LADY AMALTHEAThe Last Unicorn was, is, and will always be the best movie the world has to offer to children. Through each time I watch it, I still feel some part of me is yet a child. I recommend that each and every child see "The Last Unicorn" as a part of his or her childhood. The Last Unicorn details the journey of one unicorn, determined to discover where the rest of the beings like she have gone. Along the way she meets Shmendrick, a magician who wants to learn "real magic," Molly Grue, and Prince Lir, who falls in love with the unicorn in her human form. The music, by America, is fantastic, and thanks to German Music Express, is now available to TLU fans in the US. The video is now out by ITC films.

Molly Grue: "You've lost her, you've
trapped her in a human body, she'll go

Unicorn: "What have you done to me??
I'm a unicorn! I'm a _Unicorn_! ...I wish
you had let the Red Bull take me. I wish
you had fed me to the harpy! I can feel
this human body _dying_ all around me!...and I
am afraid of this human
body...more than I was of the Red Bull...

Unicorn: "You are a true wizard
now, as you always wished...does it make you happy?"

Shmendrick: "Well, men don't always know when they're happy,
but, I...I think so. And you?"

Unicorn: "I am a little afraid to go home. I have been mortal,
and some part of me is mortal yet. I'm no longer like the
others, for no unicorn was ever born who could regret,and
now, I do...I _regret_."

Shmendrick: "I am sorry...I have done you evil and I cannot
undo it."

Unicorn: "No. Unicorns are in the world sorrow will
live in me as long as that joy, save one...and I thank
you for that part too. Farewell goodmagician. I will try to
go home."

"The Last Unicorn"

When the last eagle flies
Over the last crumbling mountain,
And the last lion roars
At the last dusty fountain.
In the shadow of the forest
Though she may be old and worn
They will stare unbelieving
At the Last Unicorn...
When the first breath of winter
Through the flowers is icing
And you look to the north
And a pale moon is rising...
And it seems like all is dying,
And would leave the world to
In the distance hear her laughter,
It's the Last Unicorn!
I'm alive. I'm alive...

When the last moon is cast
Over the last star of morning
And the future is past,
Without even a last desparate warning.
Look into the sky where through
The clouds a path is formed;
Look and see her how she sparkles
It's the Last Unicorn!
I'm alive. I'm alive. I'm alive...

Beginning of The Last Unicorn
Ending to the Last Unicorn
The Last Unicorn has been my favorite movie for as long as I can remember. Because of the enchantment and the wonderment of whether or not unicorns existed. I believe they have, and still do.

"Man's Road"

Horizon rising up to meet the purple dawn.
Dust demon, screaming, bring an eagle to lead me on.
For in my heart I carry such a heavy load.
Here I am, on Man's road.
Walking Man's road.

I'm hungry, weary, but I cannot lay me down.
The rain comes, dreary, but there's no shelter I
have found.
It will be a long time till I find my abode.
Here I am, on Man's road.
Walking Man's road.

Moon rising, disguising lonely streets in gay
The stars fade, the nightshade, closing makes
the world
It waits in silence for the sky to explode.
Here I am on Man's road.
Walking Man's road.

"In the Sea"

In the sea,
The fish have learned to fly
On a moonlit night
On wings of silver
As the enchanted stars
Sail serenely by.

Do they know
Where do unicorns go?
Where winged horses fly...
Narwhals lost at sea
And never seen again.

Go and ask the magpie,
"Where do unicorns go?"

In the trees
The birds have learned to speak
Many coloured
They keep their secrets
In a parade of clouds
Playing hide and seek.

Do they know
Where do unicorns go?
Where winged horses fly...
Narwhals lost at sea
And never seen again.

Does myth
And mystery lie
Where the unicorns go?

Sayeth the Butterfly:

"Unicorn. Old French, unicorne. Latin, unicornis. Literally,
one-horned: unus,one, and cornu, a horn. A fabulous animal
resembling a horse with one horn!
Visible only to those who search and trust, and generally
mistaken for a white mare. Unicorn."