A Short History..

The world's most famous woman was born in Bay City,
Michigan. She is the third of eight children in a
large traditional Italian family. Madonna came by
her distinctive fashion sense and appreciation for
great music having frown up within earshot of
Detroit, and listening to the classic sounds of
Motown while attending school.

In high school Madonna was a cheerleader and
straight-A student. She fell in love with dance
and sometimes spent up to five hours a day taking
dance classes and working out. When she graduated
from high school, she won a dance scholarship to
the University of Michigan. Finding the academic
atmosphere stifling, after a year of college she
set off for New York City in 1977 with just $35
and her suitcase of leotards and toe shoes.
Before long she had earned a spot with the
Alvin Ailey Dance Troupe and for a while worked
as the assistant to modern dance choreographer,
Pearl Lange. After struggling several years in
the dance world, she began to broaden her
artistic horizons. She turned her energies to
music, and the rest, as you know, is an
historical and legendary work in progress...

Born: August 16, 1958
Name: Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone
History courtsey of Warner Bros Records

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