Please read 1 Samuel Chapters 1-3 and answer the following questions:

1. Elkanah was married to Hannah and Peninnah. Why was Hannah so sad?

2. What promise did Hannah make to the Lord? Did she carry it through?

3. What does the name "Samuel" mean? Why was he named this?

4. Reflect on Hannah's prayer. What do you learn about her? Is she a good role model?

5. Describe the behavior of Eli's sons. What can you predict about them?

6. In what way did the Lord continue to bless Hannah?

7. Summarize the prophecy of the man of God found in chapter 2. How does this relate to Samuel?

8. What did the Lord reveal to Samuel in a vision?

9. Why was Samuel reluctant to discuss the vision with Eli? How did Eli react to the vision? What does this tell you about the character of Eli?

9. Explain the following: "And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him, and did let none of his words fall to the ground." How is imagery important to the meaning of this line?

10. What news was spread from Dan even to Beer-sheba?

Please read chapters 4-5 and answer the following questions:

1. There were fierce battles between Israel and the Philistines during chapter 4. What losses were suffered by Israel?

2. How did these losses directly effect Eli and his family? What made him fall?

3. What happened to the Arc of the Covenant?

4. What happened when the Arc of God was brought to Ashdod to the house of Dagon?

5. What happened when it was brought to both Gath and Ekron?

6. What was decided at the end of chapter 5?

Please read chapters 6-8 and answer the following questions:

1. Why did the Philistines return the Arc of the Lord to Beth- shemesh? What did they add to it?

2. Why did the Lord smite the men of Beth-shemish?

3. What was the destiny of the Arc by the end of chapter 6?

4. Where was the Arc kept after the men of Kirjath-jearim fetched it?

5. What advice did Samuel give Israel? Did they follow his advice?

6. What happened with the coasts of Israel?

7. What is the difference between a judge and a king? How does this relate to chapter 8?

8. What decision was made by the end of this chapter?

Please read 1 Samuel chapters 9-11 and answer the following questions:

1. Describe Saul's family roots.

2. What lead Saul to the land of Zuph?

3. How did Samuel know Saul was coming?

4. Why did Samuel send Saul's servant ahead of him?

5. What physical description are you provided about Saul?

6. Describe the signs that Samuel provided to Saul that came to pass. What do they mean?

7. Why did Samuel anoint Saul with oil?

8. Why do you suppose Saul didn't tell his uncle everything Samuel revealed to him?

9. What did Samuel preach to the people about?

10. How did Saul react when he was called forward?

11. How did the people react to Saul? Did they accept him?

12. What happened between the Amonnoites and Jabesh? What does this tell you about Saul?

13. Are the people accepting Saul? Explain.

Please read chapters 12-14 and answer the following questions:

1. What warnings did Samuel give to the people of Israel in chapter 12? Are they convinced? Explain.

2. What decisions did Saul make during the second year of his reign? What happened as a result of these decisions?

3. Why was Samuel upset with Saul? Explain.

4. At the end of chapter 13, why were the people with Saul and Jonathan without sword or spear? Explain.

5. What act showed Jonathan's great faith in the beginning of chapter 14?

6. What lack of communication problem caused Jonathan to make a big mistake?

7. Why wasn't Jonathan put to death because of his actions?

8. Name Saul's wife and children.

Please read 1 Samuel chapters 15-17 and answer the following questions:

1. Why did the Lord want Saul to smite Amalek?

2. What specific instructions about this this Saul receive?

3. Did Saul obey all of these instructions? Explain.

4. Why did the Lord reject Saul as king over Israel?

5. What lesson is taught in this chapter?

6. Why did the Lord tell Samuel to bring a horn filled with oil to Jesse of Bethlehem?

7. Where was David when Samuel was meeting with his father and brothers?

8. Describe David's appearance.

9. What happened after David was annointed by Samuel?

10. What immediately happened to Saul?

11. Explain how David became Saul's armourbearer.

12. What happened to Saul when David played his harp?

13. Who came out of the valley when Israel was on one mountain and the Philistines on the other?

14. How tall is six cubits and a span?

15. What is promised to the man who defeats Goliath?

16. What argument did David give to Saul to be able to fight Goliath?

17. Describe the battle between David and Goliath.

18. What happened as a result of this battle?

Please read chapters 18-20 and answer the following questions:

1. What happened between David and Jonathan?

2. How did the song of the women play a part in changing Saul's feelings toward David?

3. What trick did Saul play on David? Did it work?

4. Describe David's reputation by the end of chapter 18.

5. Why do you suppose Saul wanted to kill David?

6. How were both Jonathan and Michal helpful to David?

7. Why are the messengers unsuccessful? What true power is behind David?

8. What happened to Saul at Ramah?

9. What covenent was formed during chapter 20? Explain.

10. Describe Saul's reaction when David wasn't present at dinner.

11. How did Saul threaton Jonathon? Explain.

12. What happened at the end of chapter 20 between David and Jonathon? Explain.

13. Make a prediction. Where do you think David is going now? What do you think is going to happen to him?

Please read 1 Samuel Chapters 21 -23 and answer the following questions:

1. What did David acquire when he saw Ahimelech at Nob?

2. Why do you suppose David acted like a mad man when he went to see Achish the king of Gath?

3. Describe David's new army.

4. Why did the prophet Gad tell David to go to Judah?

5. What did Doeg the Edomite do against David?

6. What happened to the priests of the Lord? Why?

7. What happened in Keilah? How does this show the will of God?

Please read 1 Samuel chapters 24-26 and answer the following questions:

1. Much can be learned by reading about Saul and David in the cave of En-gedi. What new knowledge did Saul walk away with? What did David learn?

2. What agreement did these men come to as they parted?

3. Describe the character of Abigail. What information are you provided about her? What act gained David's favour?

4. Describe the character of Nabal. What does the word "Nabal" mean? He is from the house of "Calab", what do you know about the translation of this word? Why did David become so upset with Nabal? What happened to Nabal at the end of chapter 25?

5. How did Abigail react to the news of David's servants? Who is Ahinoam of Jezreel? What happened to Michal?

6. Why didn't David let Abishal kill Saul when given the chance?

7. Why did David take Saul's sword and flask?

8. Why did David compare himself to a flea while talking with Saul? What did he mean by this?

9. Why do you think Saul gave David his blessing? Do you think he was sincere? Explain.

Please read 1 Samuel Chapters 27-31 and answer the following questions:

1. Why did David stay in the Philistines with Achish at Gath for a year and four months?

2. Why did David invade the Geshurites, the Gezrites and the Amalekites?

3. Why did Achish say David was his servent forever?

4. Why did Saul become so afraid when he faced the Philistines?

5. Why did Saul go to see "a woman that hath a familiar spirit" (28:7) ?

6. What did Samuel say to Saul through this woman? Why did Saul become even more afraid?

7. Why did Achish tell David to return to the Philistines instead of coming with him to battle?

8. What tragedy did David find when he returned?

9. How did David handle this tragedy? What can be learned about the power of God with David's reaction?

10. What statue and ordinance came out of this experience?

11. Why did Saul throw himself upon his sword?

12. What happened to Saul's sons?

13. Where were Saul's bones buried?

This completes our study of 1 Samuel. I hope you enjoyed it!
In His Love,