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G a m e   H e l p e rs (cheats!)
SeeD Test answers for those of you who don't want to suffer from hours of pointless unecessary readings in the "Tutorial" section. lol.
gamefaqs.com I've directed you to the page where they have all the walkthrough for not only ff8, but other games as well. Excellent guides.

F M V's:   m o v i e s
Rinoa.mov:  Rinoa's introduction scene
I don't own this file. I just thought to share this with those of you who don't own the game: buy it
Intro: Indroduction to the game. Dazzling!

C u r s o r s   &  I c o n s <<requested>>
Cursors : pointers of final fantasy 8 characters for your desktop.
Icons : Files with ff8 characters to primp up your computer.