Guestbook & Archive of
Notes: This page has a background image, and it
most likely will take a minute or so to load. O, Wonder! How many goodly creatures are there here! How beauteous mankind is! O brave new world, That has such people in't! Shakespeare, The Tempest * * * * * Come, my friends. 'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. Tennyson, "Ulysses" |
Caution: I tested the guestbook feature, and it disappointed me somewhat because it allows only a few lines to be published per post. Yet, some of us have used it with apparent satisfaction.
If you want to contribute to the development of this Web site with longer information, I suggest you email me your material, and I'll create a link from your name in the directory to a separate page for you where I'll publish your submissions. That information could include news (who are the new arrivals in your family? Do you have a change of address? Change of marital status? Change in lifestyle, e.g., retirement or new career? Recent trip to some exotic (or familiar) place or other adventure?), autobiographical sketches, and anecdotes about any phase of your life.
To email to classmates as a group, simply use the "reply to all" function from one of my mass emails, delete the original message, and compose and send yours.
View Current Guestbook Entries
View Guestbook Archive of Entries 1-45
View Archive of Emails Sent to the Class These messages are recommended reading (never a quiz) if you have just discovered this Web site. They tell some of the story of this Web site's development after it was first published.
sites about Lincoln, IL, created by LCHS Alums: |
Photos and Stories from Grade School & Jr. High Years, including the Lincoln Theatre Roy Rogers' Riders Club (more forthcoming) |
Photos & Stories from High School Years (forthcoming) |