When we come home, either standing or dead,
to know you remember we fought and we bled
is payment enough, and with that we will trust.
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us.

[an excerpt from a poem written
by an American soldier NOW
stationed in IRAQ!"
Feb. 25, 2005]

A Soldier's Best

I hear the cries and anguish
in a war torn land far away
the echoes of gunfire still ringing

Yet my fondest childhood memories
of a more gentler time remind me
that perhaps there's a reason i'm here

Even though my home is a distant memory
those lessons in love i share and teach
to my comrades, my new friends, and yes even cats

For though i'm a soldier, there's much more to me
a father, a brother, a son, a wife, a sister, a daughter
kindness, compassion, love, and honour and so much more

My only wish; that i never miss even one opportunity,
that one special moment, to share the best of this soldier
with the world around me

and yes ~ even with a cat!



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Let's go back to ~ Season's In Time ~ ...hmmmm?I'm getting confused...maybe we better go back to the beginning again

Let's go back to the EMBERS content page ok???

Why don't you drop me a line ok? The next poem we'll see is ~ Butterflies for Tess ~ ...ok?

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