For those of you looking for a site here. No, I took it away. I've had people sign my guestbook saying that my drawings suck or that they think they are traced. My drawings do not suck. And if there's going to be people who come on my site just to say that my drawings suck, than I am not going to have my drawings out for the public to see. I will only show them to people close to me that will appreciate and actually look at my drawings. And I DO NOT trace my drawings. Nothing that was on this site was traced. Just because you say you are a full time cartoonist doesn't mean that you can just assume that my drawings are traced just because they look like what they are supposed to look like. The characters that I didn't make up, some of them, I have looked off of a picture as a source, but I DID NOT TRACE IT. Did you bother to see the characters that I made up myself? Did you?! They look amazing AND THEY ARE NOT TRACED BECAUSE I MADE THEM UP. So, you stuck up full time cartoonist... maybe you're drawings are just so bad that when you see someone else's drawing that are amazing you just assume they are traced! Who are you to say that they are traced?! It bothers me so much that I put in so much effort into making this site and people just put down my work. Well this is why I have no bloody site anymore! I am not going to put my work out there so that people can put down my pictures or say they are going to steal them, print them out and say that they drew them. All of these comments have been made about my site! Why are people in this world so damn stuck up and need to put others down?!