Dearest Angel Moms and Dads,
Once again the holidays are upon us and the yearning for our children overwhelms us.
The Holiday Season is just not the same, a smile is missing when we say our childs name.
As difficult as it may be for us, we can bring a new meaning to Christmas, if we try to make
it a time of peace and reflection. Focus on cherishing the gift your child has been and
continues to be, in the life of your family. Be patient with yourself and allow yourself time
for tears and memories. We are all so broken hearted, but in time we will learn to create
new visions for ourselves and we will heal, but only if we allow ourselves the emotions we
experience on our journey through grief.
Our children are together in a much better place, laughing and playing and touching our faces. Although we miss our children on Holidays as we share, I pray their loving presence
will fill the air. Enjoying the holidays is so hard to do, but always remember they are
thinking of you too and sharing their love from Heaven above.
May love be what you remember the most this holiday. With love and blessings, Linda |