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A New Little Life

~William Alton Tuck~
Named after his paternal grandfather and maternal grandmother!!

A little angel to watch over lil Al!!

Thank you for sharing yet another miracle with Mark and me. This sweet baby is a special gift to me, you see, God called my daddy home just after I found out this little one was on the way. At first I resented the new little life inside me because I felt like it was stealing my daddy's life!! You know the old wives tale for each new life that comes into the world one is taken!! It was really hard when the doctor did the first ultra sound and told me it was a girl!! I had been wanting a little girl forever but I could find no joy in the news!! All I could think was; "Daddy I finally am having a little girl...your only grand daughter and you didn't even live to see her!!" The next ultra sound revealed a little boy!! I cried all the way home!! Mark thought I was disappointed and kept telling me he was sorry!! They were tears of joy and sorrow!! When I thought it was a girl and daddy had died, I found myself wishing it was a little boy so I could name it after my dad!! Now I had to ask Mark if he would agree to naming him William Alton. William for his mom and Alton for my dad. We had joked around and said if we ever had another boy we would name it William Benson after his mom and dad so I wasn't sure how he would feel. Barely able to talk, I asked him between sobs if he would mind us naming him for my dad and calling him little Al. I think he was so relieved I wasn't disappointed that he agreed!! So now we wait for the birth of a fifth son!! I told you I had wanted a girl *L* I feel him moving and hicuping and I am enjoying each moment!! Don't forget to bookmark our page so you can count down the days with us!!

Our New Baby Is Due
December 26, 2000
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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We now have 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours and 0 minutes before the baby is born....Little Al is here!!

Mommy's Tummy Ache

Your daddy got food poisoning,
And was sick two days before,
Then I got really sick too,
And my tummy felt real poor!!

But mommy didn't get well,
In just a day or two,
So I took an EPT test,
And found my virus was you!!

So now in just a few months,
You will make your big debut.
And mommy can hardly wait,
To get a look at you.

So enjoy the cake and ice cream,
Grow big and strong each day.
I'll start fixing up the nursery,
So you'll have a place to stay!!

This poem written by Lynne
for her precious son,lil Al
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©2001-All rights reserved

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I know my mommy loves me,
She takes good care of me!!
And she made all these great pages,
For everyone to see!!

This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©1999-All rights reserved


Visit to adopt a little angel!!

This graphics set was created by .

Stacy created this set just for my new baby, please don't take it!!

~The graphics are all originals on this page and are not for download!!~

This web site was created by CL&M Tuck © 1997, 1998, 1999 & 2000.

This site was last updated Wednesday, September 12, 2001.

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