Notes: This page
has a background image, and it most likely will take a minute or so to
This page's links, listed below, allow you to view the Class of 1960 senior pictures and photos of faculty and staff from the 1960 Lincolnite. These pages are accessible one at a time to avoid the problems of downloading large files. The pages accessed through the links below and some others pages on this Web site such as The Railsplitter pages are called pdf files (portable data format) and require Acrobat Reader, which is free and can be downloaded at http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readermain.html. Two advantages of pdf are that it exactly captures the original pages and allows you to increase their size for better readability and viewing of photos. Depending on the speed of your computer, Internet Service Provider, etc., the download speed will vary, but most likely each link may take a few minutes. Once the pages have downloaded, you may have to use the rotate function on the menu bar to get the right orientation. Then, to adjust the image size, click on the magnifying glass icon on the menu bar, place the cursor on the part of the page that you want to enlarge, and click again and again to get the desired size.
Jerry Gibson--Jerry Hertzfeldt Sandra Hickey--Jack Knollenberg Janet Richhardt--Cynthia Stoltz Wanda Stoltzenburg--Paul Eckert *New rule: now no apostrophe here. |
sites about Lincoln, IL, created by LCHS Alums: |
Photos and Stories from Grade School & Jr. High Years, including the Lincoln Theatre Roy Rogers' Riders Club (more forthcoming) |
Photos & Stories from High School Years (forthcoming) |