<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/linda50ish/heart_and_soul_bruce_deboer.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Copyright © Marie Alexander

Pity the heart that has no love to give
Who is busy, and selfish doesn't know how to live

Pity the eyes that have no time to see
The everyday beauty God gives you and me

Pity the ears that hear only words
Not laughter of children, or songs of the birds

Pity the hands that know only "reach"
And miss all the joys of affection--and teach

Pity the voice who has no time to say
Encouraging kindness as they go their way

For empty are they of no caring, but self
They'll be all alone when age brings them ill health

And sad they will  find they have not---one friend
To care when they're gone when  life's come to an end.

PITY...is one thing, but go one step more
Share your precious blessings and  "GOD'S OPEN DOOR"

For GOD... can change  people and help them to be.
More in HIS likeness, HE....took pity on me!
Show someone you care
With sunshine for both of you to share
Offer an open hand
To show a friend you understand
A kind and gentle word to give
Helps someone find beauty in the life we live
Happiness brings happiness
Gods loving ways bring love
And giving is the treasure
That contentment is made of.
"Look forward, not backward. Be a leader, not a follower.
Focus on your successes and learn from your failures.
Stay away from people who try to belittle your ambitions.
Trust your hopes, not your fears.
Go the extra mile.

~ Alexander Lockhart ~
Marie joined her daughter in Heaven on 9/10/03
She is dearly missed and greatly loved
Midi "Heart and Soul" is used with permission
and is copyright ©2004 Bruce DeBoer