Have you ever been the licker
When the baking's being done
And the sound of scraping brought you
To the kitchen on the run?

Did you watch with eager interest
And a hope inside of you
That the spoon would leave a little
Of that sweet, enticing goo?

Sometimes you licked the beater
Covered thick with something white
It might be meringue or frosting
But the taste was a delight!

Sometimes the cake was chocolate
And if that were the case
When you'd finished all the lickin'
You'd a happy, dirty face.

Perhaps it's years since you were young
Now you're the one who bakes
Who scrapes the bowls and whips the cream
And ices all the cakes.

Leave a little extra clinging
To the beater, spoon and dish
Let the lickers in your family
Get the answer to their wish!

~Marion E. Johnson


My Husband
More Family Pics
The Critters
To My Son
A Creed To Live By
To My Daughters
A Prayer For The Day
My Awards
What Is A Rainbow?
Ten Little Christians
When I Say I Am A Christian
Emergency Numbers
The Butterfly
The Quest
A Prayer For The Children
A Woman Of Strength
The Lord's Prayer In Perspective
The Will Of God
Cleaning Days
Beatitudes For Mothers
I Wonder Why
A Mother's Prayer
My Testimony
Hello God
Especially For Mothers
Bless My Kitchen
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