Hi!, welcome, come in, I'm so happy
you came! The gods of Justice are pleased. If you're here for the
food, forget it, Lina-san won't share, I already asked,
and she just looked at me funny If you BROUGHT food,
don't tell her, just let me have some? Pleeeeease?
Last Updated: March 14th, 2004! Holy spork! After nearly two years of dormancy, we have an update! In all honesty, nothing new has been added: I just cleaned up a bit and fixed a few broken links (Namely, Jenny's fanart and BattleJoy Walton's fic). BUT! This I've become re-inspired to work on this site. Which means you can expect a real update very soon. I've got big plans for this place^_~.
Sugar 'n' Spice: Character pages. (AKA: Temple of the unloved) Fan fiction! For those times when you're eating alone with nothing to do What can you do with Naga's laugh?A little post-dinner entertainment!....Be a good idea to make SURE you're finished eating first! -_-o *Wai! New!*Ambiance!
fanart section adds wonderful decor to the place, don't you think?
do it anime-style with // .:Soujiro Seta:.
*Giggles* Look, I won an award!
It has nothing to so with this site, but I'm proud of it! I got it cause
I luv Nuriko so much! Arigatou, Lady_Haruka_2000! (Yes, yoyo_twinsuboshi
is me! ^-^)
There have beenHungry visitors to this site since this
counter began in August 2000!
See, Lina-San? I TOLD you people would come!
Goody for us
Note: This site is interactive,
meaning I want to hear from you! Don't hesitate to send in stories,
fanart, or anything you like to me. Opinions and suggestions are, of course,
also welcomed and appreciated. Go ahead and e-mail me