What Michael Means To Us

This page is dedicated to Michael to commemorate the 15th anniversary of his death. On this page are the thoughts, feelings and memories of Michael expressed by some of his many fans from all over the world. If you would like to be included on this page please email Jenny D or Helen B, our email addresses are on the main page, in 200 words or less and include your favourite picture of Michael. We will be happy to add your tribute to this very special man.

I first saw Michael on Bonanza when I was about eight. I thought he was the greatest (and best looking) actor I'd ever seen. My opinion hasn't changed. I continued to watch whatever he was in from then on. When I heard the news that Michael had cancer, I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I was sure he would beat it - he was Michael Landon - how could he not. As much as I hoped and prayed he would live, it wasn't to be. I still feel sad when I think about how much he suffered towards the end of his life and how much he's missed out on. We are left to wonder how the rest of Michael's life would have turned out if he'd been given the gift of old age. But Michael left us a gift - hundreds of hours of his work to enjoy. Whenever I'm feeling down, I only have to slip a tape in the VCR and things suddenly always start to look a lot better. I believe Michael made a difference in a lot of lives and he left the world a better place than he found it.


Helen B (Australia)   

Michael has left me with the values he stood for throughout his life. I admire the courage he showed. He has taught me to stand up for things I believe.

From his early performances where he was so cute and boy like and his Bonanza days as Little Joe where he grew before our eyes, through to the special messages he gave in his Little House on the Prairie and Highway to Heaven episodes Michael has always been a positive influence on me.

I feel his spirit is often with me in my life. I sometimes listen to Michael singing Shenandoah and feel he is there. I can look up at the sky at night and see one star that is brighter than all the rest ...to me that is him looking down. He was a very special man who will be in my heart, forever.

Jenny D (Australia)


Mike and I

It seems as if Mike has been in my life for almost all of my whole life. When I was approximately 10 years old, my grandparents lived with us, and my grandfather and I watched all the westerns that filled the 1960s television airwaves. On Saturday nights, we watched Gunsmoke, and on Sunday nights, we watched  a slightly newer western called Bonanza. I hadn’t really paid too much attention until an episode called My Brother’s Keeper aired in the fourth season, and the needle on my pre-adolescent “crush-meter” went full-tilt. Yes, Little Joe Cartwright, writhing in pain so exquisitely from a wolf bite, had grabbed my attention and things would never be the same. There was just something about him that spoiled me for any other TV man for all time to come. It certainly was his handsome face, with those eyebrows that had a life of their own. I think the curly hair might have contributed, also. Handsome as he was, he was equally as deep emotionally, and had his own hidden scars, which he drew upon in his work. I never tire of learning new things about him………I am endlessly fascinated by him.

Debbiejo (USA)

I honestly can’t remember a time that Michael Landon wasn’t a part of my life. I grew up watching Bonanza – it was required viewing in our household – and although I was probably more interested in the horses at that time, there was never any doubt that Little Joe Cartwright was my favourite!

Later, I was a huge fan of Little House on the Prairie, although I didn’t immediately connect Charles Ingalls with Little Joe! Oh, the innocence of childhood. But I loved that series and even as an adult find it a joy to watch. Michael certainly knew what he was doing when he created that series.

As a young married woman, I fell in love with him all over again as the angel Jonathan Smith in Highway to Heaven. Other actors had come and gone, but I had been watching Mike for decades and loved everything he ever did.

The day he died, I was shaken rigid. I was stunned – how could he be gone while still so young?

Fortunately for us, thanks to the magic of DVDs and video, Mike will live forever and he is, if anything, more dear to me than ever.

Rona Y (Scotland)


I really couldn’t say why I’ve stayed faithful to Michael, through all these years. There are times when I watch him on screen and cringe with embarrassment, there are other times when I wonder at his expressiveness, and yes, his beauty. I only know that when he is on screen I only watch him and what he’s doing. Other people talk of Pernell’s long eyelashes, Lorne’s toupee, I’ve not seen them, I only watch Michael. While others around me were swooning over the Beatles and whoever was the latest heartthrob, I was still thinking of Michael. Years would go by and he wouldn’t be featured in anything, I would scan the papers every day to see if there was something with him on the television. Of course now I can watch him as many times as I want to with the advent of recorders, DVD.

When he died all desire to visit America left me, he wasn’t there anymore, what was the point. I did go, eventually; but it was to see his grave and not hopefully catch a glimpse of this man who has invaded my life and my thoughts for 48 years.

The picture wasn’t signed for me unfortunately, but he touched it, and that’s all that matters.

Pat  W (France)


In the 1960s, Little Joe Cartwright galloped across my TV screen and life
 would never be the same again! Joe who loved his Pa and brothers dearly,
 Joe with the magic green jacket and faithful pinto and Joe whose dazzling
 smile lit up the world.

 But very soon I became curious about Michael Landon and was moved by the
 hardships that he had overcome and his humanitarian beliefs. My admiration
 for his talents and beliefs grew as "Little House" and "Highway to Heaven"
 became an internationally successful series.

 By then I was a successful geologist but I found the bigotry and unethical
 practices in my workplace abhorrent. I vividly recall deciding to resign
 as it coincided with "Highway" screenings and many of Jonathan Smith's
 challenges seemed to echo my own. I felt Michael's influence in reality in
 my own life.

 I became a self-employed business consultant incorporating human equality
 and human rights into my work. Today I wear a bracelet inscribed with
 Michael's words "Remember Me". I wear it for those I love, for those who
 suffer in this world and for Michael who will always be a part of my

 Hilary T (UK)


Michael Landon “The Man”:   I have watched him, I have listened to him and I have read about him.  Yet I feel I know so little about him.

Michael Landon “The Actor”:
  I have been moved by him, I have adored him and I have laughed and cried with him, yet I never got enough of him.

Michael Landon “The Creator”:  His writing has deeply touched my feelings and emotions.  At times it has made me question, examine and review my life, my family and myself, yet I feel he had so much more to write for us.

I guess that one of the things I admire most in Michael Landon, is that he believed in himself.  That belief, gave him the willpower, determination and confidence to overcome any barriers and achieve his goals and his dreams.  He lived his life his way, making his own judgements and sometimes paying for the consequences.  In a lot of cases these experiences inspired and influenced his imagination and unleashed his creativity into written form.

Thank you Michael …. In my dreams you are still my hero……!!

Elizabeth C (Australia)


Michael arrives at my life, 30 years ago, when I was 9 years old I remember I saw the Bonanza episode, The First Born and I said to my mum, from today I am going to be a Mike Landon fan.
I didn't know anything about him and began to buy magazines with news articles about him in an almost compulsive form, In Argentina he always was an idol, all the women fall in love with his green eyes.
Today spent 30 years, being mother, of a boy, I even conserve his photos in my wall of my bedroom, like as a teenager, there isn't a day in which it does not remember him, I dare to say is no moment in which does not remember him, is the love of my life.
He stay with us forever,


As said the song,
You're here, there's nothing I fear,
And I know that my heart will go on
We'll stay forever this way
You are safe in my heart
And my heart will go on and on
Yes Mike, tu estàs a salvo en mi corazon, te amo

Cristina (Argentina)


When I'm lonely and in doubt, I turned to Landon the only father that I know.   I was in a place so to speak, that was lonely and needed someone that I could talk too. How I wish I could have meet him, to be honest and true, it hurts me so that I never have met him. I searched for someone that is related to him, so I could talk to them, but to no avail. I could not find a way through to someone. It hurts that I lost the only autograph that he sent me in a fire in 1993, and forever I will be lost so to speak.  My life sort of reflects with his in ways that,  I can not tell. I felt like I did not belong and had a sort of cave I would turn to dream, of a place I would like to be. And in school I was taunted. So I will just add that I was also the class clown. So much is true, I do understand. Even now I must admit, I still feal like I don't belong even in my family life as well. But Landon is the one that helps me through, as days go by. His shows and movies that I see, and that I'm hunting  for help me through, but I wish I could talk to someone who can tell me more about the one that means more to me then he would ever know. 

Chrissa B


An Ode To Michael

It is so hard to describe the emotions that I feel

I think about you constantly, to me you are so real

It's not just about your body or the beauty of your face

To me it is the inner you on which I contemplate.


You gave us all such happiness as you went about your day

Never claiming to be perfect, sometimes you lost your way

But all the time were striving to be a better man

Caring for the underdog, giving a helping hand.


There are those that try to knock you; put a blemish on your name

I guess that's part of the territory that goes along with fame

But from all I've read that's written, from those who knew you well

You loved life and people and of that they're proud to tell.


As a father of so many, your love was always true

And the little kid inside you continued to shine through

Your laughter and your smile is the memory that I hold

And certainly when God made you he must have broke the mould.


You were a cowboy, a father, an angel and a man

And I just wanted to pay tribute in the only way I can

So let's keep this day special and say a little prayer

For Michael, rest easy, from all of us that care.

1st July 2005

Territell (England)


I loved Michael Landon since the beginning
when I watched Little House on the Prairie when
I was maybe 5 or 6. I was fascinated by the LHOTP
actors/actresses but, I was fascinated by
Michael Landon when I had some problems
in my pre-teens and early teens, He helped
me through these times I can hear him in
my mind "Grace, you can do it!, and God and
I will help you." Michael and I had a special
relationship, I looked up online, books,etc.
on Michael Landon, I even have one book based
on him and 2 pictures of him. He was and will always
be special to me. When I have problems or feel alone
I turned to Michael Landon and God for help. My great-
aunt LOVES him too we watch all of his shows Bonanza,
LHOTP, and HWH. I will miss him but, he will be in my
heart for life.


Grace G (USA)


Was Mike Landon “just another pretty face”? Well, he did have an enviably athletic body and angelic looks; plus the type of personality that women adored and men envy. But this would be to ignore his undeniable talents as actor, writer, producer and director, to deny his business acumen, his charitable works and his love of family. 

Mike strove throughout his life to be the best he could possibly be – and admitted no obstacles. Put a barrier in his way and Mike would regard it as a personal challenge to triumph over.

 And triumph he did. Mike left so many memories, so many golden dreams that lighten our lives – and yet this is tinged with sadness as we yearn for the years denied him.

 I love Mike for the example he set in never giving up; for the precious memories that brighten my darkest moments; for his stubbornness and for the moments of pure genius – and for the laughter and the smiles.

 Mike dreamt the impossible dream – and he had the courage, fortitude, talent and downright bloody-mindedness to see it to fruition. An inspiration in his lifetime, Mike’s legacy continues on, sounding a clear note down through the years.

Claire O (Scotland)


“To dream the impossible dream
To fight the unbeatable foe
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go

To right the unrightable wrong
To love pure and chaste from afar
To try when your arms are too weary
To reach the unreachable star

This is my quest
To follow that star
No matter how hopeless
No matter how far

To fight for the right
Without question or pause
To be willing to march into Hell
For a heavenly cause

And I know if I'll only be true
To this glorious quest
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest

And the world will be better for this
That one man, scorned and covered with scars
Still strove with his last ounce of courage
To reach the unreachable star.”



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