Stereotypical hate |
from the name of the page, you may have thought that the point of this page was to bash people taking stereotypes of others. just because of that im going to spite you and write about each one's stupidity. piss off. |
picture curtesy of K1b0wl3r |
Punk Rockers, aka 'stoners' |
Punks are often antisocialistic youngsters that forsake trends because either a). they dont fit in or b). dont have the money/inspiration/modivation to. They dress, act, and overall are the opposite of what society tells them to be. This forms an interesting bond, they're just a reflection of mainstream. Afterall, what are they to do without a society to go against? |
Preps |
Preps are your average aberzombie and bitch wearing jocks and sports heros that mainstream has deemed "in". Superficiality is a large factor in these people, so often they are the prettiest, most popular of all the social stereotypes. Each one exibits shallow and selfish behavior in an effort to impress people and garner the social attention they so crave. Ask a prep what kind of music is their favorite. A good chance is that they'll say 'pop', or 'everything'. Because, of course, if they took a different stand than that of their peers, they may actually end up having opinions. Gasp. Burn in hell. |
Rivetheads |
What to say, sort of like punks, only drunker. |
see next page, cause geocities is homosexual |