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Health Tip: Don't Skip Meals


(HealthDay News) -- If you're trying to cut your calorie intake by skipping meals, you could end up gaining weight instead.


According to George Washington University, people who skip meals, especially breakfast, are more likely to overeat later in the day. That's because when you skip meals, you upset your body's natural cycle of sleep, wakefulness and hunger.


So in trying to right itself, your system overcompensates and you may end up eating from mid-afternoon until bedtime.


Health Tip: Drink Enough Water


(HealthDay News) -- While you know that drinking lots of water is good for you, getting the recommended eight glasses a day may seem too much to swallow.


The key is to develop a daily routine, according to the State of Kansas:


Drink two glasses of water first thing in the morning; you'll feel energized.

Drink one glass half an hour before meals. It'll help you feel less hungry and lead to fewer cravings.

Drink one glass for each glass of beer or wine, and with every cup of tea or coffee.


Health tip: Footing the Bill


Who's doing more work, a 150-pound man jogging for a mile barefoot or a 149-pound man jogging for a mile wearing a pair of running shoes that weigh a total of one pound?


That's the same total weight going the same distance, but the second man is working harder than the first one, according to the Journal of Applied Physiology.


A team from the Thermal Physiology Research Group in Soesterberg, The Netherlands, studied the workload imposed by footwear. They found that the extra workload produced by a pair of heavy shoes can be 2 to almost 5 times as much as the work of carrying the same amount of extra body weight.


So for a maximum workout, you might want to add army boots to your tank top and running shorts.


Cold & Flu Tips


Cold and flu season will soon be upon us, but taking some simple precautions can help you avoid getting sick. The following tips will help you understanding the difference between the symptoms of a cold and the flu and can help you effectively treat your family’s needs.




The following are the most common symptoms associated with cold and flu.


Cold                                               Flu

Runny nose                                              Fever

Sore throat                                              Muscle aches

Sneezing                                                  Fatigue




                                                               Dry cough

                                                               Sore throat


                                                               Runny or stuffy nose



Steps To Keep You Well


Get a flu shot before cold & flu season starts.

Wash you hands frequently with warm water and soap for at least 10 seconds.

Keep your hands away from your face, mouth and eyes to help avoid transmitting germs.

Keep your work environment clean including phone receivers, keyboards and office equipment to avoid germ spreading.

Get plenty of sleep so your body isn’t as susceptible to illness.

Get moderate exercise, as this is a key step in maintaining overall health.

Drink at least 8 glasses of water each day so your body stays hydrated and can fight illness better.

Stay warm by wearing appropriate clothing when you plan to be outside.

Maintain a healthy diet.  Your body needs energy to run effectively, even more so when it is fighting off a cold or the flu.

Limit contact with people who are sick.