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What Series it's for (I want only anime and RPG related fics) Title of fic Pen Name Pairings Warnings Summary
Now I would like the visitors of Dragnier to know us on some level. So along with your fic please send an author profile. You can do whatever you'd like, but here are some suggestions.
Favorite Bishounen/Male Character(s) Favorite Bishojo/Female Character(s) Favorite Anime(s) Favorite Video Game(s) Favorite Song(s) Favorite Singer/Group(American, Japanese, etc...) Favorite Quote(s) Favorite Colors (<= I would really like to know that one.)
Don't be afraid to add some commentary to make it more personal. Also please tell me what anime character (please include the name of the show with it) you would like at the top of your fic and profile pages. I will put up whatevter you would like, (Within reason. No hentai.) but please try not to repeat the ones that are already up. If at sometime you would like to update the profile or change the pics just let me know.