A Philosophical Perspective
Who I am is important.  Who I am not is just as important.

The face behind the feelings.  The body which houses my spirit.   (Jan. 2002)

I am a phenomena that does exist.
Just by breathing and thinking I have proven that I am a miracle.
My physical traits of fingers, toes, skin, and eyes are just as important
and amazing as my feelings of love, hate, despair, and joy.
There is a balance in my being between what is seen and what is felt.
Many aspects make up the whole being of what I am and what I can be.
Beliefs, experiences, and instincts make me an individual and prove
that I am not just a figment of the imagination but something real.
I do live and have my own personality, unique to only me.
Through making my own future and existing in the ways
that matter to others as well as myself, I am a being of importance
in this world. I must know who I am first and be that
before I can achieve anything.

I constantly learn new things from others
that help me to know them and myself better.
There is no need for the useless criticisms based on
conditioning and hypocrisy that consume many people today,
only for helpful observation based on real experience.
I have goals for myself and my life, but if I learn something new
that changes my ideals and therefore my goal,
I will change them.
Change is the life-blood of every beings life.
Without change there would be
no new knowledge learned or experiences tried.
No progression would ever exist without change.

In order for myself to be what I am, I am the victim of conditioning
that shapes me into a less pure form of the original
but still contains that origin.
By being conditioned I learn new things that
in the long run cause me to progress.
To me, knowledge is worth the drawbacks
as long as that knowledge is used.
A progression of anything and everything must be attained
in order to continue to live.
I am the teacher as well as the student.
My part may be small but I do have one and it drives me forward.
Constantly craving more knowledge to take me further on my journey
and telling others of this knowledge is my main goal.
A never-ending journey of discovery of others as well as myself
keeps me forever one step ahead and behind.
I am constantly picking myself up and then giving another a hand
when I get my own footing under control.
I am the eternal optimist.
Life often throws objects in my path but I refuse to stumble
over them for long.
I look at the world with hope and cannot help but believe
that most people are good at heart.
I believe in Fairies and Angels and a Higher Power.

Humanistic beliefs often color my actions towards others
and make me a very forgiving and kind person
in some of the worst situations.
The tolerance I have towards others allows me
to be objective about many aspects.
I don’t see the harm in someone’s beliefs
even when it differs from my own,
for even if the belief is different, my beliefs should be
substantial enough so that they stand the test of knowledge.
If proved wrong, my ideas need to be changed and progressed.

I can accept what is happening around me in life.
But I do not have to put my Stamp of Approval on it.
This allows me the unfettered freedom to move forward in my own life.
To live and let live.
Loyalty is of utmost importantance to me.
I can support another person's feelings
until or unless it requires me to support actions
which have the potential to bring great harm to others.
It is at this turning point where I must exit
and walk away from such involvement,
a tear in my eye...a prayer forever in my heart.
Neither good, nor is it bad? It just is.
Healer or destroyer? God is our judge.

Do not ask me to participate in bringing rain and sorrow in any form,
neither judge me friend or foe.
To my own self I must be true.

Emotions rule me slightly more than logic.
I usually go with my logic on a difficult, long-term decision,
while on a quick one, my first feelings rule.
Logically, realizing that I must eat and sleep is
something that I must do,
but when I have a spontaneous opportunity
to do a more pressing endeavor,
I’l usually do that first without thinking.
Acting on impulse is not uncommon for me
and neither is saying what I feel when I feel it.
Honesty is unhindered in my personality.

My physical being is part of the whole me.
I don’t look at my physical aspects more than any other,
but it is there and forever a part of me.
I understand basically why I look the way I do and accept it.
I  like and dislike some of my physical aspects.

Acceptance is vital in understanding.
I extend the same acceptance to other people.
Whether a person is a different race, sex, religion,
shape, or size than me, it is irrelevant.
One thing only shows a small part of a person as a whole.
I think that many different beings share every space
and should be respected at least as much as their actions deserve.

Each person is special in their own existence
but also utterly alone with themselves.
It is impossible to really know me because you are not me.
Even if you lived every day by me,
the possibility of totally knowing me is impossible.
One person can never feel the same feelings that the other feels
because they aren't’t inside the others head.
I  believe that I can  know only the small parts of another person
which  that individual is willing to show and express.

I strive constantly to establish my own place in this void of existence.
I've already said that I feel it’s to teach others from my knowledge.
I plan to do this by earning my way.
I’ll go eventually to a place where I will have enough knowledge
and experience to know what others experiences were like
and be able to share my views with them.

It is up to a person to accept or reject an idea or experience
so that it fits their beliefs and personality.
I feel that I will make a difference in someones life
by sharing what I have learned.
Just by influencing one person, I will be making an impact
that will ripple and make my place in this universe.
I am something substantial just by being here
and touching others with my own unique aura.

I am who I am.

I am partly molded by the aspects of my journey through life
and I partly mold the journey as I exist.
With my own personal traits that make me who I am in their exact combination,
I become totally unable to copy or ever totally understand.


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May gentle warm wind and star shine envelope you in peace and love. Lindy....  April 2001
May the sun keep you warm,
the rain grow you a flower
and stardust  surround you with serenity.

~Lindy Jo Jones~






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Background and some graphics by Lady DJ
Other graphics by Lindy Jo Jones
Top Graphic Photo by Bobby Blair

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Midi playing is  Spring Rain
© 1999


Lindy's World of Feelings

This page updated: January 2002