There you were in my arms
Sweetest moment in my life
When I gazed into your eyes
Sent from God down to me
Bringing heaven when you came
I knew I'd never be the same
My fondest dreams could all come true
But none compare to you
Welcome to this great big world
My precious little son...

Candy Kisses..muddy hugs...
Priceless moments in the day..
All too soon they've slipped away
First you walk, and then you run
Though I know it has to be
I'm letting go a part of me
My fondest dreams could all come true
But none compare to you...
The greatest gift God's given me
When all is said and done..My son...

I cherish every day with you
Your gentle touch, the way you smile
When you look at me...
To run, to laugh, to play with you
How was I so blessed to be
The mother of a miracle?
And someday I'll be gone, but Oh,
The legacy I'll leave in you my son..

This is my prayer as you grow
That you'll serve the Lord alone
Let this faith become your own
My hopes and dreams could all come true
But none compare to you
The greatest gift I'll leave this world
When my life is done....

My son.

~ © Lisa Johnson

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My Husband
More Family Pics
The Critters
A Creed to Live By
To My Daughters
A Prayer For The Day
My Awards
What Is A Rainbow?
Ten Little Christians
When I Say I Am A Christian
Emergency Numbers
The Quest
The Butterfly
Pray For The Children
A Woman Of Strength
Lord's Prayer In Perspective
The Will Of God
Cleaning Days
Bless My Kitchen
Beatitudes For Mothers
I Wonder Why
A Mother's Prayer
My Testimony
Hello God
Especially For Mothers
Sweet Memories
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