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A Little Bit About Me
Bob, Laura, Keith and Me
  My name is Linda Paxton and I have been researching my family history for more then twenty years. In the early days I would drag my two little kids to graveyards and the library searching for information. As they got older I was able to let them go to the children’s section at the library while I went to the Genealogy room. Then we got to travel to other graveyards out of Omaha. One trip clear down to Missouri to meet some long lost cousins.
Now my children are grown. Laura is 24 and is married. Steve is now 22. So now I have more time to myself to do research. And thanks to God’s gift to genealogists “the Internet” my searching has just got a little bit easier.

But of course my life is more then researching Genealogy. I have a husband of 25 years, four sisters and a brother, and many other interests to keep me busy. I work part time for a major credit card company in Omaha, Nebraska about 20 hours a week doing customer service. So I keep pretty much in contact with a lot of people.

I like to read, write short stories, tend to houseplants, collect items for scrapbooks and take pictures of about anything and anyone that I am related to.
Most of all I like to travel and especially to the mountains at least once a year.
There I stretch out in one of my favorite spots and soak up the energy from the mountains that will keep me going for another year.
Dyslexia The gift
Yes I've been blessed with the wonderful gift of being Dyslexic. I don't consider it a handicap though. Probably because of it I've accomplished more then a person without it would. Yes I read,see and sometimes talk backwards and I am left handed.
Some of my Works in project
Family Tree Maker Web Page
Grandma Canarsky's Family
The Schneckemberger's of Nebraska
Grandma Maggie's Family