My Webpage


Hello Everyone, This Is my site,
and it's pretty much dedicated
 to pissing you off. If I cannot
 manage this, please email me,
 and I'll have your inbox flooded
 with more gay porn than you
 can imagine. Oh, if you find this
 interesting, head over to
my friend's page.
Plenty of hate there too.


Email me at

Steve's Page


Ideas/Thoughts Other Stuff Hate Pages
You know... Religion Bashing Everyone loves jesus...
Declaration Chris's Paintball Gun The Greenland Theory
Homorock 2 * 2 = 5, really Mountain Dew
My History SONGS, LISTEN DMANIT Stereotypes

I prefer not to disclose my name, for
various reasons, most notable the
fact I can be sued for slander. But ah well,
I'll just say it's because it makes me a
total badass. I go to Dundee schools,
and I guess I seem to be a well mannered
 guy. The fact is, i hate you all. Especially
the stupid preppy bastards. "ooh let's
 be cool and spend more money on
 clothes than on most people's
college education!" You should all die.
but that's beside the point.
