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Fighters Overview

Marvel vs Capcom 2 is being developed simultaneously on arcade and Dreamcast formats. Each starts of with a default 18 character list, plus 10 characters unique to the arcade and 6 default to Dreamcast, but hidden on arcade. There are also 24 additional hidden characters boxes on the arcade version, but only 16 for the Dreamcast. That's 52 total for the arcade, 40 for DC.

Arcade select screen

Hidden Characters
One of the unclear issues about this game is the release of secret characters. The arcade version has 28 default character with room for 24 hidden fighters. These include the characters which are default on the Dreamcast. So it's fair to say the Arcade will have every fighter. The Dreamcast, on the other hand only has 24 default character with 16 question boxes. It's probable that you can port any secret character from the Arcade to the Dreamcast using the VMU, including the Arcade's default characters but you're limited to 16 hidden fighters total.

Marvel newcomers
On the Marvel side, Cable and Marrow are in as entirely new fighters. Cable is Cyclop's son from the future and uses a variety of futuristic weapons. He looks like his father, but taller and heavier. Although he doesn't combo well, his individual attacks do great damage. Marrow once fought against the X-Men as a Morlock, but has now joined their ranks. She is a small, fast fighter and uses the bones on her back to attack.

Marvel debutants Marrow and Cable

Capcom newcomers
On the Capcom side, Amingo and Ruby Heart are original characters, while Sonson is from an old game on the NES by the same name (her name is on the shop in Ryu's SFAlpha stage). She takes after the monkey god of chinese mythology - she can walk on the ceiling and summon a cloud. For her super combos, she turns into a giant monkey, ala Dragon Ball, turn her opponent into fruit for her second or crush her opponent with a giant staff for her third. She is searching for a cure to a disease. Amingo is a human plant, who seeks to stop a wind that has been drying up other plants. Ruby Heart is a female pirate out to mind a mythical armour, which is apparently fuels the storyline for this game. One of her supers calls in a pirate ship which skewers her opponent before firing it's cannons.

Ruby Heart, Sonson and Amingo

Returning and ported characters
Many players are enthusiastic about the range of Capcom's classic characters being ported or revived for this one great party. Guile is back and cooler than ever, with a cool Chun Li like air super. Anakaris and B.B. Hood have come over from the Darkstalkers games, while Hayato has been ported from Plasma Sword, a 3D Capcom fighting game. Fans of Resident Evil's Jill Valentine can also celebrate her fighting game debut.

Table of character origins

Default characters




Darkstalkers series

Akuma (Arcade)

Various SF, XMvsSF, MSHvsSF

B.B. Hood (Arcade)

Vampire Saviour (Darkstalkers 3)



Captain America


Captain Commando (Arcade)

Captain Commando, MvsC


X-Men series, Marvel Crossover series

Dr. Doom

Marvel Super Heroes

Gambit (Arcade)

X-Men vs. Street Fighter


SFII series, SFEX2, SFAlpha3




Plasma Sword

Hulk (Arcade)



X-Men vs. Street Fighter

Jill (Dreamcast)

Resident Evil 1 & 3

Jin (Arcade)

Cyberbots, Marvel vs. Capcom

Juggernaut (Arcade)

X-Men vs. Street Fighter

Magneto (Arcade)

X-Men: COTA, (MSH?), XMvsSF, (MSHvsSF?)

Morrigan (Arcade)

Darkstalkers series, MvsC

Psylocke (Dreamcast)

X-Men: COTA, Marvel Super Heroes

Rogue (Dreamcast)

X-Men vs. Street Fighter

Ruby Heart



All Street Fighters and Marvel Crossovers

Shuma Gorath (Arcade)


Sakura (Dreamcast)

Various SF, MSHvsSF





Strider Hiryu

Strider, MvsC

Tron Bonne (Dreamcast)

Megaman Legends


X-Men series, Marvel Crossover series


Marvel vs. Capcom


Most Street Fighters, Marvel Crossover series

Helpers? Bosses? Endings?
The helper system from MvsC has been abandoned, in favour of the Variable Assist feature of Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter. There is one boss, Abyss, who comes in three stages. There is only one ending, which is reportedly very lame and isn't worth describing.

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