An angel never forfeits
another mortal's love
It's a lesson that's imprinted
on their souls from up above
Be careful not to glance,
at a glittering starlight's pace
Study all there is to see,
within your lover's gentle face.
Because the Angels give flickering notice,
when the parting must begin
Never ask them if tomorrow,
Will be yours to share again
You can only redeem a promise,
while devoted to the earth
And when you arrive in heaven,
you'll grasp the knowledge of its worth.
If you know you're not a dancer,
and your spirit cannot sway
Surround yourself with those who lilt,
and try to learn today
To join the Dance of Angels,
wrap your arms around the skin
Be your lover's velvet blanket,
and show your heart within.
Wipe away the tear,
that nourished the soul inside
Kiss the lashes on the windows,
when all the joy has cried
Sweep away the hair,
that hides the loving smile
Rock gently side by side,
make it forever and awhile
This is how the Angels,
begin to learn the dance.
It's the spirit of the flight,
delay your quickening glance
Look closely at your presence,
question why it is you're here,
Give a purpose to your being,
and be grateful that you're near
Nearer to discovery
and all you've come to hold.
It's the Dance of the Angels,
showing how we unfold
The truth is easy to discard,
Ignore and walk away
And to have Danced with an Angel,
was the fate of your today.
Some will learn to listen,
Some will never hear
Some can touch a wing,
Some came very near
It's the Dance of the Angels,
that keeps heaven and earth apart
It's the Dance of the Angels,
that leaves messages of the heart
~ Author Unknown ~ |