Copyright © Marie Alexander
Pity the heart that has no love to give
Who is busy, and selfish doesn't know how to live
Pity the eyes that have no time to see
The everyday beauty God gives you and me
Pity the ears that hear only words
Not laughter of children, or songs of the birds
Pity the hands that know only "reach"
And miss all the joys of affection--and teach
Pity the voice who has no time to say
Encouraging kindness as they go their way
For empty are they of no caring, but self
They'll be all alone when age brings them ill health
And sad they will find they have not---one friend
To care when they're gone when life's come to an end.
PITY...is one thing, but go one step more
Share your precious blessings and "GOD'S OPEN DOOR"
For GOD... can change people and help them to be.
More in HIS likeness, HE....took pity on me! |