Aren't you just a daycare that does preschool-like activities? |
ABSOLUTELY NOT!! Our preschool program is designed similar to any other stand-alone preschools in terms of our daily schedule. The advantage we have, however, is that before and after preschool care is available to eliminate the hassle of carpools and leaving work. I |
What appears to adults as 'just playing' is really a vital part of a child's development. It also goes beyond their social development as well. Obviously the children are learning to share toys and get along with other children. They are also given the opportunity to experiment with objects/materials that are 'off limits' or rarely available at home such as painting, playdoh, scissors, glue, etc. They also have ample opportunities to use their imagination and develop problem solving skills as they dress up, build with blocks, play with dolls, or drive cars. When children play, it is their work. During this work time the teachers do not simply supervise nor do they direct the play. Teachers involve themselves in the child's world of imagination. Through suggestions and encouragement the children's experiences are enhanced. |
If preschool is educational, why do the children 'just' play? |
Why aren't social skills enough? Won't the Kindergarten teacher re-teach all this anyway? |
The education field has changed drastically since we were in school. What was once taught in first grade is now being pushed back into Kindergarten. This puts a greater academic responsibility on early childhood programs (preschool) to prepare children to enter Kindergarten. With a greater number of mothers in the work force, more children attend daycares and have already attained the social skills that were once a intregal part of preschool programs. As a result, preschool programs have been expected to take on a more academic role including letter and number recognition as well as writing their names. Kindergarten teachers are then able to help the children progress to reach the higher level skills that have been put into their curriculum. |
Why should I choose "Linda's" over the other preschools in the area? |
Our slogan says it all: Preparing Today's Child For Tomorrow. Technology is advancing faster than we realize. Our children need a strong foundation to be able to meet the fast paced demands this world will make in order to succeed. Linda's Preschool focuses on preparing children for kindergarten and their future educational experiences. Areas we focus on are: social development, academics, creative art, small and gross motor skills, and Christian Values. While other preschool programs claim to work on these areas, we do it!! Families who have experienced other preschool programs prior to ours, have told us that their children learned more with us and were well prepared for school. "Linda Horner( teacher, director & owner,) has 10 + years of experience with early childhood programs including private & church based preschools, Head Start, elementary school, family daycare homes,& child care centers She has a Bachelor's Degree in Education and holds a Nebraska teaching certificate. Research has shown that the higher the education level of preschool teachers, the better the preschool program . Some states already require preschool teachers to have at least a Bachelor's Degree. |
Questions you're thinking but may be too afraid to ask. |