall. Sora arched a questioning blue eyebrow, "Why did you fail to mention the reason you were redoing Travis' room was due to the fact he drew all over the walls?"

"I tried putting a good spin on it. I personally think he's got some artistic talent, but the super wasn't quite impressed."

"I can understand that. But the walls aren't the only thing we're redoing, right?"

"Right. I have some new sheets, curtains and shelves."

"Have you been watching those room makeover shows?"

"Just a little."

The sapphire-eyed teen chuckled. "I would never peg you watching that stuff."

"Gotta listen to something while doing homework."

"True. Well I think we can let the paint dry and take a break."

"Do you want something to eat?"

"That would be nice."

The two set down their brushes, exited the bedroom and entered the kitchen. Sora sat at the table as Jason went to the freezer. He pulled out two things of vanilla ice cream. Seeing that the treat met the approval of his friend he grabbed two spoons and joined him.

"Thanks for helping out, Sora."

"No problem I just have to do my math homework before I head home."

"I think we'll be done before five. Do you need help with it?"

"Nah, I think I'm all set. So, did you get any more information on Lilian's whereabouts?"

"No." he sighed, "And it's not really helping that I haven't found a new job yet."

"I'm sure you'll find something soon."

"I hope so. Have you told Tracey?"

"Told him what?"

"That you love him."

"W-what makes you think that?" the boy's pale skin began to flush.

"Sora, everyone knows. Why won't you tell him?"

"I've been best friends with Trace forever. The last thing I want is to wreck the friendship."

"I get that. However you're only hurting yourself right now."

"That maybe…" he shook his head, sadly. "But at least he's still at my side this way."

'Sora… Are you two so blind that you can't see that you love each other?' Jason thought as he ate his ice cream, his blue eyes never letting his companion out of sight.


Tracey finished putting his books and things back in his bag as most of the other drama students filed out of the auditorium. The director and the lead actress approached him. He gazed up at them with tired violet eyes. "Is there something wrong?"

"Not at all, its just that you seem very tired." The director observed.

"I've been swamped with homework and I haven't gone to bed in a decent hour in four days… Is there something else the two of you wanted to tell me?"

"You know there's a kissing scene about to appear, right?" the blond actress questioned, her voice was almost devious.


The director clasped her hands together and smiled, "The thing about the scene is that I don't want you two to kiss until the first show."


"The scene is supposed to be two people who are entering a forbidden love and even though their feelings are true they are uncertain of what will come."


"Don't sound so pleased." The blond stated with her hands on her hips. "You may have ditched out on me two years ago at the dance, but now I will get that kiss, Mr. Galace." She turned her back to him, flipped her hair and walked off.

"You dated her?"

Tracey shrugged, "I wouldn't say dating. We went to a dance freshman year. I wasn't having any fun so I left with Sora and his 'dates'."


"Yeah. Sora and I were going to go together and just hang out for a while, but then Michelle asked me to go and I said yes. Of course I felt bad about ditching my best friend, but then he had 15 girls ask him to that dance. He said no to all of them and they decided to just go as friends." He chuckled, "When he showed up with all those girls all the guys there thought he was some kind of playa."

"I know he is definitely not like that."

"You think so?" he joked.

"Yeah. Take a look at this article."

The telepath took the paper in his hand and saw right on the front page was a picture of Sleepless. He started to read the article and an eyebrow raised when he saw what the paper was calling his friend. "Smashing Blue huh?"

"Is that a bad name?"

"Not at all. I thought I heard some people call him Smashing Blue this morning, but I didn't know why." He sighed, "I wonder if this was the way he planned this working out…" he muttered under his breath.


"Nothing." 'I hope you're watching, Rachel. Your brother will stop at nothing to make your dream a reality and he'll die before he gives up…'

* * *

Sleepless stood on stage at Jake's bar. Tracey yawned as he and the other two waited for the bartender's cue to begin. When they got it, the telepath began his playing in a soft melody that blended nicely with Catherine's keyboard. Sora tapped his foot with beat, then with a breath his voice filled the bar.

"Is there a light deep within?
Is it true that I can place my trust in you?
Casting aside my doubt, I'll believe in myself…

The mind swirls with so many questions
Like leaves blowing in the wind
Grasping onto the answers is never easy
But excepting them is another matter

The breeze passes by me
And I wonder what I miss, when I don't look the other way
My mind burns, but the wind is so comforting to me
Look within my heart… Are you the one?

The mind blows with endless scenarios
Is one of them true?
All I know, is that I want to be with you…

I trust you…
I love you…
Please believe in me…

Don't let my heart break

Let the wind blow
I will find my way
My mind has nothing else, but you within

The mind blows with endless scenarios
Is one of them true?
All I know, is that I want to be with you…"

The blue haired singer brought the mic down to his side as the audience applauded. Taking their bows, the group filed off stage and plopped onto the sofa in the back room of the bar. The violet-eyed boy rubbed his eyes as he sighed, "I don't see why we had to perform tonight…"

"Trace, are you seriously that tired?" the blond keyboardist questioned, "You should stop looking at porn so late at night."

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

Sora placed his friend's leather jacket over his shoulders, "Listen, you go home. I'll fly back."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. What's the use of having wind powers if you can't have some fun with them."

"Thanks." He stood from the sofa, put his jacket fully on and then glared at their female companion, "You, shut up." He took hold of his guitar case and walked out.

* * *

A slender hand placed itself on the blue haired boy shoulder, gently shaking him awake. He opened sleepy sapphire eyes and groaned as the vision of his aunt came into focus. "I don't suppose you're in here to tell me goodnight, right?"

"I wish I were. I called the others there's a mission. So get up."

The boy moaned again when he sat up. An eyebrow quirked, "You called Tracey too?"

"Yes, he's part of the team as well."

"Is it okay if he declines? I mean he's been really tired…"

"I know, but so has Jason and he's still going." She walked out.

'Why is she so set on Trace fighting every time…?' that thought continued to race through his mind as he chanced into his spandex and teal coat.


The team sat in their usual spots in the apartment as Sarah showed them pictures of their targets. "These are the two you're after, Jacklyn and Darian Moriss. They have been smuggling drugs and selling them to younger children."

"Why would anyone wish that harm placed on a child?" Jason questioned.

"I honestly don't know, but you are to dispose of them. I know they are classmates of yours, but that should not cloud your judgement. Go forth into the night…"


Iyada moved silently around an abandoned summer camp. The air was cool, damp and crisp. Sora shivered a little as he walked, "Note to self; get warmer 'armor' for winter…" he muttered. The two other males in the group chuckled at the wind caster's statement, but Kimberly just glared at them.

"Don't screw this up."

Tracey made a face at her, "Relax, would you. Jacklyn and her brother aren't the brightest of all people." He yawned. "I should be able to beat them in my sleep."

"Don't even try it, Galace."

The group made it to a large cabin that was set out next to the lake. The redhead, lightning caster peeked into one of the broken windows. Sure enough their two targets were inside and seemed to be counting money. Looking at one another the team decided their course of action.

Bolts of lightning pierced through the blackened sky as the door to the cabin was forced open by the blue haired teen. He aimed his gun at the two, "Nice to see you again, Jacklyn." He smirked.

"Sora Evens…" she growled and got to her feet with her brother close in toe.

"That's right… follow me." he whispered to himself, turned his back to them and took off.

The two ran after him, Jacklyn threw off her coat and revealed dark wings and took flight after their provoker. Darian took out a garrote wire and licked it as he set his vicious brown eyes on Jason. Jay took a fighting stance, prepared for the first blow.

Tracey stood atop of the roof, concentrating his mental power. His fingers flexed as a small strain began to weight itself heavily on his mind. The girl in the sky was the first to feel a slight burning, seeing the source she stopped her chase and created an ice arrow and flung it towards the telepath. The black haired boy's eyes flew open in time for him to notice the oncoming weapon and jumped off the roof. Smiling an evil smile the winged female once again gave chase.

Her speed was phenomenal, she caught up to Sora like it was nothing and placed a firm grip around his neck. "How DARE you out rank me in Graysin's class!"

The sapphire-eyed singer tried picking up the wind enough so he could push the girl back, but failed in doing so. His eyes blurred and he was on the brink of passing out.

Tracey removed him self from the bushes where he had landed, his eyes widened a bit when he saw the wire around Jason's wrist. Shaking off the shock, he tackled the brown-eyed boy. He pinned him to the ground when quick flash flew in front of his eyes. Darian kicked him off, the violet-eyed teen just did a back flip and landed on his feet, his attention turned to the lake where his vision became reality…

Jacklyn grinned in an evil manner, "Let's see if your true love comes and saves you…" she threw the pale boy into the frigid waters.

As quickly as he could, Sora's best friend ran towards the dock and dove in.

The winged girl flew back over land to assist her brother, but was greeted with a fire infused chakrum through her midsection. Darian's eyes quivered at the sight of his dead sister, he backed up in fear but hit something as he did so. Turning slowly he became face to face with Jason. His hand surged with electricity then he gripped the other boy's face and ran the volts through him.

The targets were disposed of, but before they could call the mission in their victory they needed their other two teammates. Tracey gasped for air as he surfaced with Sora in his arms. He brought him to the shore, lay him on his side and rubbed small circles on his friend's back. "Come on Sora… Please…"

The boy on the ground coughed up some water and continued to do so for a few seconds. Kimberly took out her cell phone, "I'm calling for help."

"No!" Tracey spat.

"What?! You're insane, he's barely breathing, Galace."

"And it's your fault! You should have fired!"

"If I did while she had him I would have hit him too!"

"Bullshit!" he glared at her through wet bangs, "I'm taking him back to my house. Do not tell Sarah about this, I'll explain when he's a little better." He took the boy into his arms then walked over to his car.


When they arrived, Tracey immediately took Sora to his bedroom. He lay him on the floor and stripped him of his clothing and placed him in a pair of sweatpants and sweatshirt. He ran into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to try and dry the blue hair. With that taken care of he quickly changed into some dry clothes, turned the heat up to about 78 degrees, snatched some extra blankets and went over to the bed. He curled up under the covers and took the shivering boy into his arms. "I'm so sorry… Sora, what have I done? I failed you…" he whispered as he pulled his friend closer to him. A small set of tears then began to flow.

To Be Continued…

The days go by
And there is nothing more
To me than your love

Sunbeams hide behind darkened clouds
Just like you hiding behind the redness in you cheeks
Rain starts to fall like tears
Tears I can't stand to see you cry

Walking through the rain
I see you waiting at the street corner
Soaked to the bone, I remove my jacket
Place it on your shoulders, hoping that there is no pain

Into the night we go
For we have a job that needs to be done
I know it hurts, but I'm here with you

Fighting in the rain
It pours down still like endless tears
I will take all the blows for you
If it means for you that there is no more pain

Walk through the rain

Opening: My Tomorrow
Ending: Walk Through the Rain
Written by: Firestone

Mind's Breeze
Written by: Quatre-Chan