1860 photo taken 4 days after Mr. Lincoln visited Lincoln, Illinois, for the last time. Info at 3 below.
Site Map

Abraham Lincoln and the Historic Postville Courthouse,
including a William Maxwell connection to the Postville Courthouse

About Henry Ford and the Postville Courthouse, the Story of the Postville Courthouse Replica,
Tantivy, & the Postville Park Neighborhood in the
Route 66 Era


The Transformation of Abraham Lincoln and the Founding of Lincoln, Illinois
also the founding of Lincoln College, the plot to steal Lincoln's body, and memories of Lincoln College and the Rustic Tavern-Inn

Introduction to the Social & Economic History of Lincoln, Illinois,
including poetry by William Childress & commentary by Federal Judge Bob Goebel & Illinois Appellate Court Judge Jim Knecht

Forthcoming: Summary of "Social Consciousness in William Maxwell's Writings Based on Lincoln, Illinois" (an article to be published in the Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, winter 2006

Introduction to the Railroad & Route 66 Heritage of Lincoln, Illinois

The Living Railroad Heritage of Lincoln, Illinois: on Track as a Symbol of the "Usable Past"


Route 66 Overview Map of Lincoln with 42 Sites, Descriptions, & Photos

The Hensons of Business Route 66

The Wilsons of Business
Route 66
including the Wilson Grocery & Shell Station

Route 66 Map & Photos Showing Lincoln Memorial Park
(former Chautauqua site),
the Historic Cemeteries, & Nearby Sites

Route 66 Map & Photos Showing Salt Creek & Cemetery Hill,
the highway bridges, GM&O bridge, Madigan State Park, the old dam (with photos & Leigh's memoir of "shooting the rapids" over the old dam), & the Ernie Edwards' Pig-Hip Restaurant Museum in Broadwell

The Historic Logan County Courthouse, Past & Present

Route 66 Map with 51 Sites in the Business & Courthouse Square Historic District,
including locations of historical markers
(on the National Register of Historic Places)

Vintage Scenes of the Business & Courthouse Square Historic District

The Foley House:  A Monument to Civic Leadership
(on the National Register of Historic Places)

Agriculture in
the Route 66 Era

Arts & Entertainment Heritage,
including the Lincoln Theatre Roy Rogers' Riders Club of the 1950s

Business Heritage

Cars, Trucks & Gas Stations of the Route 66 Era

including the hometown churches of Author William Maxwell & Theologian Reinhold Niebuhr

Factories, Past and Present

Food Stores of
the Route 66 Era


Hospitals, Past and Present

Hotels & Restaurants of the Railroad & Route 66 Eras

Lincoln Developmental Center
(Lincoln State School & Colony in the Route 66 era), plus
debunking the myth of Lincoln, Illinois, choosing the Asylum over the University of Illinois

Mining Coal, Limestone, & Sand & Gravel; Lincoln Lakes; & Utilities


Museums & Parks, including the Lincoln College Museum and its Abraham Lincoln Collection, plus the Heritage-in-Flight Museum

with Distinction

News Media in the Route 66 Era

The Odd Fellows' Children's Home


Memories of the 1900 Lincoln Community High School,
including Fred Blanford's dramatic account of the lost marble fountain of youth

A Tribute to the Historians and Advocates of Lincoln, Illinois

Watering Holes of the Route 66 Era
(to be supplemented with "Gambling and Good Government in the Route 66 Era," including the role of Governor Adlai Stevenson in the historic state-wide gambling raids of 1950, forthcoming in early 2005)

The Historic 1953 Centennial Celebration of Lincoln, Illinois

The Festive 2003 Sesqui-centennial Celebration of Lincoln, Illinois,
including photos of LCHS Class of 1960 dignitaries & the Blanfords

Why Did the State Police Raid Lincoln, Illinois, on October 11, 1950?

The Gambling Raids in Lincoln and Logan County, Illinois,
During the Late Route 66 Era (1950-1960)


Pages in this section tell about Leigh Henson's Lincoln years, moving away, revisits, and career:

About Lincoln, Illinois;
This Web Site; & Me

A Tribute to Lincolnite Edward Darold Henson: World War II U.S. Army Veteran of the Battles for Normandy and the Hedgerows; Brittany and Brest; and the Ardennes (Battle of the Bulge)

For Remembrance, Understanding, & Fun: Lincoln Community High School Mid-20th-Century Alums' Internet Community
(a Web site and email exchange devoted to collaborative memoir and the sharing of photos related to Lincoln, Illinois)

Directory of Email Addresses of 168 Mid-20th Century LCHS Alums

Leigh Henson's Pilgrimage to Lincoln, Illinois, on
July 12, 2001

Teach Local Authors: Considering the Literature of Lincoln, Illinois

Web Site About
Leigh Henson's Professional Life


Pages in this section are about the writing of other Lincolnites:

Brad Dye (LCHS '60): His Lincoln, Illinois, Web Site,
including photos of many churches

J. Richard
(JR) Fikuart
(LCHS '65):
he Fikuarts of Lincoln, Illinois, including their connections to the William Maxwell family and three generations of family fun at Lincoln Lakes

Jerry Gibson (LCHS '60): Lincoln, Illinois, Memoirs & Other Stories

Dave Johnson (LCHS '56): His Web Site for the Lincoln Community High School Class of 1956

Sportswriter David Kindred: Memoir of His Grandmother Lena & Her West Side Tavern on Sangamon Street in the Route 66 Era

Judge Jim Knecht
(LCHS '62): Memoir and Short Story, "Other People's Money," Set in Hickey's Billiards on Chicago Street in the Route 66 Era

William A. "Bill" Krueger (LCHS '52): Information for His Books About Murders in Lincoln

Norm Schroeder (LCHS '60): Short Stories

Stan Stringer Writes About His Family, Mark Holland, and Lincoln, Illinois

Thomas Walsh: Anecdotes Relating to This Legendary Attorney from Lincoln by Attorney Fred Blanford & Judge Jim Knecht

A Tribute to Robert Wilson (LCHS '46): Author of Young in Illinois, Movies Editor of December Magazine, Friend and Colleague of December Press Publisher Curt Johnson, and Correspondent with William Maxwell, including excerpts from Young in Illinois and from Maxwell's letters to Robert; family photos and information from Robert's only child, Sue Young Wilson; commentary from Literary Critic Lee Walleck; and memoir by Curt Johnson

Leon Zeter (LCHS '53): His Web Site for the
Lincoln Community High School Class of 1953
including announcements of LCHS class reunions

(Post yours there.)

Online reviews of Mr. Lincoln, Route 66, & Other Highlights of Lincoln, Illinois:

 Lincoln Courier's Capturing Lincoln on
 the Web

by Nancy Rollings Saul

Lincoln Daily News.com
's Websites: Gateway to the World by Jan Youngquist

Highway Sign of
the Times:

The Route 66
Association of Illinois

The Illinois State Historical Society

Illinois Tourism Site:
Enjoy Illinois






Brad Dye's LCHS Class of 1960 Web Page with Reunion Photos
(See note under photo below for DVD offer of Reunion entertainment.)

 Mr. Lincoln, Route 66, & Other Highlights of Lincoln, Illinois

Classmate Writer Cousins Leigh Henson (l) and Jerry Gibson at
the LCHS Class of 1960 45th Reunion (10-05)

Cousins Leigh (l) and Jerry on Christmas Day, 1942 (4 months old)

     Photo taken at the residence of John and Ida Yenter Hoblit on Elm Street in Lincoln. The Hoblits were Leigh's maternal great-grandparents and Jerry's maternal grandparents (let either of us know if you want this explained).

     A DVD was made of the noble Class of 1960's 45th Reunion (fall, 2005). The DVD presents interviews with classmates and Jeff Fults' production featuring classmates and/or their relatives impersonating celebrity singers and lipsincing to their hits--you have to see and hear it to believe it! Judy Lohrenz Perkins graciously offers a copy of this Grammy-quality DVD for just $10.00. Write her at 16 St. Andrews Dr., Lincoln, IL 62656; or email her at jann@insightbb.com.

45th Reunion Impressario-Emcee Jeff Fults (aka Jon Diers)

     You can also find a link to this video to see it for free at Blog Lincoln, Illinois.

     The background image on this page is adapted from the drawing inside the diploma cover.  The phrase below was the inscription on the beam (entablature) above the main entrance to the classic, red-brick landmark at 208 Broadway Street:

"To Reveal Truth and Beauty"

"The sins of all the war-lords burn his heart.
He sees the dreadnaughts scouring every main.
He carries on his shawl-wrapped shoulders now
The bitterness, the folly and the pain.

He cannot rest until a spirit-dawn
Shall come--
Bringing long peace. . . ."  From "Abraham Lincoln Walks at Midnight (in Springfield, Illinois)" by Vachel Lindsay

     This Web site and its related email communication are helping to reinvent a community of Lincolnites and build other relationships as indicated by the following unsolicited testimonial:

      "I have been able to talk to people and not necessarily Class of '60 persons, about distant relatives and other items not related to our class, so it is a conduit for other communications too and that is great.  I know it is a real positive element for many who struggle with health, relationships, isolation and who are without some of life's other good fortunes that some of us have or have experienced.  That uplifting element shows in the replies of those who carry some difficult burdens.  God bless you and the others that are able to brighten our lives from time to time."  --  Nelson Teichmann, LCHS Class of 1960 (July 8, 2001)

     As an LCHS alum, you can place your email address on this Web site free and receive communication from others who will see it here.  Also, you will receive newsletter emails, including rare Lincoln-related photos, sent to more than 100 LCHS alums.  Send your email address to dlh105f@smsu.edu.

Introduction For Remembrance, Understanding, & Fun:  an LCHS Alums' Internet Community of Nostalgic Angels

angel statue at grave of Mrs. Melissa Turner d. 1889, age 29, (Maple Grove Cemetery, Springfield, MO).  Photo by Leigh Henson, 7-24-0


Developed late fall and winter, 2000. Publicly announced February, 2001. Revised October, 2005.

Grateful acknowledgment of contributions from 
Pete (Ritchhart) Smiley (1960), Jon Diers (1960), Brad Dye (1960), Jerry Gibson (1960),
Norman Schroeder (1960), Fred Blanford (1959), Mike Hamilton (1958), &
Darold Henson (1936)
(Their email addresses are in the directory.) 

John Coombs, LCHS Class of 1960,
Salvaged, Cleaned, and Distributed 60+ Souvenir Bricks at
the LCHS Class of 1960's 45th Reunion (10-1-05)

     Send email addresses for posting on the directory & contributions page: dlh105f@missouristate.edu

     Learn more about the principal developer of this Internet communication at a Web site about his career.

     Want more Lincoln fun?  If so, enter "Lincoln Illinois" (in quotes), click, and browse away.
