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Welcome to my website! I am Liquid_Rockface and I decided to build this website when I realized that it would be cool to have one website with loads of useful advice, links and downloads.

Webmasters please feel free to link to my website. I have a banner advert available if you would like it. Just e-mail me for it please.

Please bookmark this website now (ctrl-d)  so that you can find it easily again!

I would like to know what you think of the website. Please fill out the feedback form and guestbook and tell me!

This website is primarily based at Windows 98/ME users. I have had some e-mails asking why I don't cover newer OS's such as Windows XP, and the simple answer is because this website is basically a culmination of my knowledge and experience. I have not used Windows XP extensively, and as such I do not feel I am in a position to competently provide tips, tricks and tweaks on that operating system. Much of the content on my pages, however, is applicable for people of all OS's, with the only difference being the way you go about doing those things.

Contact Me:

I would like to constantly update this website, but I can't do that without your help. Please e-mail me comments, suggestions, and your own tips and tricks, at, fill out the aforementioned feedback form or sign my brand new guestbook! I always return e-mails and you should get a response within a week or less. 

Just one small request: If you e-mail me for advice or because you would like me to help you with a problem, please sign my guestbook as a sign of appreciation and support!

If you would like to be informed whenever I discover something that I find useful or I do a major update, please e-mail me and ask to be added to my list of people that I mail. You can unsubscribe at any time. Your e-mail will not be used for me to spam you! I might at most e-mail you once every 1-2 months. It will just be a plain simple e-mail to the tune of: 

"Dear John, I discovered that you can make your Pentium 1, 100MHz run like a Pentium 4, 2 GHz just by going to start>run and typing 'beam-me-up-scotty'. "

This is totally nonsense, but you get the idea! I will not e-mail you to inform you of trivial things or general computing news unless it's particularly interesting.

You can also meet me on the weekend in the Yahoo! Chat Help room. As you probably have worked out, my Yahoo! nickname is Liquid_Rockface!

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Additional Notes:

Note: At the top of some longer pages, I have navigation hyperlinks to items on the page to make searching for information a little quicker. However, please feel free to scroll through all the information on the page if you have more time.

This website is best viewed using Internet Explorer 4 or higher, and a screen resolution of 800X600. I have just recently however made this website fully compatible with Opera, Netscape and other browsers. It also looks ok in 640X480 resolution (who would want to use that anyway??) and no longer should you find buttons and images overlapping and misaligning themselves.

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