Spillman Watershed Dam Site #14 Update | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Topsoil stripped/ preparing for core trench excavation. July 17, 2003 |
Site prior to construction beginning. February 14, 2003 |
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Spillman Creek Watershed Joint District No. 43 lies on the north side of the Saline River in the northwest corner ofLincoln County. The watershed boundary includes an area of 119,360 acres. 95,480 acres are in Lincoln County, 17,060 are in Mitchell County, 6,360 acres in Osborne County and 460 acres are in Russell County. The watershed is about 23 miles long and averages about 10 miles in width. Spillman Creek Watershed was created in the 1960’s by a group of concerned landowners who had experienced severe flooding in July of 1951, July 1957, June 1959 and May 1961. The flood plain covers 10,105 acres of which 8,185 acres are cropland. The desire of the local sponsoring organization was to reduce to the greatest degree economically possible, floodwater damage to the land, crop and other valuable properties within the flood plain. Based upon preliminary investigation findings, it was agreed by the local sponsoring organizations and the Soil Conservation Service that works of improvement would achieve a minimum of 51 percent flood damage reduction. Originally 21 Floodwater Retarding Dams and 2 Grade Stabilization Structures were to be constructed. However, due to Spillman Creek’s policy of not building a structure unless the community was in full support of it, 3 dams have been removed from the work plan. Spillman Site 14 will get under way within the next few weeks. The bid opening is scheduled for March 26 with construction beginning in the latter part of April. In all practicality, site 14 will be the last Floodwater Retarding Dam built in Lincoln County so we have undertaken this project of providing a photographic diary of the construction of site 14 from beginning to completion. It is our plan to take an overview photo daily of the construction site along with close up pictures of specific activities such as the core trench, concrete pores and other items of interest. If you are interested in following the progress of the project, we encourage you to visit this web site often. If you would like to arrange an on-site tour of the project, please contact Monty Breneman at 785-524-4482 or my email at monty.breneman@ks.nrcs.usda.gov |
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