Blessed are the Mothers who love God, for their children shall
not be ignorant of their Creator and His plans concerning them.

Blessed are the Mothers who love the word of God, for their
children shall know of the way, the truth and the life.

Blessed are the Mothers who love the house of God, for their
children shall enter there and sit with them in the presence of God.

Blessed are the Mothers who love to pray, for their children
shall feel the power of prayer and many shall find salvation.

Blessed are the Mothers who love to give to the cause of Christ,
for their children shall become tithers and supporters of the Kingdom of God.

Blessed are the Mothers who love the family altar, for they
shall have their reward in this world and in the world to come.

Blessed are the Mothers who love to speak kind words to their
neighbor's children, for thereby they shall win
other boys and girls besides their own to Jesus Christ.

Blessed are the Mothers who love to be companions to their
children, for they shall be called understanding Mothers.

Blessed are the Mothers who love to fight life's battles
bravely with a strong and steadfast faith in God, for their
children shall know where to find strength in time of need.

Blessed are the Mothers who, when they are old and gray,
can look back upon memory's wall with no regret and can say,
"I brought my children up in the fear of the Lord."
Theirs are the mansions in glory.

(Author unknown)


My Husband
More Family Pics
The Critters
To My Son
A Creed To Live By
To My Daughters
A Prayer For The Day
My Awards
What Is A Rainbow?
Ten Little Christians
When I Say I Am A Christian
Emergency Numbers
The Butterfly
The Quest
A Prayer For The Children
A Woman Of Strength
The Lord's Prayer In Perspective
The Will Of God
Cleaning Days
Bless My Kitchen
I Wonder Why
A Mother's Prayer
My Testimony
Hello God
Especially For Mothers
Sweet Memories
Coming Soon

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