The Gospel of Luke

Please read Luke chapters 1-4 and answer the following questions:

1. Compare and contrast the two visits of the Angel Gabriel. What information was provided with each visit?

2. Read aloud chapter 2 verses 6-14. Do you notice the musical qualities to these verses? What memories do they invoke in you?

3. Simeon referred to Jesus as "A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of they people Israel". (2:32). What does this line mean? For those of you with The Companion Bible, what can you discover about these words?

4. How did Jesus change as a result of his experience with both the River Jordan and his journey into the wilderness?

5. Why isn't a prophet accepted in his own country?

Please read Luke chapters 5-7 and answer the following questions:

1. What did Jesus mean when he said "thou shall catch men" (5:10)

2. Consider all the healing that takes place in these early chapters. What do they have in common? What is needed in order to be healed?

3. Why does Jesus often ask people "to tell no man" (5:14) about being healed?

4. What did Jesus teach us about the Sabbath in chapter 6?

5. Why is it important for us to love our enemies, do good, and expect nothing in return?

6. What happened in the city of Nain? How did it affect John the Baptist?

7. What is the difference between the Pharisee Jesus ate with and the woman with the alabaster box of ointment? Which one is seen in a positive light? Why?

Please read Luke chapters 8-9 and answer the following questions:

1. Explain the parable of the seed. Why did Jesus teach in parables?

2. When Jesus and His disciples were on the ship, why did these disciples lose faith? What is holding them back?

3. When Jesus commanded the evil spirits out of the man, why were the people of the town so afraid? What caused their fear?

4. Why do you suppose it is okay for this man to speak about how he was healed, but Jesus asked the parents of the girl he restored to life to tell no one?

5. Consider the woman who touched Jesus to be healed from bleeding. Do you think she was wrong to do this? Explain.

6. What advice did Jesus give to his apostles after he gave them power and authority over evil spirits and to cure diseases?

7. Why is the miracle of the loaves and fishes so important? Explain.

8. What is the significance of the appearance of Elias and Moses? What did they tell Jesus?

10. What did Jesus mean when He said "...for he that is not against us is for us."(9:50)

11. Explain the following: "No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." (9:62)

Please read chapters 10-13 and answer the following questions:

1. How did Jesus explain the concept of our neighbors?

2. Are you a Martha or a Mary? Explain.

3. In addition to the Lord's Prayer, what did Jesus teach us about how to pray?

4. Explain the following: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and a house divided against a house falleth." (11:17).

5. What messages were given to the pharisees and lawyers?

6. Explain the following: "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." (12:34)

7. During what time period is the following: "For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three." (12:52) ? What is going on?

8. What lesson was taught with the parable of the fig tree found in chapter 13?

9. What did Jesus teach at the synagogue about the Sabbath day?

Please read Luke chapters 14-16 and answer the following questions:

1. Who should you invite when you make a feast?

2. What is salt being compared to in chapter 14?

3. Compare the stories of the lost sheep and the wasteful son. What similarities can you find with these two stories? What main lesson is being taught?

4. What did Jesus mean when he said "No servant can serve two masters." ? (16:13)

5. Explain what Jesus meant when he said "...for that which is highly esteemed among men is abomination in the sight of God". (16:15) What is important to God? What is important to you? Shouldn't these two things be the same?

6. Consider the rich man who was dressed in purple. Why didn't Abraham grant his request? Explain.

Please read chapters 17-19 and answer the following questions:

1. Jesus healed ten lepers in chapter 17. What is ironic about the one who came back and thanked Him?

2. What information about the second coming is found in chapter 17?

3. Explain the parable of the widow in chapter 18. What does it teach you about prayer?

4. Are you more like a Pharisee or a publican? Explain using your knowledge from chapter 18.

5. What one thing did the ruler lack? How difficult would a similar situation be for you?

6. Jesus is referred to in chapter 18 as "son of David". What does this mean? Why is he called this?

7. These are a number of lessons taught in chapter 19. What do we learn about those who hear God's word but keep it to themselves? What about those who do not believe it? Find scripture proof of these answers in this chapter.

8. What is significant about the way Jesus entered the village during this chapter?

Please read Luke chapters 20-21 and answer the following questions:

1. What is the true meaning behind the man who planted a vineyard? What can you compare it to?

2. What did you learn about Heaven in chapter 20?

3. Why are the scribes going to receive greater damnation?

4. Why are the poor widow's two mites so important?

5. Describe ALL the signs of the second coming in chapter 21.

6. How will you keep from being fooled when others come in His name? 7. Why shouldn't you meditate what to say in your testimony when you are brought before kings and rulers in His name sake?

8. Describe the final signs before the second coming.

9. How will the Son of Man arrive?

10. What instructions are you given to do before you stand before the Son of Man?

Please read Luke chapters 22-24 completing this study. Answer the following questions:

1. What do you suppose motivated Judas to betray Jesus? Was it greed, or something else?

2. Explain the following: "This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of Me." (22:19) Explain what is meant by His "body".

3. Explain the following: "This cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you." (22:20) Explain what is meant by the "new testament" mentioned in this verse.

4. What are the duties of the apostles in the new kingdom?

5. Consider all the suffering that Jesus went through for us. Reflect on chapter 23.

6. During all this suffering, Jesus still continued to teach. What advice did He give to the daughters of Jerusalem?

7. Explain the following: "For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?" (23:31). What does He mean by the "green" and the "dry"?

8. What is the significance of Jesus's last words on the cross? Explain.

9. As the Risen Christ, what did Jesus teach the apostles about the prophets and scriptures? Did they understand?

10. Why is the breaking of bread so important? Explain.

11. What final lesson did Jesus teach the apostles? What were His final instructions before He was carried up into heaven?

12. What is the promise of the Father that Jesus sends to all of us?

I hope you enjoyed this study!
In His Love,